There were many red marks on Zhang Guoqing's body.

But it's actually all on the back.

According to the symptoms of freezing to death recorded in the book, these slightly red spots should appear all over the body, not just on the back.

But if it only appears on the back... then there is only one situation - after death, the blood will stay on the back and form corpse spots.

Chen Fan said:"Zhang Guoqing did not necessarily freeze to death... The specific cause of death......We will not know until I take the body back for an autopsy."I originally had to take the body back for an autopsy.

But now that Chen Fan is there, he will definitely be able to do a better examination than other forensic doctors.

So the director said:"Okay...I'll have someone deliver the body to Forensic Doctor Chen."

Chen Fan nodded and left the scene.

As soon as they walked out of the police protection circle, Mai Mai and Jiang Shuying came up to them.

Mai Mai said:"Is our amusement park trip going to end today?……"

Mai Mai's tone was very disappointing.

Chen Fan nodded:"Yes...but if you want to continue to follow me, just continue to follow me."

"I'm going back to the office now. 08"

Of course Mai Mai wants to follow Chen Fan.

In fact, Jiang Shuying also wants to follow, but she only has a few hours of leave, and she has to go back to continue filming.

Jiang Shuying said helplessly:"Since you are leaving, then I will go back too. Filming started. Goodbye, Chen Fan!"

After finishing speaking,

Jiang Shuying left.

Mai Mai looked at Jiang Shuying's back and muttered:"Sister Jiang Shuying is really... She came here just because of you... She didn't even say goodbye to me.……"

Chen Fan said:"You said she came here because of me... so why did she say hello to you when she left?……"


Mai Mai was immediately speechless.

Inside the studio.

Brother Chao was laughed out of Chen Fan's words:"Hahaha... Chen Fan's words are so interesting.……"

Han Huo said:"Fortunately, it was Chen Fan who said this... If it had been anyone else... I would have been beaten with a snakeskin bag over the head at night."

The audience in the live broadcast room also watched with great joy.

【Hahaha...Chen Fan has never let me down……】

【It's so funny...I was just eating...I almost sprayed my meal on my phone】

【Is it time for dissection again? I don’t know how much time Chen Fan will spend on dissection this time.……】

Mai Mai and Chen Fan got into the show crew's car.

The car drove directly to Chen Fan's unit.

Two hours later.

Chen Fan and Mai Mai just arrived at the unit and walked into the door of the unit as soon as they got off the car.

The director happened to come out of the unit.

As soon as he saw Chen Fan, the director said curiously:"Isn't today the weekend? You guy came to work overtime again?"

"Is your roll king going a little too far?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the director saw Mai Mai behind Chen Fan, and he immediately understood.

It seems that Chen Fan... must have encountered a case while dating a girl again.

Chen Fan shrugged. Said:"Director... You can't blame me... When we were playing in the amusement park... we happened to find the corpse of a smiling man. We just came back from the amusement park... Waiting for the police station over there to collect the body. Bring it back to me."

The smiling male corpse?

The director was also a little curious, but he was in a hurry now, so he hurriedly said goodbye to Chen Fan and left the unit.

Chen Fan took Mai Mai into the autopsy room.

Because the corpse has not been delivered yet.

Mai Mai looked at the various instruments in the autopsy room and began to look for a topic, saying:"Deputy Director Chen... did you say that the corpse just now... could have been killed by his wife Li Huilan?"……"

Chen Fan shook his head and said,"It's impossible."

Why is it impossible?

Mai Mai said:"Isn't that gold necklace Li Huilan's? Is it possible that Li Huilan had already discovered that her husband was drunk, and when she came out to find her husband, she suddenly felt malicious and then killed herself husband. Before Zhang Guoqing died, he must have struggled. During the struggle, he caught Li Huilan's new necklace.……"

Chen Fan stretched out his hand and hit Mai Mai on the head.

Mai Mai felt aggrieved and covered her head, saying,"Why did you hit me... Could it be that my guess was outrageous... Aren't spouses responsible for many cases?"


In many cases, spouses are responsible.

In many marriages, not everyone's marriage is happy.

Whether you are a man or a woman...they all encounter different bad things.

Therefore... many times the motive for committing a crime is very sufficient.

However, Li Huilan, the wife of the deceased in the current case, looks so thin and sick.

Even if the deceased Zhang Guoqing was drunk, then Li Huilan. Playing the role of Zhang Guoqing, who is unkillable.

Chen Fan said:"Are you stupid... Li Huilan is so weak... How could you kill Zhang Guoqing?"

Mai Mai recalled Li Huilan's appearance carefully, and then nodded.

But she was still a little aggrieved.

If it's impossible, it's impossible...Why hit her on the head?

Chen Fan looked at Mai Mai's pouting look and said,"Has anyone ever said... the way you pouted your lips is really...……"

Chen Fan deliberately paused here.

Mai Mai looked at Chen Fan and subconsciously thought that Chen Fan was going to praise him for his cuteness, so his eyes lit up and urged Chen Fan to continue:"What, what... the way I pouted is really something."……"

Chen Fan said:"It's ugly……"

Holy shit...

Mai Mai's face turned dark immediately.

Why didn't Chen Fan play his cards according to the routine?

Aren't these words usually followed by compliments about girls?

【Hahaha... Chen Fan really did not disappoint me……】

【Pfft... Sure enough, Chen Fan really... laughed to death.……】

【I thought Chen Fan had changed his gender... I didn’t expect that.……】

The audience burst into laughter.

Mai Mai looked at Chen Fan with a complete death stare.

After more than ten minutes.

Zhang Guoqing's body was finally delivered.

Chen Fan and Mai Mai put on their hoods... gloves and masks and prepared to start dissecting the corpse.

Before dissecting the body.

Chen Fan carefully observed Zhang Guoqing's body again.

All conclusions are the same as before.

The body was stiff...there were corpse spots on the back... but just when Chen Fan inspected the head of the corpse.

Suddenly...he discovered something very wrong.

Hidden in Zhang Guoqing's hair was an iron nail inserted into his head.

If Chen Fan hadn't checked carefully, he might not have discovered it at all.

Chen Fan immediately took a photo of the iron nail inserted into Zhang Guoqing's head and sent the photo to the director with whom he had exchanged contact information before.

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