Azeroth Trail of Light

Vol 5 Chapter 22: .Codename: Bronzan-the real secret of the world!

At the moment when the elemental core was reignited, Hamuul reacted. He subconsciously waved his hand to block all those who tried to approach Dick. Naralex’s reaction was even more impressive. The staff in the hands of the Arch Druid was on the ground With a single tap, the black thorns on the inner and outer layers pulled everyone, especially Jaina and Liadrin, back from Dick. Sounds of Nature WWW. ⒉

"Dick, what's the matter with that thing? Does its energy fluctuate drastically?"

The Arch Druid complexion was solemn. He could imagine what terrible consequences would be caused if the thing that had turned into a hot lava fireball in the palm of Dick's hand, and continuously radiated crimson light from the cracks on the surface, burst. .

"No! It... it doesn't look like it's going to explode, but I can feel it."

Dick's voice was a little nervous, "I can feel that if I let go, it might change badly."

Dick's words made the Arch Druid breathe a sigh of relief, but then his eyes became serious.

To be honest, this is the first time the Archdruid has encountered this situation. When the elemental creatures are about to die, they will choose to explode their core. That kind of explosion is instantaneous and devastating, so when you see that core reignite At the time, Hamuul almost frightened out of a cold war. Even if everyone was not killed on the spot, after the Black Rock Mountain above his head collapsed, everyone would be smashed to death.

But the current state of this core is very strange. It is in a state that is about to explode but is suppressed. It seems that this should be caused by the weird silver fist in Dick's legend.

"Send them out, Omulon! Tell the dark iron emperor about this, we can't take care of other things."

The easygoing Archdruid Hamuul was a rare tough time, and there was no room for other people to refute. The Sky Screamer also realized the seriousness of the matter. His palms were blooming with the light of green natural teleportation, one by one. Shoot on other people's bodies.

"Man, you'll be lucky, just like before!"

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you die. Her Majesty will make a dream avatar specially for you."

"The Gilneas believe that psychic black cats can drive death away. I will leave Maya with you. Dick, Elune will bless you."

"Oh oh oh, Lord Earl, don't die, otherwise I will have to find another job again. In these days, it is very difficult to find such a comfortable position. By the way, do you need me to give You tie a soul stone? It's free!"

"Dick! Live!"

"If you dare to leave me to die, I will never forgive you for the rest of my life!"

When the light of teleportation was lit up one by one, everyone left their blessings and help.

A few minutes later, only Dick, Hamuul and Naralex who were breathing deeply were left in the cave. The paladin’s body has been tied to the best soul stone. These warlocks Evil gadgets can ensure that Dick's soul remains intact even when his body is torn apart.

Just like Demetrius said, as long as the paladin's soul is still intact, the Green Dragon Queen will be willing to help him make a dream avatar herself.

Villinde’s treasured black cat Maya was also left behind. This little guy didn’t know what kind of danger he was about to face, but as a magic creature enlightened with wild wisdom, even if he died accidentally, Willinde is willing to pay some expensive price, and it will be summoned back.

So in a sense, Maya is actually an undead creature of ug.

"Does something feel wrong? Dick!"

Hamuul walked around the Paladin twice. He didn't dare to break the connection between Dick and the elemental core. Therefore, the Paladin could only maintain a standing posture, leaning forward with one hand and sticking to the elemental core. On the surface.

Since there were only three people left here, in the face of the Archdruid's problem, the Paladin no longer concealed those unfavourable situations.

"Ragnaros played a flower job, he left a "secret lock", as long as someone touches this core, it will immediately explode, blowing up Blackrock Mountain and all the creatures in it!"

Dick rubbed the corners of his eyebrows, "But I am afraid that the Lord of the Flames did not expect that the chaotic power he left behind would be suppressed by the power of order in the silver fist before it even touched the elemental core. So it won’t explode until I reach the limit. But the bad news is that I just calculated that outputting the power of order at this frequency, I can only maintain it for 2o minutes at most!"

"It's bad!"

Hamuul's tail was wagging faster, which showed that the archdruid's heart was not calm.

"The power of order, I am afraid that you are the only one in Azeroth now. Before you appeared, we didn't even know that there was such a power in this world!"

The well-informed Tauren Druid didn’t seem to have a good idea. Finally, he shook his head.

"Although it is cruel, Dick, we have to move you to a safe place first. At least after it explodes, it won't affect other creatures."

Facing this answer, the Paladin did not have too many surprises. In fact, when he was free, he would also think about some very strange questions, such as what would he behave like when he really faced death?

Will it be angry? Would you regret it?

When all this happened suddenly, Dick found that he had no anger or regrets, probably because things happened too suddenly, maybe because the green dragons had promised that he would not die. In short, it was left to Dick. The time for thinking is a bit short.

He only felt a mess in his mind now. The images and memories of Jaina, Liadrin, Arthas, and Medivh kept lingering in his mind, and finally succeeded in turning his mind into a mess.

But Dick didn’t know why, and had a premonition that he would not die!

Therefore, facing the druid's cruel suggestions, Dick's mood did not fluctuate too much. Just like Hamuul said, the power of order is too rare! There are only two guys in Azeroth's history.

The first guy died nearly ten thousand years ago, and now the second guy is about to die.

But these two guys have one thing in common: they are not ordinary people!

Just as the archdruid was preparing for the special portal, Anvina's thief's voice rang quietly.

"Idiot, you are dying, right?"

Dick's eyes narrowed, and he replied feebly, "I'm not in the mood to fight with you now, Anvina, please give a dying person some personal space."

"Uh...I mean, if you die, I can share my palace with you. As a servant, you idiot is still quite qualified."

"...Then I really want to thank you."

Dick was completely disappointed with the heroic spirit in his weapon, this guy was unreliable.

But when he was already thinking about how to live with the incarnation of dreams, another weak voice rang in his mind.

It's Sunderland, the prince of the Wind Chaser.

"I feel it, Ragnaros... it's gone, my last will is in that core... My brave human brave, I am glad to see that you can suppress Ragnaros’ evil Strength, although the smell from you makes me a little disgusted, but... I can give you the opportunity you need!"

"Huh? How to say?"

Dick came in interest, and he keenly felt that this was the opportunity he needed!

"Don't worry, listen to me."

Perhaps it was no longer being oppressed by the will of the Balrog King, and Sunderland’s voice gradually became clear. The voices of tens of thousands of winds gathered together and buzzed in Dick’s mind.

"My last trace of will is sealed in the core of my hand, I need to get it back! And your current stalemate will eventually kill you, human beings, you have to understand that, many times, you can’t just go because you can’t see hope. Fight, so if I were you, I would choose to explode all the power to kill the conspiracy left by Ragnaros."

"But I can't do it!"

Dick's eyes closed, and he could probably guess what Sunderland was trying to say.

"Yes, you can't do it! So you need a helper! Listen, I want you to smash that core, and I will retrieve my will just before it explodes. My will and his power have been mixed together. Tens of thousands of years have passed, so I can disrupt the power left by the Balrog. Although there is only a little time, I will leave it to you to do the rest. I believe you know what to do, right? ?"

Dick was silent for a moment, and then asked in the spiritual world,

"Good idea, Prince Sunderland! But I have a question. What if you "forget" the trace of power left behind to help me disrupt Ragnaros after regaining your power? I know. , As an elemental body, even if you were hit by the big bang, you wouldn’t die because of it? So no matter what, you will be free, but I need to use my life to bet your memory?"

"Yes, that's it! Human warrior, do you feel unfair? Are you resenting me?"

Sunderland’s voice was full of playfulness, but to his surprise, Dick shook his head.

"No, it's fair, the weak have no choice! I will put this account on Ragnaros."

"Hehe, funny, funny guy, if you can survive, I will give you a gift... truly worthy of the gift of the warrior, provided that you can survive. So, for my gift, work hard Live it!"

Five minutes later, Hamuul and Naralex stood beside a temporary portal built with two staffs. The Tauren Druid said solemnly to Dick,

"The opposite of this door is under the ten thousand-meter trench of the frozen endless sea in the north. The water pressure there is the limit your body can withstand now, and the concentration of seawater will suppress the explosion to the maximum. Might, remember, you must use your strongest protection skills to protect yourself!"

Naralex stepped forward and gave Dick a blessed hug. He whispered in the ear of the Paladin, "We are not asking you to die, Dick. Forget those green dragons! As long as you can keep it. Under the soul, the druid will be able to resurrect your ****, although it requires an unimaginable price, but a hero like you is worthy of us! So, consider it as a trip, just blink Eyes, you will come back intact, I promise!"

The Paladin said, Naralex had already crossed the boundary. He told Dick the secret of the Druid. Of course he must have got the acquiescence of Hamuul. This kind attitude made Dick somewhat Moved, he nodded to the two very human druids, then took a deep breath, holding the molten core, and strode into the portal.

The transition of the scene in front of him was the first time Dick stepped into the deep sea. The pressure from all directions caused his body to twitch in an instant, but Dick still remembered the agreement with Sunderland. So the moment he crossed the portal, he pulled his left hand away from the molten core.

At the same time, the will of the prince of the wind poured into the core of the flying element, extracted his last ray of will, and then smoothly swiped on the trace of power left by Ragnaros, melting The expansion of the fire core immediately slowed down, although it only took less than a second.

In the next moment, Sunderland’s voice rang in the Paladin’s mind.

"It's now!"

The Paladin re-pressed his left hand with difficulty in the blink of an eye, expanding the surface of the molten core twice the size of his body. His control of the power of order is not fine, but it does not need to be fine now! He poured all the power of order into the molten core that had been unstable to the extreme in front of him.

This is the first time he unreservedly released the power in his left arm! It's like a gate shattered!

Like a beast that was released for the first time, the silver power rushed into the core, and the power left in Ragnaros touched the purest core of Azeroth, without a trace of will power. A moment ago, the silver light was like a beast that was forced to a corner, frantically torn it to pieces and swallowing it!

"D... the original power burst! The first battle against Chaos is over!"

"Dip...Silver Fist (Proof of Strength-Paladin) detected, "Order" seed is active!"

"Dip... a special item Silver Fist is detected, corresponding to the attribute-order, in line with the Pantheon record! Deregistration and reactivation!"

"Di...Code name: Tyr, King of Order entering the identity!"

"Dip... the end of the second identity grant... the code name: Time Traveler 1o293o4 was changed to the code name: Dick-Bronzan!"

"The access right to the land of the Titans is unlocked, the primary command power is unlocked, and the primary Titan Guardian privileges are unlocked!"

"Dip...touch personal hidden mission: Road to Titan!"

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