Three days later, a high-profile press conference was held at the Yishi Chamber of Commerce headquarters in Sky City. This news is really big, because the Yishi Chamber of Commerce actually parachuted a president.

As the chairman of the board, Chu Yi stood on the stage, wearing formal clothes, and slowly said: "Dear journalist friends, I am honored to announce that Yishi Chamber of Commerce is about to welcome a new president. Now, Please look forward to his arrival together!" His voice was full of confidence and expectation.

As Chu Yi's words fell, Zheng Xin walked out calmly behind the curtain. There was a look of indifference on his face, and his eyes were slightly narrowed, as if no matter what happened, nothing could make him Spirit Partitioning.

"Hello everyone, I'm Zheng Xin!" Zheng Xin waved his hand and smiled to say hello to the countless media representatives and representatives of other groups below. His voice is firm and confident, which makes people feel his strength and determination as the president of Yishi Chamber of Commerce.

The reporters asked questions like crazy bees, their voices mingling into a cacophony.

One of the female reporters, wearing heavy makeup and a plastic surgery face, stood up. Her eyes were sharp, revealing a strong desire for confirmation. Her voice was loud and clear, "As the president of Yishi Chamber of Commerce, what do you think of the company's development prospects? Do you believe that Yishi Chamber of Commerce has the ability to surpass the two giants Zhou Group and Zhang Group?"

Zheng Xin smiled slightly and replied calmly: "We do not regard any group as an enemy because we believe in the concept of cooperation and win-win."

Another male reporter wearing a straight suit then asked: "Does the Yishi Chamber of Commerce plan to sell ten thousand-year genetic potions? In addition, there are also questions about supernatural potions..." This reporter raised a series of questions about genetic potions and mutants. Obviously, people in large groups are very concerned about the issue of sales of energy medicines.

"This question is the next step!" Zheng Xin smiled with excitement in his eyes. He clapped his hands gently, and several eye-catching words immediately appeared on the big screen - Annual Supreme Membership Plan .

Annual Supreme Membership Plan:

Every year, the customer who spends the most money at Yishi Chamber of Commerce will be granted a one-year Supreme membership.

With Supreme membership privileges, you can purchase most of the products of Yishi Chamber of Commerce, including ten thousand grade genetic potions, adaptive super potions, etc...

Attached below is a guide price list for products with Supreme membership rights, detailing the effects and prices of various genetic medicines. These genetic medicines can effectively extend lifespan and can be taken repeatedly, giving users a longer life. Here are the specifics:

[Adaptive Power Potion] can awaken your own powers, guide price: 100 billion.

[One Hundred Thousand Grade Gene Potion] Users who take it can increase their lifespan by one hundred thousand years. It is currently not available, so stay tuned.

In an instant, the woman who was squeezing Huangfu Bo's shoulders knelt down in front of him, kowtowed repeatedly, and begged in a trembling voice, "Master! Please forgive me! I know I was wrong! Please don't kill me!!"

At this moment, a mysterious man in black suddenly walked in outside the door. He said without hesitation: "Yes, the head of the Huangfu family!"

However, the vast majority of people would rather believe in this existence because their desire for eternal life has reached its peak. A glimmer of hope ignited in their hearts. Perhaps, there really was a miracle of eternal life in this world.

However, the sky-high price prohibits them. It actually costs 90 trillion, which is equivalent to the value of all the assets of a large group. It's simply too expensive. However, at the auction, this 10,000-year-old genetic medicine was sold for only 10 trillion. Although the price is also high, they can grit their teeth and go bankrupt and still be able to barely afford it.

The woman who was manipulated by Huangfu Bo said with a proud look on her face: "You slaves, shouldn't you talk? It's easy for you to talk more and let you die so happily!!"

"Don't interrupt me when I'm happy! Understand?" Huangfu Bo's expression remained indifferent, as if all he had done was trample to death an insignificant ant.

"Master! I didn't..." There was a stab, and the dagger stabbed into the woman's chest again. The woman tried to explain something, but it was too late. She fell to the ground helplessly, completely losing the breath of life.

There was a hint of joking in Huangfu Bo's eyes, and he said to the woman with a smile: "I'm in a bad mood right now. Tell me, what should I do?"

"Master! Why! Why..." In an instant, blood spurted out. The woman fell to the ground in pain and passed away forever.

At this time, Huangfu Bo's luxurious villa is located in the far corner of the Sky City. The interior decoration is luxurious and dazzling. Three graceful and scantily clad beauties are serving Huangfu Bo with all their strength.

[Million-level Gene Potion] Users can increase their lifespan by one million years by taking it. It is currently not available, so stay tuned.

This sentence undoubtedly makes people think that no matter what, the Yishi Chamber of Commerce has absolute control.

A disclaimer was carefully added at the bottom of the screen: The final right of interpretation belongs to Yishi Chamber of Commerce.

[Millennium Gene Potion] Users can increase their lifespan by a thousand years, with a guide price of nine trillion.

[Tenth grade gene medicine] users can increase their life span by ten years, guide price: 90 billion.

[10,000-Year-Old Gene Potion] Users who take it can increase their lifespan by ten thousand years. The guide price is: 90 trillion.

[Ten Million Grade Gene Potion] Users can increase their life span by tens of millions of years. It is currently not available, so please stay tuned.

Huangfu Bo lay comfortably on the soft sofa, staring intently at the press conference of the Yishi Chamber of Commerce on TV. When he saw the price of the 10,000-year-old genetic medicine, he was immediately excited. He only spent 10 trillion to buy such a rare 10,000-year-old gene potion, which was a huge profit.

[Eternal Immortal Gene Potion] has an eternal lifespan and is currently not available, so stay tuned.

"Ahhh! Master, it hurts so much!! It hurts so much..." The woman's hair was pulled mercilessly, as if a helpless dog was being dragged continuously, and she kept begging to be let go.

Huangfu Bo smiled lightly and said calmly: "Clean up these corpses, then immediately go to the black market and buy me a group of slaves!"

A woman wearing a revealing tight dress, her eyes revealed her admiration and desire for Huangfu Bo. She knelt humbly in front of Huangfu Bo and said vaguely: "Master, what makes you so happy?"

People in the audience fell into madness. Whether they were ordinary reporters, representatives of major groups, or even the chairman of the group, their faces were full of shock. This news is really amazing. Humanity’s dream of eternal immortality has actually become a reality.

Huangfu Bo's face was indifferent, these three women were really noisy. He took out a shining dagger from his pocket and stabbed the woman in front of him in the chest without hesitation.

This lasted for a long hour, and Huangfu Bo once again held a woman's hair tightly and took her out of the dark room. However, the woman at this moment was covered in bruises, not a single piece of skin was intact, and she had lost the breath of life.

The woman was dragged into the room by Huangfu Bo, and the screams finally stopped. However, what followed was an even shriller wailing sound that echoed in the room, and the woman's mouth was already covered with blood. Huangfu Bo listened indifferently and showed no concern for her pleas. He treated her like a toy, cruelly satisfying his desires. Every scream became a victory in his heart.

"Master! Let me serve you..." Before the woman finished speaking, Huangfu Bo stood up, grabbed the woman's hair, and walked straight to a room inside.

A beautiful woman wearing a sexy black skirt, revealing her long white legs, was rubbing Huangfu Bo's shoulders. There was a hint of pride and arrogance in her eyes, as if she was Huangfu Bo's right-hand assistant, and she said without hesitation: "You don't need to know, don't ask questions you shouldn't ask!"

[Centenary Genetic Potion] Users who take it can increase their lifespan by a hundred years. The guide price is: 900 billion.

The beauty, who was being held by Huangfu Bo's shoulders and whose hands were still roaming her body, was wearing a low-cut tight dress, exuding an enchanting aura. There was a hint of indifference and cynicism in her eyes, and a contemptuous smile hung on the corner of her mouth. She looked at these two women as if they were trash, and slowly said: "Haha! You two are dispensable, shut up." Come on! You have no say here! You are just slaves!"

"Eternal Immortal Gene Potion? Eternal lifespan? How is this possible!" In the audience, Lu Fei's face was filled with shock. He could not imagine that there was a possibility of eternal life in this world. However, he quickly shook his head and regained consciousness, "I am an ancient Martial Artist, how could I be confused by this kind of technological product! Mere technology cannot achieve immortality at all, it is impossible!"

Of course, there are also some people who believe that the Yishi Chamber of Commerce is making false propaganda. They firmly believe that immortality is impossible and is simply nonsense.

"Hahahaha..." Huangfu Bo laughed loudly, and kept taunting, "Those guys didn't dare to make a move, and now they can't even buy it, hahaha..."

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