Mai Mai never expected that Chen Fan would answer like this.

Other boys will be more or less sympathetic to her.

But Chen Fan was different. People who choked had nothing to say.

Mai Mai said:"Forget it, I don't care about a straight man like you! Humph!"


After work in the afternoon.

Chen Fan returned to his home.

Seeing that the house was empty, I knew that Boss Yang must have gone to the company.

Chen Fan lay on the sofa, waiting for Boss Yang to come back.

An hour later.

Boss Yang finally came back, but Chen Fan was already asleep.

Boss Yang saw this scene as soon as he opened the door.

The afterglow of the setting sun shines through the glass window on the sleeping Chen Fan early in the morning, making the outline of his face appear deeper.

Such a handsome man.

If you were to be an artist instead of a forensic doctor, you would definitely be able to defeat many of today's young talents.

But Boss Yang is very satisfied with his current life.

Boss Yang smiled slightly, leaned down and secretly kissed the sleeping Chen Fan.

Two hours later.

When Chen Fan woke up, he could already smell the aroma of food.

Following the scent, Chen Fan came to the restaurant.

I saw Boss Yang preparing several side dishes, which were steaming hot.

Chen Fan walked over and said,"It looks pretty good."

At this moment, Boss Yang, wearing an apron, walked out of the kitchen with a plate of dishes in her hand and asked Chen Fan," Is it just good? I looked at the recipe and made it in two hours."

Chen Fan smiled even bigger when he heard that Boss Yang cooked it himself and said,"How good is it? I won’t know until I eat it."

Boss Yang sighed.

This is Chen Fan.

Boss Yang, who is all-powerful in the entertainment industry, personally cooked for him, but he didn't praise him immediately.

If this spreads out, will it be laughed at?

But Boss Yang was also helpless and urged:"Okay, okay... wash your hands and eat quickly.¨ "

Chen Fan sat down and said,"My hands are very clean, no need to wash them."

After saying that, Chen Fan was about to pick up a shrimp with his hands, but was quickly stopped by Boss Yang.

Boss Yang said,"You came back from the office. You touched so many corpses during the day. How could you not wash your hands before eating?"

Boss Yang remembered that he had seen Chen Fan dissect a corpse before.

At first, when she thought that Chen Fan used these hands for dissection and eating, Boss Yang found it a little scary.

But after being with Chen Fan for a long time, Boss Yang got used to it a little bit.

Chen Fan said:"But I wear gloves every time I do an autopsy, and I take good protective measures. I wash my hands carefully before leaving the's really not dirty!"

Boss Yang glared at Chen Fan:"Go and wash it! Otherwise I won't let you eat it."

Chen Fan said in compromise:"Okay... okay.……"

After saying that, he went to wash his hands according to Boss Yang's request, and sat back down to prepare to eat.

As before, Chen Fan still ate very quickly and wolfed it down.

Boss Yang said:"Eat slowly, no one will compete with you."

Although he said that, seeing Chen Fan eating his food so happily made Boss Yang feel happy.

When Boss Yang picked up a piece of meat, he put it in his mouth and tasted it.

"Bah bah bah……"

Boss Yang vomited it out immediately.

Why is this dish so salty!!!

Boss Yang looked at Chen Fan and saw that he was still devouring it, as if he had no sense of taste.

Boss Yang picked up other dishes and tasted them one by one.

Vomited it all up.

Her food was either too salty, too bland, or undercooked.

Boss Yang asked:"Chen Fan, don't you think this dish is very unpalatable?"

Chen Fan shook his head seriously and said,"I don't think so."

Boss Yang said in surprise:"How is that possible! I myself I can’t even eat it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Boss Yang came to his senses.

How could Chen Fan not know that these dishes were unpalatable.

The reason why he can devour these dishes is just because it is his girlfriend who cooks these dishes!

For a moment.

Boss Yang was bubbling with happiness.

But Chen Fan still couldn't let Chen Fan continue to eat these dishes.

What if Chen Fan has a bad stomach?

Boss Yang quickly stopped Chen Fan and then took Chen Fan to a high-end Western restaurant. on the car.

Boss Yang asked:"Next time if the food I cook is too unpalatable, don't eat it."……"

Chen Fan nodded:"It doesn't matter, just like no matter how ugly the corpse is, I can perfectly dissect it."

Damn... can these two things be confused?

Boss Yang raised his hand and hit Chen Fan twice, and said:"If you don't know how to use metaphors, stop talking!"

Chen Fan said with a smile:"It's okay, isn't it just that the cooking is a bit unpalatable? Practice makes perfect! Like some of my younger brothers and sisters, they couldn't do the dissection very well at first, but after practicing it many times, they quickly learned it."

Boss Yang was speechless and helpless.

Chen Fan is still Chen Fan.

No matter what topic is mentioned, anatomy can be mentioned.

When Chen Fan said this, Boss Yang suddenly felt that he was not cooking, but doing an anatomy.


When will Chen Fan change his bad habits?

…… the next day.

When Chen Fan appeared in the office.

Mai Mai actually arrived one step ahead of him.

The viewers in the live broadcast room have also been waiting for Chen Fan for a long time.

【Chen Fan is finally here!!! Will yesterday's case be over soon?】

【Have you noticed that when Mai Mai saw Chen Fan arriving, her eyes were not as bright as usual?……】

【I am more concerned about whether He Daqiang really owed gambling debts before, as Chen Fan guessed? 】

Maimai said:"` 」Why did you come? I have been waiting for you for a long time. Chen

Fan glanced at her and thought she was a little confused, and said,"Why are you waiting for me?"……"

((deserved)"Of course it's to see……"When the words came to his mouth, Mai Mai did not finish his words, but promptly changed his words:"Of course it is for the truth!"

Chen Fan was speechless.

"If you want to know the truth, just ask Lao Song. I am not a policeman, but a forensic doctor. I am only responsible for providing the police with directions for solving the case.

Mai Mai said:"Isn't it more exciting to follow you?" What's wrong? It can't work?"

Looking at this little girl, she looked like she was worth 2,500,000 to 80,000 yuan.

Chen Fan said:"No!

Mai Mai was stunned for a moment, then raised her head and said arrogantly:"Why not!" I came with a large audience!"

Chen Fan said:"Tsk...this is the time for you to be tough...when you see the corpse, your face will be pale again."

He exposed it!

Mai Mai said with some embarrassment:"So what? My pleasure!"

Just when the two were quarreling,

Lao Song came over with a happy face.

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