Chen Fan said:"On the night when the deceased died, didn't he go to his second brother's house to drink... Most people will fall unconscious after being drunk... but they will never lose consciousness when they suffer fatal injuries... Asking for help... But if... I took in some other things before that... maybe it would be different."

After hearing what Chen Fan said.

The director thought about it for a moment, became horrified, and said,"Forensic Doctor Chen, you mean... Zhang Guoqing's younger brother Zhang Minqing poisoned his wine?"

Chen Fan neither denied nor admitted, but Said:"I just pointed out a direction for you, Director...I didn't say that this is the truth.……"

The director nodded.

Indeed it is.

Although the amusement park is closed at night, the amusement park will send security personnel to patrol from time to time.

It would have screamed if... the deceased had suffered fatal injuries while merely drunk.

But if... the deceased had lost consciousness before then... then it would be impossible for him to yell, and the security guards of the amusement park would naturally not notice that there was a corpse here.

The director said:"Okay, then I will interrogate Zhang Guoqing's younger brother Zhang Minqing now.".

Chen Fan nodded.

In fact, this matter only came to mind after Chen Fan came to Dongfu Village and got to know Zhang Guoqing with his grandparents.

Of course... this is not just Chen Fan's guess.

Just now when we were chatting.

Chen Fan learned unexpectedly.

In the past two years, Dongfu Village has slowly embarked on the road to wealth relying on its amusement parks.

But not before building the amusement park.

Dongfu Village has always relied on selling medicinal materials to make money.

Moreover, Dongfu Village produces a lot of aconite wine, and every household goes up the mountain to collect aconite to make wine.

As everyone knows.

Aconitum is a medicinal herb and is poisonous.

Although many people like to make aconite into wine and drink it, when drinking aconite wine, people like to heat the wine.

This will make the poison in the aconite disappear.

Chen Fan's guess is.

When Zhang Guoqing went to Zhang Minqing's house to drink, he drank raw aconite wine and was poisoned.

But this is just speculation.

After leaving the police station, an hour later.

Chen Fan received a call from the director

"Forensic Doctor Chen, I just went to interrogate Zhang Minqing, and he admitted that the wine Zhang Guoqing drank at his house that night was his own aconite wine.々¨ "

"What he said was... Zhang Guoqing came to him that night with several stacks of old one-hundred-yuan bills, saying that he found the bills left to him by his parents in the attic of his old house. Then he came to show off to him. Later, Zhang Guoqing drank while talking. He originally drank warm wine, but for some reason, Zhang Guoqing suddenly felt that drinking from a wine glass was pretentious, so he picked up the bottle of raw aconite wine. jar and start drinking"

"Originally, Zhang Minqing was the one who stopped him, so Zhang Guoqing scolded him and said he was stingy. Then Zhang Minqing got a little angry and stopped stopping him. Chen

Fan said:"Then I will go back and dissect Zhang Guoqing to see the toxins in his body.""

The two hung up the phone.

Mai Mai also heard the director's call and said,"So Zhang Minqing killed Zhang Guoqing?"

Chen Fan looked at the simple-minded Mai Mai and felt speechless for a moment.

Finding the truth of the case is never that simple.

Even if he is a forensic doctor, even though he found the truth about the death in the corpse, he may not be able to find the murderer.

Everything now is just inference and speculation.

【Why do I feel that this case is becoming more and more confusing... At first it was just Zhang Guoqing's wife... Now she is Zhang Guoqing's brother. Could it be that……】

【Do you think there is a possibility... Zhang Guoqing's brother and his wife jointly killed Zhang Guoqing?……】

【High energy ahead, high energy ahead... Audiences who don't want to see anatomy should evacuate quickly... Chen Fan is about to perform anatomy again……】 in this program.

In addition to watching Chen Fan interact with big stars, the audience also likes to watch Chen Fan perform anatomy.

That scene was both terrifying and exciting.

Chen Fan came to the anatomy room and put on hoods, gloves and a mask.

Get ready to start the dissection.

After placing Zhang Guoqing's body on the autopsy table, Chen Fan did not act immediately.

Still looking at Mai Mai, he said:"Why don't you get out quickly?"

Mai Mai said strangely:"Why should I go out? Aren't you doing an autopsy?……"

Chen Fan said:"You couldn't bear it before... Now I want to extract samples from all organs... Wait a moment……"

Following Chen Fan's words, Mai Mai suddenly thought of the rotting corpse in front of her, but in the end she still didn't go out.

Chen Fan did not continue to persuade Mai Mai. He calmed down and began to dissect.

Chen Fan used a scalpel to open the chest of Zhang Guoqing's body and found the lungs, stomach, spleen, liver... and other organs.

Then samples are extracted from these organs and placed in test tubes.

The drug test is simple.

The first step is to mash the sample viscera into a test tube, then pour the organic solvent into the test tube, and let the organic solvent dissolve the viscera that has been mashed into a paste.

In the second step, after repeated extraction, the toxic compounds in the visceral tissue will be transferred to the organic solvent, and only then can the toxin test be carried out.

Finally, the type of toxin can be confirmed.

After such operations, Chen Fan quickly confirmed that the toxin contained in Zhang Guoqing's body turned out to be arsenic trioxide.

After seeing the types of poisons shown.

Chen Fan was a little surprised.

Mai Mai on the side also noticed Chen Fan's expression and asked inquiringly:"` 」What's wrong...arsenic trioxide...what is it?……"

Chen Fan explained:"Arsenic trioxide... is the main component of arsenic.……"

Mai Mai said in surprise:"Arsenic??? Isn't this a poison that only appeared in ancient TV dramas? Is there arsenic in Zhang Guoqing's body? Can Aconitum be used as arsenic?"

Chen Fan was speechless.

What aconite is used to make arsenic!

These are two completely different things

【Arsenic? Not actually Aconitum? Could it be that Zhang Minqing put arsenic in Zhang Guoqing's food after being insulted by Zhang Guoqing?】

【Upstairs... what are you thinking... Zhang Guoqing and Zhang Minqing were drinking together... Could it be that Zhang Minqing doesn't eat vegetables? If Zhang Guoqing's food was poisonous... wouldn't Zhang Minqing be poisoned as well?】

【It's interesting... arsenic……】

Chen Fan said:"Things are not simple... I still need to test the time when the toxin entered the body."

Mai Mai said:"Such high technology!"

Chen Fan ignored Mai Mai and continued to do his own tests.

After confirming the type of toxin, the forensic doctor can calculate the time when the deceased ingested the poison based on the toxin test materials.

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