The next day.

When Chen Fan woke up, Boss Yang was still sleeping.

It seems that I was too tired yesterday.

The past few days.

When Chen Fan wakes up, Boss Yang has often gone to work.

Boss Yang is indeed a strong woman in the entertainment industry and has very strict requirements for herself.

Chen Fan glanced at the time.

It is already 7:30 in the morning, and there is still an hour and a half before he goes to work.

Chen Fan got up, first went downstairs to buy some breakfast, and then returned to the room.

Seeing that Boss Yang was still sleeping soundly, he did not continue to wake her up.

Before leaving, Chen Fan placed a kiss on Boss Yang’s forehead.

…… after an hour.

Chen Fan arrived at the forensic department and was about to walk into the autopsy room to see if there were any clues on the body.

I heard Lao Song's shout in the distance

"Chen Fan, wait"523""!"

Chen Fan turned around.

I saw Recital running in from the door of the unit quickly.

Chen Fan said:"Old Song, why are you so anxious!"

Old Song's expression was mixed, and he said:"Ma Yunxin had a stomachache last night. Xu Tong took her to the hospital. The doctor said she was pregnant.

" Listen to this.

Chen Fan felt even more strange.

According to Ma Yunxin, when the murderer violated her, he did not use her reproductive organs at all, but his hands and other instruments.

In this case...why is Ma Yunxin pregnant?

Chen Fan said:"Did Ma Yunxin not only have an affair with the murderer?"

Lao Song shook his head and said:"I don't know. We asked Ma Yunxin carefully, but she said she didn't know at all."

Things became even more troublesome..

At first.

Based on the clues he found and the process described by Ma Yunxin, Chen Fan believed that the murderer was a person without normal sexual function.

But now, Ma Yunxin is pregnant!

That's when.

Mai Mai, who was late, walked in from the door with the cameraman from the program team.

Seeing the strange expressions on the two people's faces, Mai Mai couldn't help but ask:"What's wrong with you? What are you doing here?"

Lao Song said,"Ma Yunxin is pregnant!"

Mai Mai's eyes widened and she looked at him in disbelief. Got Chen Fan.

Chen Fan said with a speechless face:"Don't look at me, I don't know what happened."

The audience in the live broadcast room did not expect to know such exciting news as soon as the broadcast started this morning.

【Ma Yunxin is pregnant!!! Didn’t everyone guess that the murderer was an inhumane person? What's wrong with being pregnant now?】

【Could it be that the person who violated Ma Yunxin and the person who killed Wang Xiaoli were not the same?】

【No, no... I think there is another possibility. Is it possible that more than one person has violated Ma Yunxin?】

【I feel the same way. After Ma Yunxin was violated, Ma Yunxin's parents only felt that Ma Yunxin was embarrassed, and they didn't care about Ma Yunxin, a girl who was only a teenager. She lost the protection of her family and those people with wolfish ambitions around her. There will definitely be ideas】

【Damn it, the person who got Ma Yunxin pregnant is so inhuman! 】

Maimai said:"Could it be that...the murderer is actually fertile...just a psychopath who wants to torture people?"

Chen Fan shook his head and said:"I don't know, we should go to the hospital now, maybe We can find clues about the murderer from the fetal DNA."

Lao Song also agreed with this plan.

The three of them went to the hospital where Ma Yunxin was staying.

After arriving at the hospital, Lao Song found the ward where Ma Yunxin was located according to the address given by Xu Tong.

Because Ma Yunxin was related to the case, the police specially arranged a single ward.

At this time, Ma Yunxin had fallen asleep after undergoing some examinations.

Chen Fan called Xu Tong out of the ward and asked,"What happened last night?"

Xu Tong told everything that happened last night.

"Last night, after I got home, Ma Yunxin said that she couldn't eat and that her stomach was very uncomfortable. I thought it was Ma Yunxin who had a bad stomach, so I didn't take it to heart at first."

"Later in the middle of the night, Ma Yunxin was so painful that she couldn't sleep, so I hurriedly sent her to the hospital."

"Then she was found to be pregnant. Before you guys came, I asked her if anyone else had violated her."

"She said firmly that no, she heard that she had only been assaulted by the murderer."

Although this topic is a bit heavy.

But now based on Ma Yunxin's remarks alone, no one can judge whether what she said is true or false.

If Ma Yunxin is really pregnant with the murderer's child, then all previous inferences have been overturned. 0

Chen Fan said:"Does Ma Yunxin have any problems?"

"Yes, Ma Yunxin has been homeless for a long time and eats food picked up from the trash can. Therefore, she is malnourished for a long time and has signs of threatened miscarriage.

Xu Tong replied.

Lao Song said from the side:"Isn't it possible to directly extract the fetal DNA now?" How about extracting the DNA now and comparing it to an indoor DNA bank to see if it is possible to find a match."

This is indeed a way.

Lao Song did it immediately.

Chen Fan, Mai Mai and Xu Tong returned to the ward.

Ma Yunxin happened to have woken up at this time. When she saw Chen Fan, she knew why she came.

Ma Yun Xin's face turned pale and he said:"Forensic Chen, I'm statement may have caused you to misjudge, but in my impression, when that person violated me, there was really no use for that place. I don't know how I got pregnant."

Ma Yunxin lowered her head with some guilt. She felt that it was her previous words that made Chen Fan think that the murderer was an inhumane person.

Now that she is pregnant, she has pushed the case back to the original point.

But in fact,

Chen Fan is not just Just judge the characteristics of the murderer through Ma Yunxin's statement��

"It's none of your business. Didn't you say that you fainted when the murderer violated you? Maybe during that time when you were unconscious, the murderer used that place to violate you, but you didn't know it. 5.7."

Chen Fan said this.

Xu Tong echoed:"Yes, you don't have to feel guilty. Everything you do wrong in a day is the murderer's fault and you are the victim.

Ma Yunxin still felt guilty and said,"I heard what you just said. You want to extract the fetal DNA, right?""

"It just so happens that I don't want to give birth to this child. His father, no, the murderer wants to ruin my life. He is the child of the devil!"

Speaking of this,

Ma Yunxin was obviously very excited.

It seemed that Ma Yunxin had a lot of hatred for the murderer.

Mai Mai sat on the edge of the bed, took Ma Yunxin's cold hand and said,"Don't worry......Current technology...does not require removing the fetus and extracting DNA. The fetus in the mother's body must be able to extract DNA".

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