the other side.

Inside Boss Yang’s office.

Hot Bar, who was still watching the live broadcast, saw that Chen Fan wanted to invite Mai Mai to his home for dinner, which made him feel a little bit disgusted.

Hot Bar looked at Boss Yang with a resentful look on his face and said,"Why didn't this Mai Mai... refuse? Better yet... As soon as Chen Fan invited her, she went……"

After Boss Yang heard what Reba said, he said:"Just go and go...Maimai is also an artist in my hands...and now he is partnered with Chen Fan in the show...What's wrong with going to have a meal at home?" said Reba :"But...but……"

It took a long time to warm it up, but no reason came out. at last.

Hot Bar opened a pair of big, fluttering eyes and plucked up the courage to say:"Boss... I also want to go to your house for dinner."……"

Boss Yang raised his head from the document and said,"Do you want to join in the fun too?"

Hot Bar nodded affirmatively,"670" She also wanted to eat Chen Fan's cooking.

But looking at Boss Yang's look, could it be that Boss Yang didn't want her to go?

Hot Bar is a little worried.

If Boss Yang really doesn't let her go, what will she do?


At the next moment, Boss Yang nodded and said:"Go, go... I know you have been thinking about it for a long time... It just so happened that Mai Mai was there today... Let you both eat... I won't bother you after that." Chen Fan and I are together."

As soon as Reba heard Boss Yang agreed, he sat up from the sofa.

Then he said with a smile:"Boss, you are so kind.……"

Boss Yang also smiled and said,"Let's go's almost time...come home with me."

Reba nodded heavily.

After Boss Yang packed up the documents for a while, he drove to Chen Fan's home with the hot bar in his car.


At this time, Chen Fan had already returned to his home with Mai Mai.

Once inside.

Chen Fan said:"You can do whatever you want...I'll cook……"

Mai Mai nodded.

She didn't feel restrained. She had just been to Chen Fan's home this morning.

After sitting on the sofa for a while, Mai Mai felt bored.

Pick up your phone and prepare to browse Weibo.

But just from the corner of his eye, he saw Chen Fan who was busy in the kitchen.

The setting sun shone through the window and onto the kitchen table.

Chen Fan stood on the border between sunlight and darkness wearing an apron.

Such a small scene made Mai Mai feel overwhelmed with happiness for some reason.

Maybe... she saw what she wanted in this picture.

After just looking at it for a while.

By chance, Chen Fan turned around and went to the refrigerator to get some food. When he looked up, he noticed Mai Mai sitting on the sofa looking at him intently.

That look... felt exactly like when he saw the corpse.

Chen Fan said:"You shouldn't be...thinking about how to dissect me?"


What anatomy?

Mai Mai was stunned for a moment before reacting later.

Mai Mai curled her lips and said,"I'm not you...why would you think of such a perverted thing?"

Anatomy was impossible...she wanted to untie Chen Fan's clothes.

Bah bah bah.

Mai Mai, you can drive on this broken road, I'm impressed by you.

Mai Mai shook off his thoughts of lsp and looked at Chen Fan again.

She suddenly felt that it was not very good to let Chen Fan cook there without helping at all.

So Mai Mai stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

Just at this time.

The door to Chen Fan's house was pushed open from the outside.

Mai Mai looked back.

It turns out that Boss Yang and Reba are here.

Mai Mai greeted and said:"Boss Yang... Sister Reba... you are back."

Boss Yang nodded and said:"Yes, we saw Chen Fan inviting you home for dinner on the live broadcast, so we rushed home as soon as possible.."

Mai Mai's face turned slightly red.

She was actually worried before she came, fearing that Boss Yang would be unhappy.

But now take a look.

Boss Yang was not only not unhappy, but also very happy.

This made Maiimai breathe a sigh of relief, and the big stone in his heart fell to the ground.

Hot Bar said:"Okay, you Mai Mai...if we hadn't watched the live broadcast...are you planning to eat alone?"

Mai Mai immediately defended:"No, no... I... Chen Fan asked me to come here……"

Good guy.

This time the blame was placed on Chen Fan.

Chen Fan glanced at the three women in the living room.

He originally just wanted to treat Mai Mai to the meal he cooked, so why did the hot bar come?

As the saying goes, three women make a show...

Although these three women will not fight, they will not be as tense as Boss Yang and Jiang Shuying.

But why did he feel that this meal was full of the smell of gunpowder smoke.

Forget it.

Nothing to think about 0........

Hot Bar and Mai Mai are both Boss Yang’s artists.

As long as Boss Yang is here, Reba and Mai Mai will not cause anything to happen.

Chen Fan continued to prepare the ingredients.

After chatting at the hot bar, he immediately walked to the kitchen and said,"Chen Fan, let me help you!"

Chen Fan nodded and said,"Okay... help me wash this pile of vegetables."……"

Seeing Reba taking the lead and coming to the kitchen to help, Mai Mai couldn't hold it any longer.

She also walked to the kitchen and said,"I'm here to help, too."

As soon as she finished speaking.

Chen Fan threw a piece of garlic to Mai Mai and said,"Peel it out."

There were two little helpers.

The speed of cooking is much faster.

Boss Yang never came to the kitchen during the whole process.

In fact, when Chen Fan is cooking at home, Boss Yang helps whenever he can.

But now that she saw that Reba and Mai Mai were actively helping Chen Fan cook, she didn't get involved.

Who is Boss Yang?

Boss Yang, who dominates the entertainment industry!

Of course I can see what Reba and Maimai are thinking.

With their help, Boss Yang is happy and comfortable.

An hour later.

The meal is served.

After the hot bar brought the last dish to the table, he greeted:"Boss's time to eat."……"

Boss Yang stood up from the sofa and walked to the dining table.

I saw five dishes and one soup on the dining table.

Boss Yang smiled and said:"It's still very rich today."

It happened that 4.2 Chen Fan walked out of the kitchen at this time and said:"There are two snackers here...can I not make it more rich?""

"If I don’t have enough to eat by then... what if the two snackers come outside and accuse me of abusing them?……"

"I have many fans now.

Reba rolled his eyes at Chen Fan and said,"You have the burden of being an idol so soon?""

Maimai smiled on the side and did not interrupt.

Chen Fan said:"That's not true. Netizens on the Internet now say that I am a pervert. If you continue to add insult to injury, my perverted identity will be confirmed. Already?"


The three women couldn't hold it back and laughed.

Boss Yang said:"You can't blame the netizens for this.……"

Reba said:"Yes, yes... when you were doing the anatomy... you were indeed different from normal people.……"

However, Mai Mai said on behalf of Chen Fan:"Chen Fan is called professionalism!".

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