Chapter 62: After all this, do you still believe in science? (Please support, fourth update)

Lao Song, who was writing a document, received a call from one of his subordinates

"captain, captain……"

"Got someone caught?"

"On the way to chase, we have already locked up. This guy ran very fast and almost ran out, but luckily, he was stopped.……".

"Well...have you found the cell phone recordings of the parents here?"

"I found it and really kept it, tell me, who are these parents guarding against?"

Let's leave each other alone, who else can we guard against?"

"Don't worry about that, tell me, what's going on with calling me?"

"Look at the video I sent you, it’s true, and I also watched the live broadcast……"

Lao Song clicked on the video.

In the video, Jiang Shuying is holding a bamboo pole and a group of children, hitting fruits from the tree.

Then, suddenly, a strange thing jumped out of the tree.

Half body, no lower body, but with a head and hair, invisible to the eyes.

Then he ran away in a hurry.

This scared Lao Song to death. Damn it, is this haunted?

"What are you doing? It scared me to death... Damn it, what the hell?……"

"I don’t came out on the live was quite a big fuss.……"

Damn, this matter needs to be dealt with. No matter what it is, it must be given a professional explanation. If no explanation is given, it will probably be over.

Here, Boss Yang is holding Jiang Shuying, while Chen Fan comforts and says:"We have to believe in science, what you see is all fake...not real.……"

"That's not true...I saw it all, half of my body on the ground, oh my god……"

Chen Fan said speechlessly:"This is also possible, it is indeed true... You really are, do you insist on me giving you evidence?"

"Then can you show me the evidence?

Chen Fan said:"Well, I don't have any evidence. At least no one has studied this direction yet... It does seem a bit confusing at first glance."……"

"Wow... Then am I going to be finished? I seemed to have hit him with a bamboo stick.……"

Chen Fan said:"It's okay... maybe that guy has a masochistic tendency? Does he like to be beaten by you?"

Jiang Shuying looked at Chen Fan while she was crying. Chen Fan scratched his head and said,"Okay, I'm just kidding, let's liven up the atmosphere. of……"

In an instant, Jiang Shuying started crying again.

The other guests around were comforting.

Wan Qian straightened her short hair and said:"Oh... don't think about it. It's okay. I won't retaliate against you. We are all here tonight."……"

What, aren't you leaving at night?


Jiang Shuying felt even more uncomfortable than killing her.

Boss Yang said:"How about someone drive you back?……"

": I don’t want it. If I go back, you two will definitely get together. I don’t want it... I want to stay here.……"

【Even though it's like this, I'm still thinking about your brother Chen Fan.》?】

【The charm of love is really great, if it were me, I wouldn’t be able to bear it……】

【I'm already looking for a mage……】

Teacher He said:"What on earth is this?"

Brother Chao was looking at the Buddha statue on his mobile phone and thinking silently in his heart. Now he really doesn't know what to do. All of this is too scary.

Where is the program that people can record?

The director was dumbfounded. If this thing was filmed in a scientific way, wouldn't it take more than a hundred episodes?

Han Hu said:" should I put it? I feel like I'm still human.……"

Is it a human?

Teacher He said:"Have you seen it?"

"When I went to Tibet to help the poor, I saw some staunch pilgrims. Some of them had lost their lower bodies. They were holding their hands on wood and crawling forward little by little. Their normal work was not affected and they walked very quickly. But he walks with his hands……"

"Can you climb a tree? Can it be so fast?"

Han Xiu said:"Then I don't know, I shouldn't be able to do it so quickly.……"

Isn't that great? It's so fast. How can humans do it?

Seeing Jiang Shuying's crying voice, Chen Fan said:"Give me some face...stop's so annoying."……"

"I...can't help...can't control it, I'm scared……"

Chen Fan said speechlessly:"Stop crying.……"

Jiang Shuying endured it. Boss Yang rolled his eyes at Chen Fan and said,"I feel sorry for you, girl... don't be like this."

Wan Qian said,"Oh, brother Chen Fan, don't be like this. Girls are easily frightened. Oh, cry." It'll be fine in a moment, just cry out…~〃 …"

Chen Fan said:"I... forget it, I don't know how to comfort people, just wait... I will catch them with you later, okay?"……"

Jiang Shuying said:"That's no good, don't go. You are a forensic doctor. What kind of monster are you catching? What should I do if you are injured? No, you are not allowed to go."……"

The people in the live broadcast room were a little confused by the sudden sugar.

Good guy, can you feed us all this candy?

No, what time has it been? You are haunted. Are you still thinking about love?

Do you think you are a fruit stand?

Is it necessary to fall in love even at the end of the world?

Soon, Lao Song's car drove up, taking some people with him.

Lao Song got out of the car and said,"What the hell is that?"

Chen Fan said,"I don't looks like a human being, but it's half-body. Do you think it's a human being?""

"I'm a police officer. Don't fucking fool me... If your forensic doctor doesn't believe it, then how can I believe all this?"

Chen Fan was a little speechless. Mainly, the teacher didn't teach this either.

"How about... take someone to look for it first... After all, this thing is a bit infiltrative. If it continues, the impact will really not be good.……"

Lao Song thought it was reliable.

The village chief here stopped the villagers, and Lao Song contacted the nearby police station.

A group of people followed the direction of the video and began to search.

Whether you can find it or not depends entirely on luck. After all, facing the mountain, if you throw this little person in, there will be no shadow left behind.

But seeing that there were more people, Jiang Shuying was not so afraid.

Chen Fan started eating carelessly.

Jiang Shuying said:"You are do you still have the heart to eat?……"

Chen Fan fed the ribs to her and said,"Does it taste good?"


Phew, hahahahaha.

Countless people around him started laughing, it was so coaxing.

Boss Yang sneered. Chen Fan quickly picked up a piece and said,"Here you go... try it."……"

"The second one was given to me, I don’t want it... I’m not interested in it……"

Chen Fan was a little speechless.

Can this also be used for tea?"

Wan Qian suppressed her laughter and said,"You are so happy together.……"

Boss Yang and Jiang Shuying said at the same time:"Who wants to be with her?".............................................

In the afternoon, Lao Song got some good news, that is, some fragmentary clues were discovered.

In the evening, Lao Song and some villagers used a net to bring the monster back.

When they arrived at the village, Chen Fan and the others finally saw what it was.

It's really a person.

Only the lower body was amputated.

But his arms are very thick, which explains why this man can run so fast.

The village aunt said:"Isn't this Zheng Banqie?"

Chen Fan said:"Auntie... do you know him?"

"I know Zheng Banjie, he is very famous in the village. He was not like this in the early years. He was a handsome young man in the early years. Later, he got into a car accident and became disabled. He also married a beautiful wife... It’s just that It's a pity that my wife ran away……"

Looking at the dazed look in Zheng Banzhe's eyes, he knew without guessing that this person was crazy.

"Wife ran away? How long have you been running?"

"For more than a month, everyone was wondering whether this person would starve to death or something. Unexpectedly, he went crazy.……"

Chen Fan looked at Lao Song beside him, coughed, and asked Lao Song to come over.

"What's the matter?"

Chen Fan said:"Well... How should I put it? You'd better bring the police dog... I suspect that there is a murder case here.……"

Is there a murder case?

Lao Song said:"How is it possible? Why do you always encounter cases wherever you go?"

"How could I have known? I had already gone to the countryside, but I still encountered someone. I had already accepted it myself, and I was still on vacation... Anyway, there was a case... My intuition told me……"

"give me a reason……"

Chen Fan pointed to half of Zheng's clothes and said:"This man's pants are specially sewn. If no one cares about him, how could he wear these pants? You can figure it out for yourself.……"

"I know...but his wife ran away...Wait, holy shit, it's true, his wife should always take care of him. If he really wants to run away, can he run away as soon as possible?

Chen Fan said:"Yes...and what age it is now, this village is not a remote village, and the information is backward. It would be better to file for divorce now, why run away?" By then, he was charged with bigamy.》?"

That’s right.

It seems like he really didn’t run away.

"Is there no security guard? What happened to Zheng Banqie's wife running away?"

"Report a crime for what? Everyone is eager for this girl to run away. After so many years, what are you waiting for if she doesn't run away? Are you guarding such a half-length man every day?"

What the aunt said was heartbreaking, but reasonable.

Lao Song looked at Chen Fan, who nodded.

Here Chen Fan greeted the villagers to come back. Lao Song discussed with the police from the nearby police station, found the police dog, and started to search. Searching on the mountain.

The time is three hours. If you can find it, you can only come back. After all, no one has reported the case. The police can't waste time here just because of suspicion.

During dinner, Chen Fan gathered with a group of celebrities. Together, they had a big meal with the village chief and others.

Chen Fan said to Boss Yang,"Do me a favor.……"

Boss Yang nodded.

Soon, Boss Yang took Jiang Shuying and Wan Qian and went to talk to the aunt with melon seeds.

After a few rainbow farts, the aunt opened up the topic

"Zheng Banzhe is not from here. He has been here for a while. At that time, he bought a shabby house and paid some money to each family, and the village gave him some land.……"

"I felt pitiful at that time, so I took care of these two children... They were also hard-working. They first worked in the village, and then after earning money, they bought a car and started selling goods.……"

"Then not long after that, something happened. The man was in a car accident... He lost some money, but all the money was used to treat diseases and save people.……"

The photographer is interviewing here.

The audience listened.

Such a love story is indeed enviable

"Are there no other rumors?"

"Yes... After all, half of Zheng's body is left. Many young men are thinking about his wife. Many old men in the village are thinking about his wife. She can be any age... Naturally, some people say that his family is not short of money. Because his wife is out selling something or something……"

Wan Qian asked:".` Madam, is it possible that these are all fake?"

The aunt said:"I also think it is fake. After all, we are all watching the couple. But later, Zheng Banze fell ill and needed money. At that time, someone sent money to Zheng Banze's family... But Zheng Banze's illness was cured. , people start to go crazy……"

"Then beat your wife?"

"Then we don't know……"

Boss Yang gave Chen Fan the information he got, but Chen Fan didn't say much.

At this time, it was raining in the sky, and everyone quickly stopped the discussion and hid in the house.

Chen Fan looked out the window. There was rain and lightning, but Chen Fan hoped to find something useful.

Boss Yang and Jiang Shuying were sitting on the sofa in the room.

Jiang Shuying was playing with her mobile phone, while Boss Yang was handling Apple for Chen Fan.

"Chen Fan...are you still thinking about something?"

"I don’t know... I just feel... Everything is wrong... But everything is right... It seems that many people hope that Zheng Banqie’s wife will run away.……"

Jiang Shuying said:"Don't worry, if you have half of it left, I will definitely not run away."……"

"I thank you for your sweet words.……"


People in the live broadcast room laughed speechlessly.

Nima, I asked you to accept what you said. Sister, why don’t you just say that if you don’t know how to fall in love, then we won’t fall in love? Watch more and learn more. Really, it’s free of charge.

Chen Fan said:"I don't believe anyone's words. I only believe what I see. Forensic observations tell me that this man is well taken care of."……"

"A well-cared-for person...if he goes crazy, there must be other reasons……"

"Half of his body was not crazy, but what could make him crazier than losing half of his body?"

"I don't believe that a wife who cares for her husband would leave him……"

Chen Fan's words silenced everyone in the live broadcast room.

This is why forensic doctors look at the problem from a different perspective than many people.

There are people with disabilities, but will they pay attention to how to deal with the clothes worn by the disabled people?

Those who are mended carefully can see love and respect in the details.

Boss Yang said:"I think there are more than these?"

Chen Fan said:"I checked this guy's palms and arms, and I found a lot of healed scars. These are all left by daily labor. , indicating that Zheng Banzhe is living a strong life...but now he is acting like a madman...I think he must have seen something...or maybe he is not crazy.……"

Not crazy?

Chen Fan's words caused an uproar in the live broadcast room

"There are many trees to hide in, why are they here on our side? There are plenty of places to go to cause chaos, why do it under cameras? Our place is the most lively place... Also, why did we choose to do the show on this day and we happened to be discovered?"

Chen Fan asked one after another, and he was a little confused when there were two women in the live broadcast room.

Yes, all of this is too coincidental.

How do you feel that this guy with half a body really wants others to discover him?

"Let me tell you, the reason why I asked people to look for me is that I am sure that this guy may be discovered. Otherwise, even if you look for these few people for ten days, you will not be able to find him in this mountain.……"

Soon, Lao Song came back wearing a raincoat with a bag in his hand.

Chen Fan ran out, and the photographer followed him

"found it?"

"Found the bracelet……"

Chen Fan opened the plastic bag.

A bracelet was indeed found, and it was a bracelet with rotten hand bones.

Lao Song said: 'How to deal with it? Chen

Fan said:"I don't know... you are more professional than me in this kind of thing."……"

Lao Song thought for a moment and said:"Don't stay here for now. I will take you out of the village to the police station...get in the car and leave now."……"

Chen Fan nodded, pulled the person into the car and ran away.

People watching the live broadcast were stunned.

Why are you running?

This isn't right.

Boss Yang said:"Captain Song, what are you doing?"

"If it is really a murder and dismemberment... don't stay in the village, you can't guarantee that anyone will know the news... This is for safety reasons... Moreover, Chen Fan needs an autopsy, and we need to find the remaining clues as soon as possible and find the remaining remains. Get down to where the body is... Damn, damn, beast." ps: Please support me, thank you all.

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