As soon as Chen Fan walked into the elevator at home.

The director of the police station near the amusement park responded to the message.

The director said:"I interrogated Zhang Guoqing's wife Li Huilan and his son Zhang Ming. They said it was because Zhang Guoqing was a carpenter and carried iron nails all year round."

"As for why the iron nail appeared in Zhang Guoqing's head, they all said they didn't know."

The carpenter... carries nails with him all year round.…….

It is indeed very possible.

However, it is still necessary to go to the scene to verify what exactly happened.

Chen Fan simply replied to the director's message and asked the director to ask Zhang Guoqing's younger brother.

After all, the deceased went to his house to drink on the night of his death.

After sending the message.

It happened that the elevator stopped at the home floor.

Chen Fan returned home.

Boss Yang is not at home today.

Chen Fan opened the refrigerator and saw that there were still dishes, so he decided to show Boss Yang another show.

Think so.

Chen Fan walked to the kitchen and started working. after an hour.

A large table of delicious meals was served on the table.

It just so happened that Boss Yang also went home.

As soon as I opened the door, I smelled the aroma of food.

Boss Yang 143 showed a happy smile and walked towards Chen Fan.

I happened to see Chen Fan still cooking.

Boss Yang walked over quietly and hugged Chen Fan from behind.

Chen Fan felt Boss Yang's hand stretched out, smiled and said:"Are you off work?"

Boss Yang leaned his head on Chen Fan's back, smiled and said:"Yes... I'll be there after work." I quickly went home...and then I saw you cooking here...I felt very happy……"

By this time, the food was already cooked, so Chen Fan turned off the fire.

He turned around, hugged Boss Yang, and said:"You are very happy now... Then later……"

Chen Fan didn't finish his sentence.

Boss Yang smiled even brighter, stood on tiptoes, and kissed Chen Fan on the mouth.

Boss Yang said:"It won't work relatives are here……"

Chen Fan said:"Then you are still sticking to me like this?……"

Chen Fan lowered his head and glanced at Boss Yang's body, which fit perfectly against his own.

Boss Yang had no choice but to stand up quickly, then pulled Chen Fan towards the dining table and said,"Then we have agreed today. If I don't touch you, you won't touch me."

Chen Fan said," long as you I can bear it...I have no problem at all……"

A man's mouth is a liar.

Although you can’t hit a home run, you still need a kiss and a hug.

With a beautiful woman in his arms... Chen Fan can't sit still while he's pregnant.

After saying that.

Chen Fan brought the last dish to the table.

After the two of them finished their meal.

Boss Yang said:"By the way... I also watched the live broadcast between you and Mai Mai today... What do you think?"

"What do you think……"

Chen Fan didn't know what Boss Yang was asking about.

Boss Yang said:"Of course it's the case we encountered today.……"

Chen Fan said:"There are very few clues at the moment, and I don't know much about it... As a forensic doctor... I can only confirm that the deceased was definitely killed by an iron nail being driven into his head."

"As for the others... I have to wait until the director over there tells me the results of the interrogation before further testing can be done.

Boss Yang nodded and said,"Okay."……"

Boss Yang did not ask any more questions.

…… the next morning.

As soon as Chen Fan opened his eyes, he saw a familiar face.

This familiar face is not Boss Yang... but Mai Mai...

Chen Fan is not as surprised as yesterday, and seems to have become accustomed to this situation.

Chen Fan said:"Why are you here again?……"

Mai Mai explained with a smile:"I was just waiting for you at the door, and then Boss Yang asked me to come in directly."


Boss Yang, are you letting someone steal your home?

Chen Fan said:"Okay... then you go out... I want to change clothes."

This time Mai Mai didn't say anything and walked out directly.

After Chen Fan changed his clothes.

Mai Mai once again handed over the breakfast he bought and said,"Here, I bought breakfast for you."

Chen Fan glanced at it.

What Mai Mai bought today were steamed buns, fried dough sticks and soy milk, which were completely different from yesterday.

It seems that Mai Mai is quite smart and knows how to buy different things.

Chen Fan was not polite, took the breakfast and started eating.

While having breakfast.

Mai Mai came over and asked,"What are we going to do later...are we going to continue the dissection?"

Chen Fan shook his head and said,"No...we are going to search secretly today.……"

Mai Mai said:"Searching secretly? Why? Didn't the director of the police station take the person back for interrogation? What else should we interview?"

Chen Fan just finished finishing the last bite of the bun, stretched out his hand and patted Mai Mai, and said"Just tell me whether you want to go with me... If you don't go... I'll go by myself."

How could Mai Mai not go? He nodded vigorously at that moment. after awhile.

Chen Fan and Mai Mai went downstairs and headed to the village where Zhang Guoqing was. on the car.

Mai Mai still couldn't hold back and said:"Didn't you confirm yesterday that the iron nail inserted into Zhang Guoqing's head caused his death? What else should we investigate now?"

Chen Fan replied:"Have you noticed that?... Zhang Guoqing’s wife Li Huilan did not show too much surprise when she saw her husband die."

"Her whole reaction... was a bit like... acting.

Mai Mai said doubtfully:"Acting?""

Maimai thought about it carefully and then shook her head.

She did not think that Li Huilan was acting. Li Huilan's behavior yesterday was completely like the wife of her husband who died.

Chen Fan had expected it and said:"I knew you Didn't see it……"

Mai Mai was speechless.

You know, I didn't���You come out and ask? Did you say it on purpose to humiliate me? certainly.

Mai Mai didn't say what was in her heart.

On the contrary, the audience in the live broadcast room laughed.

【Hahaha... I saw the white eyes of Mai Mai……】

【Chen Fan never lets me down……】

【After what Chen Fan said, I recalled Li Huilan's performance yesterday. It was indeed a bit unreal. Although she cried very sadly yesterday, she was not particularly sad or angry.】

【And I don’t know if you have noticed that... Zhang Guoqing died... Only his wife was present... His son never appeared from the beginning to the end. Logically speaking, if the father is dead, no matter what the son is doing, he should come over immediately, right?】

【Maybe Zhang Guoqing’s son couldn’t make it there at that time? 】

The audience had various speculations.

More than two hours later.

Chen Fan and Mai Mai came to Dongfu Village, the village where Zhang Guoqing lived. before entering the village.

Chen Fan said to the cameraman:"Don't follow us in like a long-term weapon."".

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