Chu Yi smiled and said: "Chu Yiyi, go bring Yu Feifei back, and then completely destroy the black market."

When Chu Yiyi heard the words black market, a trace of hatred immediately flashed in her eyes, "Yes, Master!" As soon as her voice fell, her figure disappeared instantly.

At the same time, in a secret room in the underground black market, three women, Yu Feifei, Dong Yueqin and Xie Xinyi, were tied to cold chairs.

Yu Feifei's face was full of despair, and her eyes revealed the fear of the unknown fate. Her body was trembling while tied to the chair, and she had no strength to resist.

A trace of determination flashed between Dong Yueqin's eyebrows. She gritted her teeth tightly and revealed her unyielding will with her firm eyes. Her hands were tied tightly, but her mind was free, and she vowed never to give in to the kidnappers.

Xie Xinyi had a helpless smile on her face. She knew she was in trouble, but she didn't want to show weakness. There was a hint of wit and intelligence in her eyes. She was looking for a chance to escape and would never let the kidnappers succeed.

The dark atmosphere of the black market filled the air, giving off a suffocating sense of oppression. The dim light casts on the wall, reflecting the figures of the three women, making people think of endless darkness and despair.

The atmosphere of the black market is mixed with blood and coldness, as if it is a hell hidden from people's sight. And these three women tied to chairs became prisoners of the evil forces in the black market, and their fates were destined to be intertwined with darkness.

Suddenly, a mysterious man wearing a black robe, long hair and a mask slowly walked over. His appearance was like a ghost in the night, shrouded in a mysterious atmosphere. He said calmly: "Yu Feifei, the person in charge of Yishi Auction is just an ordinary college student. Chu Yi is so short-sighted that he let you, a useless human being, be the person in charge."

Yu Feifei was frightened by his sudden appearance. She stared at him with panic eyes and yelled incoherently: "You...who are you? Let us go quickly, otherwise Chairman Chu will never give up."

"Let you go? Are you kidding?" The man sneered, and then his tone became manic, "As long as anyone is related to Chu Yi, they must die! All of them must die!! I have truly become a demon now. Ah ha ha ha ha ha……"

"Go to hell!! Human ants!!" Suddenly, a dark sharp blade appeared in the man's hand and slashed straight at Yu Feifei.

At this time, Yu Feifei was completely stunned, as if she was frightened. She didn't know what to do and watched helplessly as the man waved a dark blade.

At this critical moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Yu Feifei. She is Chu Yiyi, wearing a black cloak and holding an ice sword. Chu Yiyi's appearance was swift and astonishing, as if he appeared out of thin air. He stood in front of the man without hesitation and stared at him with cold eyes.

"Hmph! Yu Feifei is not something you can kill!!" Chu Yiyi snorted coldly, and his figure instantly condensed an ice sword. The blade of the sword exuded a biting chill that was impossible to ignore. She blocked the man's attack without fear, showing extraordinary strength and calm coping ability.

"Finally, someone came to save me!" Yu Feifei finally breathed a sigh of relief, sweating all over her body. As an ordinary person, she felt helpless and vulnerable. Although she had learned about the existence of superpowers and ancient Martial Artists in the past half month, she was still shocked to witness the real battle of powerful people.

But at this moment, Chu Yiyi was in a state of embarrassment after being attacked by the man.

"I am a star-core superpower. How can anyone from the Blue Star in this world be my opponent?!" Chu Yiyi was extremely shocked. In the past two hundred years, Qin Haoran has led her to practice, and she has learned a lot. Thing, she has seen a lot of battles, it can be said that she has come from battles all the way.

"Hahaha..." The man laughed crazily, his voice echoing in the air, full of endless ridicule, "Hahaha... you are actually a superpower in the star core stage, which is very good... Chu Yi sent you Are you here?" There was a strange light in his eyes.

Chu Yiyi's expression suddenly became horrified, "How do you know the realm of superpower cultivation? Don't you belong to this world?!" Her voice was full of surprise and doubt.

The man laughed ecstatically, "Hahaha! This is all thanks to the fusion of the two worlds! Hahaha!! Go to hell now!! You human ant!! Demon Ao kills the sky!!" His eyes were full of mania, The dark blade in his hand was swung wildly, without regard for his own life, and he launched a crazy attack on Chu Yiyi.

"No! I can't resist this blow! I'm afraid I can only use that trick!!" Chu Yiyi's eyes revealed a hint of determination.

"The Secret of Extreme Ice - Absolute Zero!" Chu Yiyi shouted in a low voice. Suddenly, the surrounding temperature dropped sharply and became extremely cold.

This move is Chu Yi's original unique skill. He has imprinted all his moves in the Spark Realm. Anyone who is capable in the Spark Realm can learn and refer to it.

However, the absolute zero used by Chu Yiyi requires the ice attribute power to reach the purity of absolute zero before it can be used. If the ice attribute is not pure enough, if you forcefully release this move, you will face the risk of being frozen by yourself.

"This is! Chu Yi's move!! Damn it! But do you think this move can kill me? Little star core stage superpower!!!" The man was not afraid and waved a wave without hesitation. He launched an attack on Chu Yi with a pitch-black blade.

"Stop, devil!" However, at this critical moment, a distant voice echoed around, followed by a dazzling golden light suddenly flashed, and I saw a man wearing golden armor and holding gold in his hand. The man with the sword appeared in the light. His long hair hung down to his waist like a waterfall, fluttering gently in the breeze. The golden armor shines with dazzling light, exuding unparalleled majesty and power. He exuded an awe-inspiring aura, as if he were a god descending into the world.

The golden sword shone with cold light in the man's hand. The sword was engraved with complex runes, exuding a mysterious power. The man held the hilt of the sword tightly, looking extremely confident, as if he had foreseen everything. His eyes were firmly fixed on the enemy, revealing his determination.

"Senior Xuanyuan, why are you here!" Chu Yiyi exclaimed. He never expected that this mission would shock the senior Xuanyuan Yi.

"So handsome!" Yu Feifei looked at Xuanyuan Yi and was instantly attracted by his mighty and domineering image, and she couldn't help but feel endless admiration in her heart. She completely ignored the danger in front of her, as if Xuanyuan Yi's existence gave her an extremely strong sense of security.

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