After standing there for a while.

Chen Fan couldn't help but said:"Stop hiding with us and come out quickly."

Mai Mai didn't know who Chen Fan was talking to, and suddenly became even more nervous.

Lao Song and Xu Tong opened their eyes wide and did not miss the plants and trees around them.

After a while.

There was still no sound around.

Chen Fan's patience was exhausted and he said,"Since you don't come out... we'll leave."

After that.

Chen Fan took Mai Mai directly to the front, and Lao Song and Xu Tong followed closely.

While walking around, Mai Mai swallowed her saliva and looked around nervously, but she didn't notice anything strange.

After walking for a while.

Mai Maicai asked:"Chen Fan, who were you talking to just now? Could it be the murderer?"

As soon as he finished speaking.

Chen Fan said speechlessly:"Are you a fool... If the person who was following us just now was a murderer... would I still talk like that10?"


Mai Mai reacted.

Indeed...if it was a murderer...Chen Fan and Lao Song would have already thought of ways to catch him.

Why are you still saying those things? To arouse the enemy?

Mai Mai was also speechless by her own question.

But who is stalking them?

Mai Mai asked again:"Then who were you talking to just now? Is anyone following us?"

Chen Fan nodded and said:"I don't know who it is... but there is indeed someone following us.……"


Mai Mai suddenly shuddered... Someone was really following them... It was unclear whether it was an enemy or a friend... But after experiencing Wang Xiaoli's incident, I gradually felt that the people who followed people were not good people..

She even thought about never going out alone again. If something like this happened to her, the consequences would be unimaginable. soon.

The group finally arrived at Wang Xiaoli’s home.

Wang Xiaoli's family is considered to be a moderately wealthy person in the village. The house is a three-story brick-concrete structure. It looks quite new on the outside... it must have been built not long ago.

He had already told Wang Xiaoli's parents in advance that he would come to his house to pick up clothes... so before coming... Wang Xiaoli's parents handed the key to Lao Song.

Wang Xiaoli's parents continued to stay at the police station.

Lao Song took out the key... and opened the alloy door.


The door was opened, and the appearance of Wang Xiaoli's family appeared in front of everyone.

The TV...dining table...are exactly the same as those in ordinary people's homes, nothing special.

Chen Fan said:"Wang Xiaoli's mother said that she hid her clothes in the cabinet in the kitchen."

Everyone walked to the kitchen together, and Mai Mai and Xu Tong opened the kitchen cabinets one by one.

Mai Mai opened the last cabinet and saw the school uniforms hidden in plastic bags.

"I found it!"

Maimai was a little excited and quickly took out the plastic bag.

Everyone quickly gathered around.

Chen Fan put on his gloves, opened the plastic bag, took out Wang Xiaoli's school uniform, and then displayed it in front of everyone.

As expected.

This school uniform is damaged in many places. On the back of the uniform, there are also some sawdust left by rubbing against the tree trunk.

It seems that... Wang Xiaoli was really tied to the tree trunk on the hill.

And... there are still things on this uniform. There were a lot of blood stains.

Although it was unclear whether these blood stains belonged to just Wang Xiaoli... but it made people realize that Wang Xiaoli had really been tortured so cruelly by the murderer.

Although the blood stains had dried up, the smell of blood was still there. , the smell made Mai Mai and Xu Tong a little unbearable, and they almost vomited it out.

Chen Fan said:"We have to take this clothes back, do a blood test, and then carefully check the traces on the clothes. See if you can find any clues about the murderer."

Old Song nodded.

【I really think these parents are so cruel... Their daughter was violated... The first thing they thought about was not to catch the murderer... but to change their daughter's clothes for their own honor... If not Chen Fan has noticed this a long time ago... It is estimated that the case has not progressed yet.】

【I can understand Wang Xiaoli’s parents... They just don’t want their daughter to be gossiped about after she dies... There are many people in the village who are very good at gossiping.……】

【It’s clear that the girl is the’s the murderer who really deserves to be blamed……】

【If such a person is caught, he should be exposed to the public and be criticized by everyone. Let him taste the feeling of being reviled by outsiders.……】

【Those people who made sarcastic remarks in front of me, at that time, who could have imagined that their daughter would die?】

【Wang Xiaoli is innocent... her parents are also victims... don't criticize them verbally... as parents... no one wants their children to become someone else's conversation piece. 】

Four people walked out of Wang Xiaoli's home.

Chen Fan was the first to walk out of the door, and at this moment... he seemed to see a dark figure in his peripheral vision, hiding in the corner of the door.

Chen Fan stopped and glanced at Lao Song behind him.

Lao Song immediately understood the meaning, so he hurried towards the back door of Wang Xiaoli's house, planning to outflank Chen Fan.

Chen Fan whispered to Xu Tong:"Take Mai Mai 107 and walk out the door normally."

Xu Tong nodded, made a hissing gesture to Mai Mai, and then pulled Mai Mai out of the door.

Chen Fan closed the door at the end, and then walked towards the corner of the wall little by little. at the same time.

Lao Song had also walked out of the back door of Wang Xiaoli's house, and he slowly moved to the corner.

Chen Fan walked to the corner and saw a figure as expected.

The man had already realized that Chen Fan had found him, so he immediately ran towards the back.

But it was too late.

Lao Song appeared on the other side of the path and directly blocked this person.

Chen Fan shouted:"Who are you...why have you been following us?……"

This is a path between two houses. After the two ends were blocked by Chen Fan and Lao Song respectively, there was no other way out.

The man had long hair and couldn't see his face clearly. After realizing that he was running out, he turned to face Chen Fan and said,"I... I'm just... curious... to follow you.……" curious?

I don't believe it...

Chen Fan sneered and said,"Don't you know that there was a murder in the village? Follow us... Aren't you afraid that we will misunderstand you as a murderer?"

The man immediately waved his hand and said :"I'm not the murderer...I'm not the murderer...I...I...I know who it is……".

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