Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 385 Ten Trillion! Crazy Cutting Leeks

Time passed slowly until Yu Feifei mysteriously displayed the eighth lot.

"Next, let us introduce the eighth lot to you: the 10,000-year-old gene potion. I believe you are all familiar with gene potions, but this 10,000-year-old gene potion can extend the life of the user by tens of thousands of years." Yu Feifei Excited to introduce this stunning new lot.

"Starting price: 1 trillion! Each bid increase must not be less than 100 billion! Start bidding now! For those friends with insufficient funds, our Yishi Chamber of Commerce will also provide loan services!" Yu Feifei announced loudly.

Instantly, there was an uproar in the whole place. People's eyes flashed with surprise and confusion, as if they had been hit in the heart by the sudden news.

A bald man frowned and said in disbelief: "What! This is a 10,000-level genetic medicine! But the price is too high!!" His voice was full of helplessness and unwillingness.

A young man stood up and responded with a smile: "If it can make you live for tens of thousands of years, it should be more expensive!" His voice was full of confidence and determination, as if he was full of expectations for the future.

A rich lady was sitting on a luxurious seat, her eyes sparkling with excitement, and she said excitedly: "And there are also loan services, which is so thoughtful!" Her voice revealed a desire for luxury life. Yearning and pursuit.

A domineering-looking man walked up to the stage and said with an extremely firm expression: "Okay, okay! I want to buy this 10,000-year-old genetic potion!" There was a hint of thoughtfulness in his eyes, as if he had already imagined a creation in his mind. blueprint for the world.

"I'm two trillion!" Huangfu Bo held up the sign without hesitation, showing his determination and strength to everyone.

"Hmph! Huangfu Bo, don't think that your money can overcome everything! I'll offer you 210 billion!" A bald old man sneered, holding the sign in his hand high, conveying a provocation to Huangfu Bo.

"Ha! You old guy, you should just wait for death in peace and contentment when you are old! What kind of genetic medicine do you expect! I will offer three trillion!" A young and handsome man raised a sign and mocked the bald old man.

Huangfu Bo raised the sign again, "I will offer five trillion!" His voice was calm, but his heart was already bleeding, five trillion! This is five trillion! !

"It's already five trillion! This is the chairman of Huangfu Group, the fourth-ranked member of the Blue Star 500, Huangfu Bo!" Yu Feifei smiled and winked at Huangfu Bo with her slightly charming big lips. Eye.

Yu Feifei's move inspired the enthusiasm of others! Under the influence of the magic sound penetrating their brains, they seemed to have lost their minds. After all, they are all influential figures on Blue Star, how could they be willing to be inferior to others!

"I'll bid! Fifty-one hundred billion!" At this time, a middle-aged man held up a sign and participated in the bidding.

Suddenly, another young man in gorgeous clothes also raised a sign, determined to participate in the auction, "I offer six trillion!"

A sense of determination emerged in Huangfu Bo's heart, and he raised the auction sign high without hesitation: "I am willing to bid seven trillion!" His voice was majestic and firm, as if declaring his huge desire for this ten thousand-year-level genetic medicine.

"It has reached 7 trillion. Is there anyone else who can surpass this price?" Yu Feifei's voice sounded again, almost with a hint of provocation. She seemed to be hinting to those people who claim to be the top 500 Blue Stars, is this all you have? Don’t you even dare to compete in an auction?

At this time, Chu Yi was sitting in the luxurious box above and couldn't help laughing loudly, "Hahahahaha!! Who is this! What a genius!! I'm laughing so hard!"

Li Muhan sat on the sofa opposite and said softly: "Senior Chu, this is just an intern!"

Chu Yi couldn't help but admire: "It's surprising! Her appearance is very suitable for this kind of auction occasion! And she has a quick mind. Let her be in charge of the business of Yishi Auction House in the future!"

Li Muhan's brows furrowed, and she said with some confusion: "Senior Chu, although this person is not very strong, she is too young and lacks experience. Wouldn't it be a little hasty to let her be in charge of Yishi Auction House?"

"It's okay! It's okay!" Chu Yi waved his hand and said bluntly, "We need to give young people some opportunities! If you don't give them opportunities, how will they grow?"

Anna, who was sitting next to Chu Yi, slowly said: "Ayi, you don't promote others just because they are beautiful, right?"

"How could it be? No matter how beautiful I am, how beautiful is my wife? I just want to promote young people!" Chu Yi chuckled. Anna is different now from two hundred years ago. Her face is like an exquisite painting, and her delicate skin is like It is as transparent as amber and as shiny as water, covering it like a veil. Her facial features were clear-cut and her eyes were crystal clear, like a clear spring, deep and bright. Compared with two hundred years ago, she has transformed into a beautiful fairy.

"Sure enough, there are no ugly people in cultivation!" Chu Yi cursed in his heart, and he suspected that Future Anna had given Anna something incredible, otherwise she would not have been able to cultivate to the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal in a hundred years.

At this moment, the bidding scene in the audience was extremely lively. These Blue Star 500 guys were waving the signs in their hands, with greed in their eyes. Crazy bidding followed one after another, and the price has climbed to an unprecedented height - ten trillion! This number was like a bomb that exploded everyone's sanity and plunged them into a frenzy.

Chu Yi looked at the crazy bidding scene in the audience and couldn't help but feel filled with emotion. He whispered to himself: "These people are really rich to a ridiculous extent! Ten trillion, that's an astronomical number." He suddenly remembered his previous life. If this money had been on the earth in his previous life, he didn't know what would happen. What a bloody storm it caused.

Li Muhan stared at the bidding numbers on the stage, his eyes widening. She couldn't help but say: "Of course, these Blue Star Five Hundred have accumulated huge wealth in a hundred years. However, the number of ten trillion is too exaggerated!"

Anna's face was filled with indifference. She had a distinguished status. After all, she was the daughter of the Great Emperor of the Bear Kingdom. She didn't care about money. She has lived in a bear country since she was a child and has almost no idea of ​​the concept of money. Moreover, in the Spark World, there is no such thing as money. This is the new communist era society created by Chu Yi.

Finally, this 10,000-year-old genetic medicine was auctioned by Huangfu Bo for an astonishing price of 10 trillion. At this moment, Huangfu Bo's face was filled with joy. Although money is important to him, what he cares about more is being able to extend his life. Ten thousand years is a fatal temptation for any ordinary person, especially for a person like Huangfu Bo who is already at the pinnacle of Blue Star.

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