Azeroth Trail of Light

Vol 7 Chapter 17: .Kunraiyama Hidden Treasure

The strength of the four holy spirits of Pandaria is equivalent to the demigods of Azeroth, but because of their special way of birth, they are difficult to compare with pure demigods.

However, according to the game’s settings, Baihu Xuenu is the strongest existence among the four holy spirits. It is not weaker than the top demigods, while Niuzao is closely followed by the middle and upper reaches of the demigods. Yulong and Chijing are slightly worse. , But not weaker than the demigod of Hakkar.

Like Anvina, the four holy spirits are essentially elemental creatures, so when they really fight, their threat will be even higher!

Dick and Yulong talked secretly for three hours. The cautious and wise **** was still unwilling to hand over the dark secrets buried in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms to Dick, but he agreed to another proposal.

Dick must first find Raiden. After getting the approval of the great guardian, the Four Heavens will open the gate of the Valley of Eternal Blossoms for him, which has been closed for ten thousand years. For this result, the Paladin is not unacceptable. Once in Pandaria, one of the important missions on his shoulders was to find Raiden, the great guardian who has survived to this day.

Whether it’s the plan to attack Ulduar of Titan Prison in the Northern Expedition, or contacting Odin behind Gavincent, Leiden’s help cannot be avoided. The most important thing is that Dick knows where Leiden is. But to go to that place, he must first get another thing.

Yulong’s personality is very good. When Dick asked to leave, it took the initiative to send Dick and An Wei Na to the Valley of the Four Winds. On the one hand, it was the responsibility of "being An Wei Na’s sister". On the other hand, he took the initiative to send Dick and An Wei Na to the Valley of the Four Winds. The Paladin estimated that Qinglong was going to Kun-Lai Mountain to meet Xuen, in order to deal with the upcoming big changes.

But Dick didn’t talk about breaking the four gods’ careful thoughts, but allowed the Qinglong to carry him and An Wei Na to break through the sky, amidst the roars of dragons that shook the heavens and the earth, under the cover of the gorgeous sunset clouds, toward Go in the direction of the Valley of the Four Winds.

Xianglong is a real creature in the sky, and flying is almost the same as instinct for them. For Yulong, the distance is no longer a problem. From the Jade Forest to the Valley of the Four Winds, it takes 2 days in theory. Long distance, but standing on top of Yulong's head, Dick looked at the scenery flying backwards like light and shadow, feeling the wind blowing from the front, and even the Naaru shield in front of him was swaying a little.

It is conceivable how fast the Qinglong's flight speed is.

Only 20 minutes later, Mid-Levels, Pandaria's most famous food and entertainment distribution center, the turbulent scene, has entered Dick's field of vision.

It is a real hill. In the real world, it looks much more shocking than in the game. From the hillside to the mountainside, there are almost a dazzling array of culinary gatherings and hotels opened by pandamen, even in the At this time, the number of tourists here is also a lot, mostly pandamen from nearby farms come for dinner.

The whole half of the mountain is decorated with lights and festoons, as if it is a holiday, the night is coming, so many lanterns are lit, and the light swaying with the wind reflects the extraordinary beauty here.

And when there was still some distance from the middle of the mountain, Qinglong stopped, and accompanied by cyan fluorescence swaying on the huge body of Qinglong, this giant creature soon became the little panda wearing a green robe, and she turned towards Di Ke and Anwina, who was standing on Dick's shoulders, beckoned.

In the starry sky, she turned and walked in the wild grass full of wild grasses, and walked towards Kun-Lai Mountain. Every step she made would leave a little fluorescence on the ground, just a few steps away, and the cyan shadow was just a few steps away. Disappeared in the sky, disappeared in the eyes of two people, and the fluorescence slowly disappeared, just like the most beautiful scenery at the beginning of the night.

From the Valley of the Four Winds to Kun-Lai Mountain, there is still a closed Jinxiu Valley in the middle. It is not a safe journey, and the appearance of Qinglong around the mid-levels in its body will definitely cause unnecessary restlessness. With Qinglong’s character, It is impossible to do such a thing.

Dick opened his arms, moved his body vigorously, and then looked at Anvina, who looked weird on his shoulders.

"What's wrong? Can't you bear it?"

The Sun Spirit curled up and sat on Dick’s shoulders, holding his hair with one hand, and nodding.

"Well, I can't bear it."

"See you again, as long as we are still in Pandaria, maybe next time you will see Baihu, see Zhu He... Hey, speaking of it, what is that?"

An Wei Na also raised her head, a red light was hanging in the distant sky, it looked like an unusual fire cloud, but with the eyesight of Dick and An Wei Na, it was easy to see that it was A bird flying in the sky, very beautiful, very beautiful, very huge bird.

With its wings waving, the mysterious magic pattern gleamed in the air, bringing up a burning light, and the feather feathers above its head, as well as the same floating tail feathers, which are as beautiful as the blue dragon that has just disappeared, and it is as beautiful as the blue dragon. This kind of solemnity is different, this Zhu He's body has a kind of breath that is easier to get close to.

"Big...Big bird! Big red bird! It's so beautiful!"

An Wei Na stretched out her finger, pointed at the fire cloud that was getting closer and screamed. Dick's eyes widened, but then smiled again, and she reached out and touched An Wei Na’s golden hair.

"It's Zhu He! And Lao Chen and the others. They seem to get along well. Would you like to say hello to Zhu He? I heard that he is a kind and knowledgeable brother."

Anvina was a little eager to try. Finally, after Dick pushed her, she flapped the golden wings behind her and flew towards the place where Zhu He landed. Like Qinglong, Zhu He was unwilling to appear by herself. Ordinary Pandaren perceive that, like the demigods of Azeroth, these creatures are not exposed to ordinary people.

Ten minutes later, Lao Chen and others and Dick were sitting in a box of a Pandaren’s tavern. There were Zhu Taran and Zhou Zhuo. The tavern owner cleared out a quiet room almost as quickly as possible. These "big men" dine.

There is no unified government on the Pandaria continent. 70% of the land is under the rule of the Pandaren. Their social regime is very unique. The Shado-Pan is responsible for the military, the mysterious Golden Lotus Sect is responsible for the administration, and the specific affairs are handled by you. Scholars are in charge, so whether it is Taran Zhu or Zhou Zhuo, in the eyes of the pandamen, they are really big people.

Anduin sat next to Dick obediently. After hearing Old Chen talk about his adventures at Zhuhe Temple and the heroic deeds of the little prince, Dick smiled and put his hands on Anduin’s head and rubbed him. He is more and more satisfied with this disciple. He has courage and wisdom, and what is more rare is the knowledge of self-sacrifice and dedication. These are the cornerstones of the Paladin. It is foreseeable that Anduin will definitely become an extremely good Paladin in the future. .

While Dick and Lao Chen and others were talking about each other, Zhu Taran and Zhou Zhuo were silently observing Dick. With their insights, it was easy to see that Dick, who was not amazing, was Being the true leader of this group of people also made Zhou Zhuo very curious, with Old Chen's skill and Anduin's identity, why he would obey Dick's words.

Even when the Paladin placed the chopsticks, everyone actively stopped talking and waited for Dick's speech.

Dick’s gaze fell on Zhou Zhuo, who was looking at him curiously. He smiled and took a glass of wine and toasted Zhou Zhuoyao.

"Thank you, Lorewalker, if it were not for you, my disciple and his friends might have suffered bad luck. It is no exaggeration to say that you have saved the survival of a human kingdom. For this matter alone, Lordaeron and Stormwind will thank you."

Zhou Zhuo was in a daze, because Dick used the language of the Pandaren, which is actually not the language of the Pandaren. In the tens of thousands of years of the cruel rule of the Mogu, the Pandaren’s own language has long since disappeared, so What Dick said was Mogu, which is not very pure, but it means that the whispered communication between him and Zhu Taran just now has all fallen into Dick’s ears, which makes the lorewalker somewhat embarrassed, but he is still very decent. 'S answer said,

"It's nothing, we pandas pay attention to "all natural methods". When we meet, it is fate. My help should be right. By the way, I heard that before you came to Mid-Levels, you went to see Master Qinglong?"

Dick’s aura enveloped the room, causing Zhou Zhuo to subconsciously use the honorific title. Facing his question, the Paladin answered casually,

"Yes, Master Qinglong is currently in the White Tiger Temple. The gods are going to discuss some important things for Pandaria. We are not inconvenienced. By the way, I have one more thing I need you and Zhu Sect to help. ...Well, it's about some ruins in Kun-Lai Mountain."

Taran Zhu immediately became vigilant. This was his instinct as a Pandaria military commander. The base camp of the Shado-Pan was in Kun-Lai Mountain. It is no exaggeration to say that even now, ten thousand years later, the Pandaren are very concerned about that one. The understanding of the things buried in the mountains is even less than one-tenth of the total.

"I want to ask, what kind of ruins are you looking for?"

Taran Zhu drank the plum wine in her hand, wiped her mouth, and said to Dick, "As far as I know, there is nothing in that mountain except some tombs of Mogu warlords. Judging from your style, you are obviously not a historian."

These hard words made Zhou Zhuo’s expression a little awkward. He couldn’t help but quietly touched Zhu Taran’s arm. The monk’s words were too heavy, but Zhu Taran was not moved. Zhou Zhuo was a literati. The first reaction in the event was to resolve it peacefully, but Zhu Taran was a monk, and he knew very well that he would be tough when he should.

This unceremonious voice made Dick shocked, but he was not angry, but calmly put down the wine glass, winked at Old Chen, the monk immediately understood, stood up with his wine gourd, and leaned on the cane. , Walked out of the room.

Obviously, Dick has to say something that is not suitable for ordinary people to hear.

"Anduin, take Lili and your friends to rest, too. It's late at night."

Dick said casually, the little panda with the most noisy personality also cleverly took the grilled fish in his hand, and followed Anduin out of the room. This scene undoubtedly fell in the eyes of the two pandamen, the little panda. It's not entirely fear, but to be precise, it is a kind of obedience mixed with respect.

Not close, but definitely not far away.

Valera and Bearskin also followed Anduin to leave. In the end, only Dick and Taran Zhu and Zhou Zhuo were left in the room.

The Paladin said frankly,

"What I'm looking for is the tomb of Thor!"


Zhou Zhuo sat on the ground with his eyes wide open, and Zhu Taran couldn't help standing up, glaring at Dick.

"Which Thor?"

The Paladin squinted his eyes and opened his hands. "The Thor that you fear most, in your legend, is the only Thor who has completely unified Pandaria. That single-handedly established the Mogu Empire, and the only time to oppose the mantid. The tyrant with the upper hand, even after his death, his empire has been maintained for thousands of years, suppressing nearly ten thousand years with his own power, what I am looking for is his tomb."

"This... this is impossible!"

Zhu Taran's fists clenched, and he said in a deep voice, "Don't say we don't know where the tomb is. Even if we know, I won't allow anyone to make ideas there!"

The Paladin raised his head, his eyes are getting brighter and brighter, and there is even a golden light flowing, like white gold ripples on both sides of the eyes, the invisible aura is opposed to Zhu Taran's aura. , Do not leave the wind at all.

"Actually, this is not up to you anymore, Zhu Sect, Yulong has agreed to me, and Xuenu will not object, you only need to execute it!"

Zhu Taran did not speak, Zhou Zhuo still maintained that funny posture, Dick pointed to the Kun-Lai Snow Mountain in the distance outside the window.

"Thunder God's tomb is east of Qingri Peak, west of Baihu Temple, the place you call Emperor Valley. Below two false tombs, there are Thor's real tombs. I need one of them."

The Paladin slowly poured himself a glass of wine, and then drank it in one gulp. He looked at Zhu Taran and Zhou Zhuo, with a peaceful smile on his face.

"Don’t think I’m robbing you of your things. I wish the head and lore would be the real wise men among the Pandaren. I believe that you all know what all that happened at Zhuhe Temple means and the fog. Blessed, but also a bondage, I came for this, if it goes well... Pandaria will soon return to the civilized world of Azeroth, freedom, that beautiful freedom, isn’t that what you always wanted ?"

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