Chapter 83: Go out to tell fortunes, don’t get into trouble today (please support)

The next day, Boss Yang got up very early. Today she did not wear anything bold, but carefully looked for long sleeves and jeans.

What's very speechless is that even in jeans, Boss Yang is still very sexy

"Sigh... If I look like this, will the people in the village say that I am not serious?……"

"There's nothing you can do about it. You were born with an improper face... There's nothing you can do about it. You can't cover your face.……"

"You often cover my face at night and say, are you tired of me? Are you thinking about other people when you are having sex with me?".How can it be

"Then you are just imitating something else. Do you treat me like a corpse?

Chen Fan was speechless and said:"It's even more impossible. Damn, I'm not that perverted, okay?"……"

"Then why?"

"Please, it’s you who covered your eyes with a pillow. You didn’t dare to look at me... Damn it, you’re going to beat me up now……" oops.

Boss Yang quickly covered Chen Fan,"Stop talking, it's too embarrassing."

It's actually not bad if he doesn't say it out loud, but when Chen Fan says it out, it instantly makes people embarrassed.

Bags and bags are ready.

Simple white long sleeves, a jacket, jeans and sneakers, this is the best way Boss Yang can think of to dress up.

"Do you want my hair to be messed up a little... This way, it will make me look better at doing housework.……"

"Makes sense……"

"833 I think that’s right too……"

The two reached a consensus, and Chen Fan drove directly to his home.

During the two-hour journey, Chen Fan kept looking at the calendar

"what you do?"

"Fortune telling, I don’t think there will be a case today……"

Phew, hahahahaha.

Inside the car, Boss Yang smiled wildly and said,"Are you planning to laugh me to death? Do you, a forensic doctor, tell fortunes?"

"It’s not good to just tell fortunes. It’s appropriate to tell fortunes. Otherwise, I can’t control the case. God knows what new cases will come out.……"

"They all went to your house, why are you still worried about this?"

"Not too worried, but it’s better to take precautions……"

The journey is not far, and Chen Fan's home is considered a village, but it is a new countryside.

There are no muddy roads, but rather repaired asphalt roads.

As soon as the car entered the village, Chen Fan quickly took out the cigarettes and handed them to the elderly standing at the village entrance.

The big guy nodded.

When he arrived at home, Chen Fan called out. The door was opened, and his father stood with an indifferent expression.

But I can feel that I don't know where to put my hands at all.

On the other side, my mother is wearing heavy makeup.

Chen Fan was speechless and said:"What's wrong with you? Mom, are you dressed like this?"

"Doesn’t this mean the big star is coming? I can only put on makeup...come on, girl……"

Boss Yang nodded and followed the woman into the house.

Chen Fan looked at his sister on the side and said,"What are you doing?"

"I'm thinking about how to sign……"

"Damn it, you've gone too far. If you want a signature, just say it. What do you mean by thinking about it?"

"What I want is Hot Bar’s autograph. I’m not interested in Boss Yang, an old woman.……"

Chen Fan chuckled and said,"Then why don't you say it in front of her?"

I didn't dare because I was worried about being beaten. ,

My sister is so hot-tempered that she is a bastard in the family. If she is really talking to the outside world, she is definitely a coward.

However, Chen Fan's parents were not as unwelcome as Boss Yang imagined. Chen Fan's parents were still very good to him.

Chen Fan was helping his father prepare the stove and make lunch outside.、

"Do you make enough money to marry someone?"

"That's enough...Dad, don't worry about this.……"

"I don't have much ability, and I can't make a fortune by teaching all my life with your mother, but she is a celebrity, so if you marry her, you should give her more, and you can't let her girl lose face.……"

"Isn't that right, Dad?"

"If someone can take a fancy to you, it's like smoke coming from our ancestral graves. What are your abilities to make big stars like you?……"

Sour, this is sour, it has been proven, absolutely, Dad is sour.

While his sister was helping to light the fire, Chen Fan asked,"What do you want to do in the future?"

"I'm only in the third grade, brother, don't you know?"

"Sorry...I forgot, what do you want to do in the future?"

Damn, this old man

"I don’t know, I’m still young... By the way, many people praise your delicious cooking……"

"Well... how about you go get a chicken and come back, and I'll set up a separate stove for you and get a beggar's chicken?"

"OK OK……"

There was food to eat, celebrities, etc. Naturally, they were all forgotten.

The little girl ran back with an old hen

"Kill it...Dad, prepare a knife……"

My sister said,"That's not necessary.……"

With both hands, with a click, the chicken was strangled to death.

Chen Fan looked at his father with a dark face. His father looked helpless and expressed his calmness.

"You'd better follow me as a forensic doctor. You can't do anything else.……"

"I learned from you. The first time you killed a chicken when you were a child was in the fourth grade. I am better than you. I dared to do it in the third grade.……" well.

The old father's tears were everywhere, they were all tears.

I have the heart to want to die.

Depend on.

Why did you raise just two monsters like this?

Forget it, let's make do with it, after all, it's our biological child.

Boss Yang ran out here, took out the bracelet of his mobile phone, and said:"Your mother gave it to's a family heirloom.……"

"I'm kidding you... I have a damn heirloom at home, I guess I bought it in a store, just kidding you……"


Chen Fan said:"Isn't this to suit your celebrity status?" Otherwise, what would my mother do? Even if I sell my wife, I can’t even afford gifts for your celebrities.……"

"I don't mind this……"

"But my family doesn’t mind. Our family is teaching, and we care most about the opinions of outsiders. My father has been teaching all his life and has worked hard all his life. My mother has also been living a life of character. My sister can kill chickens at the age of three if she doesn’t. Either with bare hands or with bare hands, what do you think will happen to us in the future if we don’t have a good education?"

It's a bit scary.

My sister smiled at Boss Yang, revealing a missing tooth.

Well, she ate too much sweets and the tooth was gone.

After taking care of it, Chen Fan and the little girl went to get some red clay.

"By the way, no one has died in the village recently, right?"

My sister said:"Brother%……Why do you always think about other people dying?"

"I'm worried that my vacation will be gone in an instant, you know?"

"Who can die? There are only so many people in the village, so everyone knows who died.……"

After saying that, he kicked the garbage bag next to him.

When Chen Fan heard the noise, something didn't feel right.

"Don't kick……"

The little girl did not continue.

Chen Fan came over, slowly opened it, then closed it again, and said:"Okay, you go home first... I will push the car back in a while……"

"Ah... I don't want to face that woman, I'm... afraid that she will bully me……"

"Will not%……Boss Yang is very rich, go and ask for money……"

"Good idea... I'll go first... If not, you can come back to me……"

Chen Fan nodded.

After the little girl left, Chen Fan continued digging with the shovel.

I didn't dig out the plastic bag, then I looked up and looked around.

The village is under the highway, and Chen Fan is very impressed by the highway above.���real.

Chen Fan was a little speechless. Damn it, as expected, the fortune telling failed today. Something happened again today.

"Lao Song...let's take a trip……"

"Can you encounter a case when you return home? I just made a bet with someone, saying that if you encounter another case today, I will treat you to dinner... If you can't hold on for a while……"

"Don't worry about this for now. Let's let people handle it first. It may be a bit difficult... I found the head under the highway.……"

Damn it

"Damn it...don't tell me, it was a high-speed dumping of corpses……"

"Although I don't want to deal with this case...but this is the fact...I just hope that we can put it together……"

"Just wait...I'll have someone contact you. The local people will be here soon.……" ps: Please support, thank you all.

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