{ Most Precious }

An empty wine bottle.

After eating, the two of them sat side by side on the bed, sipping their cups comfortably.

Yuhan Wol suddenly spoke up.

“Your mother must be very worried.”

She was also injured during the last operation in Da Nang.

That’s why I stayed at the base, but I was seriously injured again… .

It was difficult to imagine how Lee Dan-ah’s mother would feel.

“I told you well that this operation is just going to be simple.”

Edan-ah who answers as if it’s okay.

She then spoke.

“And you seem relieved that you’re going with Han-wol?”


“Mr. Hanwol saved me… You saw it. Mom herself. That’s still quite helpful in this respect. Or, where do you go alone with a man?”

She smiled and said lightly, but it could never have been taken that way.

‘what if… What if divine magic hadn’t been manifested?’

Even if I think about it again, the incident that I don’t want to even imagine breaks Yuhan Wol’s heart.

“How’s the wound?”

“It’s so clean. I wonder if it’s true that I went through something like that… Look at this. There’s no trace of it.”

Dan-ah Lee, who was touching her stomach as if it was strange.

Then, after a while, she opened her mouth again.

“But… I was very sick….”

The hand that came out of the boat touched the hand next to it.

Yuhan-wol is staring at her like that.

Lee Dan-ah’s words keep leaking out as if talking to herself.

“How can I not get sick? My stomach hurts so much… I’m afraid I won’t be able to see you, so I’m sick here. I’m afraid I won’t be able to see Mr.

hands on the chest.

her eyes looking up.

And his fluttering eyes.

“I told you to come quickly. I missed you. Before I close my eyes.”

Lee Dan-ah’s face approached Yuhan-wol first.

Two lips touching.

Two people who haven’t been apart for a while.

Her face moves away a little.

But the distance that stopped soon became so close that my nose could touch it.

Lee Dan-ah’s face caught Yuhan-wol’s open eyes.

Her continuous voice breathes and tickles his skin continuously.

“I feel a lot about this.”

Lee Dan-ah’s big eyes that can be felt so clearly.

“Now I have decided to be more honest with myself… and with you.”

Her lips move lively.

“You never know when it will happen. We.”


“We do what we want. Only for each other.”

Lee Dan-ah’s sincerity conveyed.

‘… … .’

Yuhan-wol suddenly opened his mouth.

“This is… a foul! I was going to do it first!”

He grabs her shoulder and brings her face to face.

But Lee Dan-ah is playing with her face back.

The sound of her laughter bursting out.

It was the wind that made her lay down on the bed.

Yuhan-wol looks down on her face while holding her shoulder.

At that moment, the movements of the two people stopped for a moment without whoever came first.

Two eyes staring at each other.

Dan-ah Lee closed her eyes, and Yuhan-wol kissed her.

They feel each other’s lips, their tongues, their touch.

The two mouths that cannot be separated.

Yuhan-wol’s hand went inside Lee Dan-ah’s clothes.

Lee Dan-ah’s arms tightly wrapped around his neck.

That night, the two of them became the most precious to each other.

* * *

In the gentle morning sunlight, you can clearly feel each other’s body temperature.

They were two people together in the same blanket.

The feeling of comfort that you first meet with Yuhan-wol or Hiel.

Is that so?

He didn’t want to open his eyes for some reason.

Then, I fear that this moment will fly away like an illusion of a moment.

If this is really a dream, I feel like I never want to wake up.

‘Long time no see… I think I slept well… .’

Yuhan-wol’s mind remembers what happened last night.

Those moments when we fully felt each other.

her appearance was so beautiful.

A sense of unreality that I felt at the same time whenever I realized that I was with such a woman.

I want to see her like that.

A face you can see when you open your eyes.

Her voice whispers in her mind.

[We do what we want. only to each other.]

Yuhan Wol opened his eyes.

And what comes into view is Lee Dan-ah’s face, looking at her.

seems to have woken up

“did you sleep well?”

she nods

“Why? Without waking up.”

Instead of answering, Lee Dan-ah digs into her arms.

You can feel the elastic feel as it is.

her warm body temperature.

“Ah, it’s really nice to be here.”

Lee Dan-ah’s voice touches my ears.

nice to hear

Yuhan Wol said.

“Yeah. Me too.”

The two of them skipped breakfast and chatted in bed all morning.

I got out of bed only after brunch came to the room.

window with sunlight coming in.

Lee Dan-ah is sitting across from Yuhan-wol in a gown.

Yuhan-wol looked at her blankly for a moment.

I didn’t wear makeup or wash my face, how could I be so pretty?

Lee Dan-ah said with a wrinkled mouth.

“Are you going to do it tonight?”

‘Like yesterday?’

Yuhan-wol, who had been dazed for a moment, came to his senses.

That’s about operation.


“Have you thought about what to do?”

“Um… I have plenty of free time. I wonder if it’s okay to visit the arms dealers and get the right things?

It’s a yuhan month when things in Da Nang come up.

Wouldn’t it be a bit of a riot if she went together?

because it’s so pretty

It’s not good enough to hide it.

She’s only planning to cause a fuss on the outskirts, so it’s not really necessary for her to choose her own weapon.

Ethan looking at him like that.

Yuhanwol’s words don’t sound bad.

If he doesn’t like it, I don’t want to.

“But… firearms aren’t easy to cause a lot of fuss. However, arms traffickers might have something like a portable missile.

Even if it wasn’t, that’s what I was thinking.

So I was thinking of going there and just getting the most powerful one from there… .

However, when I listen to her, it seems that something is wrong.


Danah Lee said, putting a spoonful of cereal in her mouth.

“Ummm… it’s delicious. Try this. Ummm… we’ll make a bomb. That’ll be a lot easier to make a fuss with.”

Contrary to the content of his words, he looks so casual.

“Is it easy to make bombs?”

“It’s because it’s a little tricky to get the ingredients. It’s not difficult to make. Ummm… For example…”

Dan-ah Lee who gets up from her seat and takes out the things she bought at the mart yesterday.

“You can make it with butane gas, and you can also make it with drink cans. I bought other ingredients here as well.”

I remember when I went to the supermarket yesterday.

Yuhan-wol, who only thought she was buying a lot.

I had no idea it was something like this.

“That’s why it’s like some kind of terrorist. Hehe.”

The bright smiling face is lovely.

“To make something with high explosive power, you need ammonium nitrate, potassium nitrate, potassium chlorate, sulfuric acid, hexamine…. But in fact, the main materials for such bombs are not easy to obtain by the general public. The government uses special materials to prevent terrorism. It’s sorted and managed, so I asked Do-kwang in advance before coming.”

“Oh yeah?”

Now that I see it, it seems that I had thought about it all before the operation.

Once again, Yuhan-wol feels that her preparations are truly extraordinary.

‘Is it because of the difference in the characteristics of each other’s abilities?’

Ethan’s next words.

“Even if we manage this, it won’t be too difficult to obtain as a back deal. But there is a risk of getting caught by any chance. Police entrapment or the dealer may find it suspicious and report it. Moreover, we We are foreigners, and if our appearance is exposed or the problem becomes serious, it may become difficult to leave the country.”

“Good job. Then you need time to get the ingredients you ordered and make them again, right?”


“Then, shall we leave after dinner?”


Dan-ah Lee who looked at Yuhan-wol.

She abruptly got up from her seat and put her lips lightly to his lips.


Lee Dan-ah’s voice greeted Yuhan-wol’s expression, which was staring blankly.

“You praised me. Well done.”

* * *

wow aa

A motorcycle was leaving Jakarta.

There were two people on it.

He wears a helmet like other motorcyclists in plain clothes.

However, because of the superior body of the woman in the back that was exposed to the wind, eyes were sometimes drawn from passing cars.

Their eyes seemed to envy the man driving in front of them.

Yuhan-wol was clearly feeling the touch of her hugging her waist tightly on her back.

Memories of last night keep coming back vividly to me while driving.

[Operation area is Bekasi. Satellite city of Jakarta. It was located in the east.]

He opened his mouth at Yang Yang-gwang’s comment.

“It’s the first time I’ve heard of it.”

[yes. It seems to be an industrial complex that has not been developed for a long time. Jakarta doesn’t have enough free land, so it’s located nearby.]

“Anyway, it’s better to get out.”

[The traffic congestion in Jakarta is serious.]


[I made it possible to pick you up on the way.]


[Where he wants.]

“What do you mean?”

[Things are moving together now. I’ll put it on the visor.]

A view of the finite moon, a new point on the map.

But it’s moving.

“100m ahead? So?”

[yes. Do you see the black SUV driving in front of you? There are things in the back seat.]


[There is no driver. After the contractor has loaded the goods into the car, it is moving to autonomous driving. There are no signs of anything so far, but in case you don’t know, I guess I’ll have to check it out once I get to the right point and see if there’s anything strange.]

Naturally, I thought I would be handed over to a certain place.

As the world changes, unexpected things happen.

‘Good… .’

I thought this would make it much easier to avoid difficult situations.

A motorcycle that followed the SUV at a reasonable distance for a while.

Yuhan Wol glanced at the road sign.

The situation that entered the city of Bukasi.

“I don’t think there’s anything strange about it?”

Lee Dan-ah received Yuhan-wol’s voice.

“I think so too. It doesn’t feel bad.”

[It looks fine to me.]

Yuhan-wol said while slowly raising the speed.

“Then let’s pick it up.”

[What would you like to do? Shall we stop in a quiet place for a while?]

At that moment, Ethan’s voice echoed.

“What are you doing? Just put it next to me for a while.”

Yuhan-wol understands her intentions.

“Plot the route below the overpass on the map.”


A black SUV began to change course, and a motorcycle with the two men followed them at a distance.

After a while, the car was clearly dark.

under the overpass

And Lee Dan-ah’s voice is heard.

“There is no car following behind.”


When Yuhan-wol and his horse put the motorcycle right next to the black SUV, the rear window of the car goes down at the same time.

Together with him, her hands were released from Yuhanwol’s waist.

The sensation of disappearing.

Lee Dan-ah flew away with a new touch to replace it.

The feeling of a gentle pat on the back with the palm of her hand was as if she had said she would go.

Ethan-ah, who went through the open window like water flowing.

Soon after, Yuhan Wol grabbed the large black bag that had been pushed out of the window with one hand, and she felt both of her hands on her waist.

And the feeling you feel on your back.

Yuhan Wol’s voice came out one beat later.

“…pickup complete.”

[Wow! It’s very fast. Then you can go directly to the accommodation designated on the route. It’s a shared dormitory, so it’s easy to work with.]

The motorcycle quickly moved forward, leaving behind the black SUV that was moving away from the side road.

* * *

That night, Bukasi.

The police and fire departments were urgently dispatched to the calls reporting that they heard an explosion in succession.

BH Real’s R&D Center.

A sharp confrontation between the authorities trying to get inside and the security staff at BH Real who stopped him continued all night long.

The commotion was settled only after a high-ranking official rushed to the scene at dawn, and the police and fire officials received some kind of phone call.

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