Azeroth Trail of Light

Vol 5 Chapter 36: .Bronzan's special assessment

In the room of Ahn'Qiraj Temple, the joy of reunion after a long time makes the bronze dragon prince very happy.

The appearance of the illusion of the three companions means that they have not yet died, and it means that there is hope for the thousand years of waiting.

Dick turned his head and looked. The awakening of the Archdruid Malfurion and Hamuul was obviously successful. A night elf and an illusion of a high elf floated beside them, and Anaclos was talking to them.

But Yaregos only greeted Anaclos, and then set his sights on Dick again. This blue dragon seemed to be very interested in Dick.

"You saw that scene, you recognize him, don't you?"

Aregos asked softly, Dick got up from the ground and sat cross-legged across from the dwarf. He took a deep breath and calmed his mind. He looked at the dwarf.

"His Royal Highness said, Deathwing?"

"Well, not many mortals can recognize the Black Dragon King!"

Yaregos' eyes narrowed, "And I smelled a different smell from you, it was the same feeling as my father and king, if I guess right, you, you, as a mortal, became a Titan The guardian? It's an unimaginable miracle."

The blue dragon prince turned his eyes to the warhammer on Dick’s wrist and his left arm.

"Well, the weapons and symbols of the Titan Guardian, wait, I still feel my father's mana, have you seen my father?"

The Paladin nodded, "In Blackrock Mountain, the Dragon King cleared out the black dragon's conspiracy. In that battle, I was fortunate to meet Marichos. With all due respect, your Majesty seemed very lonely."

Hearing Dick’s words, Aregos was silent, and a few seconds later, he laughed again.

"Father is always like that. He bears all the guilt on himself. I didn't even have time to say goodbye to him back then, but being able to appear in the battle where the Dragon King appears is enough to prove your identity, Mr. Guardian, you are already With a more noble status than me, you have entered this circle, so you can call my name directly."

"Well, Yare."

Dick shrugged and asked again, "I'm curious, why did Deathwing appear here? As far as I know, he seems to have been there all these years. By the way, that was 1000 years ago. "

The Paladin patted his head. He was still stuck in the confusion of time. The Blue Dragon took his words and confided a message that stunned Dick.

"I still remember that the Black Dragon King suddenly appeared in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. He seemed to be very familiar with C'Thun. They made a deal. The Black Dragon King used the authority of the Earth Guardian to help C'Thun out of the world. Su En gave the black dragon king a workshop for making some kind of evil void creature."

Yaregos's tone was a bit gritted, "The **** also suggested that C'Thun use my body to reshape its deformed physique, just because the blue dragon has a stronger talent for magic. A sad bastard, because of his Suggestion, I have been tortured for 1,000 years!"

"Wait 2, does it mean leaving the world?"

Dick was keenly aware that the thing that Deathwing did for C'Thun was the key to C'Thun's escape and this thing was something he had never heard of before, so he was naturally quite curious.

Aregos pursed his mouth. Dick's peculiar thinking expression made Dick relax, and then he heard the blue dragon say,

"You know, in the ancient times, the reason why the Titans did not kill the ancient gods was because they were too closely connected with the world. Once the ancient gods were killed, it meant that the vitality of the world was also cut off. The wisdom of the Titans is far beyond what we can imagine. The cages they set up are equally exquisite. As long as the ancient gods don’t give up their connection with the world, they will never want to be separated from the seal. Do you really think it’s just ten thousand years? Is time enough to burst the prison set by the Titans? No, obviously impossible!"

"C'Thun gave up his connection with the world?"

Dick asked, and Aregos nodded, "It gave up, so its power can be limited to reveal this prison, and it also recruited Twilight Cultists, you know them, right? That two-headed ogre , I’ve seen him {is C'Thun’s first believer besides the Wormman, and he is an out-and-out crazy guy!"

"But it is also because C'Thun gave up the connection with the world and gave us the opportunity to kill it completely!"

This time it was the bronze dragon prince Anaklos who was speaking. Obviously, he also got some key information from the other two dragons. A circle of people surrounded Yaregos, and the blue dragon's speech speed also changed. It's much faster, it seems that some kind of danger is felt.

"Do you know why the Qiraji should go to war with you in this obviously unsure of victory? They are persecuted, and C'Thun is about to be completely released from prison. It has given up drawing points from the world, so it needs Plenty of food to satisfy an extremely empty body|Soul is needed! Plenty of souls! The worms do not want to be destroyed by their masters, they can only use war to find new food for their villain masters!"

After the blue dragon finished speaking, the red dragon Keresstratz's eyes swept across Dick and the druid.

"Yes, your soul is the food that the worms offer to C'Thun!"

Melin Sera, the daughter of dreams, also joined the discussion. Her voice was soft and deep, very magnetic.

"But they didn't expect that this time they would recruit a Titan Guardian walking in this world. The great uprising set off by Anubisath can be seen clearly even by us. Humans, I have to say, you did a very good job. K Su En’s awakening has also been interrupted, but this does not mean that we can relax. Time is limited. You must re-seal it before it completes its separation. No, just kill it!"

"Don't worry, friends, C'Thun, who has just left, will not be much stronger than you. Tens of thousands of years of friendship has made it weak to the extreme. You have a great chance of success! Go find more warriors, go find Dragon Legion, go to the Guardian, we only have this chance to kill it completely!"

The illusion of Aregos looked back at the empty wall, where some kind of beast seemed to be staring at him.

"Go away K. Suen is about to wake up, Anaclos, we are bound in the deepest room. We will help you at the critical moment, let's go!"

Anaclos opened his hands, the yellow quicksand whirlpool appeared beside a few people, and the bronze dragon prince yelled to his companion with some dismay,

"Don't worry, hold on, friends, we will come to rescue you soon!"

The illusion of the three-headed dragon of Yaregos nodded towards the four people, and then disappeared into the air. The bronze dragon, the Archdruid, and Dick also turned and jumped into the time vortex. Less than 2 seconds later, An obscure force swept across the entire temple, and when it reached the entrance of the temple, it was obstructed by an invisible boundary.

It did not find the prophet Skram imprisoned in the stream of time, everything was normal, so a few seconds later, C'Thun's consciousness returned to the lowest hall of the ground.

It takes time!

Useless worms do not matter even if they die. Their souls will nourish the ancient gods, and it does not matter how many invaders are. As long as they can get out of trouble, these mortals will only become a powerful nourishment for them.

After all, they are just the residue of the world, meaningless!


In a corner of the Great Desert of Sousse, Dick fell out of the air half a meter high, staggeringly standing among the soft quicksand, then the druid, then the bronze dragon prince. However, the moment Anaclos appeared, he used the time vortex to send the Archdruid away again. It seemed that he and Dick had something to say privately.

"The current situation seems to be beneficial to us."

Anaclos stood beside Dick, his expression a bit solemn, "But this advantage is temporary, the seriousness of this matter has exceeded the height of the World War, I want to go back and report to my father, but said To be honest, don’t count on the Dragonflight too much, Dick knows that we can’t draw so much power."

"The terrain of the underground world is also not conducive to dragon fighting!"

Dick took the conversation, "The place is too narrow. Unless it is an adult dragon that can fight with a mortal body, your fighting power will be compressed to the extreme. Can you invite the Dragon King to come over?"

Anaclos swayed, "Don’t be delusional, Dick, the war in Blackrock Mountain is because it is a civil war in the giant dragon itself. The last time you and your friends caused little movement in the Dalaran Plains, Did you know that the entire continental shelf of Northrend has cracks, and the violent mountains and the Dragonbone Wilderness are full of cracks. This incident has broken the Dragon King's heart, but it is a major issue related to the stability of the world. It is difficult for them to have time to come over."

"But C'Thun"

"C'Thun is our trouble now! Dick!"

Anaklos stared at the Paladin solemnly, "You must have the consciousness of a guardian of the Titans. With this identity, the things you will encounter in the future are destined to be more complicated. Do you have to rely on the Dragon King or other guardians every time? Do you help? There has not been a real guardian in this world for 10,000 years. The elementary has something that the elementary needs to deal with, and the high-level has high-level troubles. If you break into this incident, you have to think Ban it!"

"This is your responsibility 2 is my responsibility!"

Hearing this, Dick's eyes widened suddenly.

"You and you too"

"The dragon king is the guardian, and the direct heirs of these dragon kings also have the identity of the primary guardian, otherwise why are we called the Guardian Dragon Legion?"

Anaclos glanced at Dick, "Dick, this world is big, we are all just a member of the system left by the Titans, and you will know more secrets soon. But all Everyone is looking at you! Dick, we are all looking forward to what kind of surprises the first guardian in tens of thousands of years will bring to this already overwhelmed world, so far, as a mortal , You are doing very well! But as a guardian, you are not doing enough!"

"C'Thun will be your stage, Dick Bro. Whether you deserve this title or not depends on your performance."

The first stage of "Di's "Road to Titan": "Bro's Significance" opens!"

"Explanation: Kill C'Thun and get the approval of the Guardian Dragon Legion} to become a member of the Guardian."

"reward:"? ? ? ""

At the moment when the sound in his mind came up, Anaclos flapped his huge wings and disappeared into the beautiful starry sky of Suss, leaving Dick standing alone on the sand, thoughtful.

He looked up at the starry sky that contained endless secrets. Perhaps in this starry sky, a powerful soul was watching him. At the beginning, Dick thought all he had to do was to twist the fate and reverse the fate of the world. He did It's very good.

But now, he found in a daze that reversing the fate was only an incidental task in his fate, and even the main task could not be ranked, the way of the Titan, the way of the Titan!

"What the **** does Nuogan Nongdan want to do!!!"

Dick shouted towards the silent starry sky with his teeth and claws, jumping like a madman and cursing all kinds of foul language. After becoming a Paladin and demanding himself with the chivalry rules, Dick has not been so indulgent for a long time. Ten minutes later, the tired Paladin opened his arms and fell backwards in the soft sand. He panted, opened his hands, and tried to catch some stars like a dutiful man.

"Ah the guardian sounds like an excuse to thank you, Norgannon, thank you for giving me such a wonderful life, but you are still a bastard! I won't be defeated by this little setback! Wait and see!"

"I'm the man who is going to the sea of ​​stars!"

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