Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 372 Zhou Yunxin, Mixed With The Primordial Spirit Emperor’S Inheritance

There was a trace of calm emotion in Zhou Yunxin's eyes. She stared at Feng Qingyan's warm eyes and felt the master's deep care.

Among Chu Yi's three disciples, she is the weakest. For many years, she had thought that she was a weakling in the eyes of her master, but at this moment, she finally understood that her master had never given up on her.

"Practice hard!" Feng Qingyan's gentle smile blew through Zhou Yunxin's heart like a spring breeze, and her palm gently patted Zhou Yunxin's shoulder. Then left alone.

Zhou Yunxin's eyes were dull, as if time had stopped at this moment. She was deeply touched by Feng Qingyan's words, as if she heard her master's thoughts, and she understood her misunderstanding all along.

The master did not abandon her, but silently paid attention to her growth. This move made her feel determined, and she decided to use actions to prove herself.

Finally, she walked into the temple. The moment she stepped into the temple, a mysterious force held her firmly. Her thoughts were attracted by the voice coming from this ancient temple. The voice was as majestic and distant as the sound of nature, as if calling her.

"This is! What a weird power!" Her trembling body gradually calmed down, and a sense of awe surged in her heart. She understood that she was about to embark on a journey of inheritance.

"Inheriter, you are finally here..." The voice echoed in Zhou Yunxin's ears like a strong wind, arousing the deepest shock in her heart. Her eyes instantly enlarged, and a determined light flashed in her eyes.

The Primordial Spirit Emperor is an invincible strongman who has reached the peak of the Primordial Origin realm, the highest peak of the ancient martial arts realm.

Zhou Yunxin whispered excitedly: "That's great! This time, I finally have a chance to surpass Xia Zhixing and Muchen!" Her eyes flashed with determination and desire.

"Come on, child, accept the power of my inheritance..." The voice in the hall echoed again.

Zhou Yunxin gradually walked towards the palace, and the strong sense of oppression almost suffocated her. "This power is too powerful! Master did not deceive me. This is a perfect opportunity for me to become a strong person." She felt her body trembling, but she was determined The ground propelled her forward. Every step felt like I was carrying the weight of the world on my back.

When she entered the temple, a breeze blew over her cheek, bringing a mysterious atmosphere. She looked around and found that the entire palace exuded an ancient and solemn atmosphere. The towering walls are covered with strange runes, emitting a faint light. There are mysterious artifacts placed on the ground, which seem to carry endless wisdom and power.

Zhou Yunxin's eyes finally stopped on a gorgeous throne. An old man sat on the throne, his face wrinkled and showing signs of age. His eyes revealed an ancient and infinite wisdom, as if he could see through everything.

"My child, I've finally waited for you." The old man's voice was low and kind, as if he was immersed in the river of time. There was a deep wisdom and kindness in his eyes.

Zhou Yun couldn't help but feel doubtful and asked: "Who are you?"

The old man smiled gently and explained kindly: "I am the guardian of this temple. I understand that you have many problems in your heart, but now, you need to accept the inheritance of the temple." His voice was like the stars in the night sky The warmth makes people immersed in it involuntarily.

The reason why Chu Yi was unable to obtain inheritance but Zhou Yunxin was able to succeed was actually because Chu Yi was not a resident of this world. This mysterious temple recognizes and accepts only individuals who belong to this world. In other words, except for people from parallel universes, residents of other universes have no chance of inheritance here anyway.

On the other side, Chu Yi came to the Blue Star in the parallel universe, and a magnificent scenery unfolded in front of him. The sky of Blue Star is a rich gem-like blue, and the sun shines through the clouds, illuminating the entire planet. In the distance is a vast grassland covered with colorful wild flowers. The breeze blows and the flowers sway, exuding a charming fragrance. The mountains are undulating, and the towering peaks stand like jade on the ground, shrouded in clouds and mist, giving people a fairyland-like feeling.

The two parallel universes have begun to merge, and on the Blue Star, Chu Yi can feel the energy of this fusion. There is a mysterious atmosphere in the air, and the energy fluctuations are sometimes gentle and sometimes violent, like a grand symphony playing on the earth. The blue star's crust trembled slightly, and cracks with twinkling stars could be faintly seen extending into the distance, as if the portal to another world was gradually opening.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yi came to Xinghuo City, a city full of prosperity and vitality. High-rise buildings are rising from the ground, Ferris wheels are slowly turning in the sky, the lights of the city are bright, and bustling people are shuttled through the streets and alleys. The store entrance is brightly lit, and a dazzling array of products fills the shelves. Various sounds intertwine to form a lively picture. Starfire City is the busiest commercial center on Blue Star, where people of all cultures and races gather to exchange stories and dreams.

Then, Chu Yi stepped into the door of Xinghuo Tavern step by step. It had been a long time since he had enjoyed the wine. He sat elegantly in front of the bar, sipping the amber wine, and felt something in his heart, "Not bad, very good! Yun Xin actually started the inheritance of the temple." It turned out that Zhou Yunxin actually successfully started the inheritance of the temple. , which made him very happy.

"Who are you? Chu Yi?" At this moment, a female voice came into Chu Yi's ears.

"You are! Who are you??" Chu Yi was slightly stunned, raised his head, and saw a tall and graceful figure slowly walking towards him. The woman's black hair fluttered gently in the breeze. She was wearing a simple casual outfit, which made her graceful figure even more attractive. Every curve exuded the temptation of charm.

"I'm Ye Ruxi! Chu Yi, you once saved me!" Ye Ruxi said softly, slowly walked to Chu Yi and sat down.

"Ye Ruxi?" Chu Yi frowned, recalling the past, and then suddenly realized, "Oh! It's you! Are you still alive?"

Ye Ruxi couldn't help but said eagerly: "What do you mean I'm still alive? It's only been two hundred years! You just forgot about me?"

A trace of forgetfulness flashed in Chu Yi's mind. Genetic medicines had been popularized in Spark City, and it was easy for them to break through the one-hundred-year life span.

"Haha, I'm sorry! But what brings you here?" Chu Yi asked curiously.

Ye Ruxi smiled and said: "I really didn't expect to meet you at the Spark Tavern. Are you interested in attending the Blue Star Business Exchange Meeting with me?"

"Not interested!" Chu Yi shook his head and said calmly that he had no interest in doing business. He only came here to drink because he was in the mood. After all, it had been a long time since he had a good drink.

"Chu Yi, how about I hire you to be my bodyguard? This business exchange meeting is very important, please!" Ye Ruxi was worried about not having a strong bodyguard, until she met Chu Yi, she felt so happy , now this business exchange meeting is stable.

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