"Oh? Do you still want to negotiate terms?" Chu Yi raised his eyebrows and smiled, with a trace of amusement in his eyes.

Fang Tianyu took big steps and stood proudly. He raised his head confidently, with a sly smile on his lips, and said proudly: "Of course, I am the Demon Saint!"

"What state are you in now?" Chu Yi's eyes flashed, and a majesty that could not be ignored pervaded him. His voice was calm and firm, revealing an unshakable confidence.

"Haha, I am now the Holy King Ninth Layer Heaven, and I am only one step away from reaching the Holy Realm!!" Fang Tianyu said proudly.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yi brought Fang Tianyu to the Spark Realm.

Fang Tianyu felt his heartbeat speed up, his throat was dry, and he swallowed weakly. He could only watch the fateful choice being placed in front of him.

Chu Yi looked at Fang Tianyu's expression, took a deep breath, and continued: "Fang Tianyu, I don't want to limit your choices, I just hope you can try this different lifestyle."

Fang Tianyu looked suspicious and said hesitantly: "Really? But I feel... I seem to be controlled by you!"

"Okay, okay! Can't we join in?" Fang Tianyu's voice trembled. He knew his choice could change his life, but faced with the threat of death, he had no choice.

"Chu Yi, you holy mother bitch, you are brainwashing the newcomers again, right! Why are you so kind, but you are always taken advantage of by others!" Suddenly, Shangguan Lingwei's voice echoed around, her voice full of helplessness and anger .

Chu Yizhong said calmly: "What? As sons and daughters of China, shouldn't we be like this?"

"Believe me, growing vegetables is not a way of giving up, but a way of reconnecting yourself with nature." Chu Yi patted Fang Tianyu on the shoulder again and said encouragingly, "In the future, you will find that in this world, There’s a lot more worth pursuing.”

Chu Yi patted Fang Tianyu on the shoulder in a friendly manner and said in a confident voice: "Don't worry! Come, I will show you my world!"

"Tch! Impossible!" Fang Tianyu pursed his lips and shook his head, with a look of reluctance.

"Of course I should, of course I should!" Fang Tianyu nodded, and then couldn't help laughing crazily, "Hahahahaha... I'm laughing so hard! Hahahaha..."

"I'm going to kill you! What did I see? What is the situation in this place? You are really the successor of communism!" Fang Tianyu exclaimed.

Chu Yi smiled and explained: "In this world, people are always chasing power and wealth, fighting constantly, and their hearts are full of ambition and desire. However, growing vegetables is a process of meditation, which allows you to focus on Focus on simple and beautiful things, and stay away from disputes and greed. In the process of farming, you will slowly realize the harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and appreciate the magic and greatness of nature."

There was a cold light in her eyes, which made Fang Tianyu hold his breath. She said coldly: "If you don't join us, then you will die!" In an instant, a biting murderous intent filled the air, making Fang Tianyu feel extremely oppressed.

Chu Yi waved his hand gently and said calmly: "Okay, let's go. I will allocate you a piece of land, and you can grow your own vegetables."

Chu Yi shook his head slightly and chuckled: "It's not Divine Medicine, but growing vegetables can make you less ambitious and feel the gifts of nature from the bottom of your heart."

Anna, on the other hand, chose to practice in seclusion alone, the kind of person who would not leave seclusion until she was in the Great Principal Golden Immortal.

Fang Tianyu said to Chu Yi: "You are a noble person, a pure person, a moral person, a person who has escaped from Low Level interests, and a person who is beneficial to the people!"

Fang Tianyu asked in confusion: "Growing vegetables? Are the vegetables grown here some kind of Divine Medicine?"

"Hmph! So what if I am the Holy One!!" Anna's voice was as deafening as thunder, and her body exuded an irresistible majesty.

Fang Tianyu's eyes widened, his heart filled with panic and confusion. He didn't know how to answer for a moment, so he could only open his mouth and stammered: "You, you, you... you are simply unreasonable!!"

Fang Tianyu looked up at the entrance of the village, where a huge stone tablet was erected, which read "New Era of Communism". Fang Tianyu had more and more questions in his mind. Who is this Chu Yi!

Chu Yi smiled lightly, "Everyone here has a piece of land. You can choose what you like, but I suggest you grow vegetables."

After hearing this, Fang Tianyu opened his mouth in surprise, "Are you kidding me, asking me, a Demon Saint, to grow vegetables?"

Chu Yi raised his eyebrows and said jokingly: "This thing will definitely make you stronger. What are you afraid of?"

"Shangguan Lingwei, why are you here! It's none of your business here!" He said lightly, trying to get her to leave.

Chu Yi's voice was as cold as ice, and he asked without mercy: "So, do you choose to join or die?"

"Of course I'm coming, otherwise another good young talent will be ruined by you!" Shangguan Lingwei's figure instantly appeared in front of Chu Yi and Fang Tianyu. There was a perseverance in her eyes.

"Why is she here? It's not good..." Chu Yi felt helpless in his heart. He knew Shangguan Lingwei's character. It was self-evident what her appearance at this moment meant.

"Very good!" A cold smile flashed in Chu Yi's eyes, and a Primordial Origin mark instantly condensed in his hand, and it penetrated into Fang Tianyu's body in an instant.

A trace of disdain flashed in Anna's eyes, and she said coldly: "Yes, you have only two choices now. First, join us; second, die! There is no other choice, you decide for yourself!"

Fang Tianyu looked around again, his eyes full of curiosity and surprise. The place they came to was a small village surrounded by towering mountains. The houses in the village are built with traditional gray tiles and red bricks, and each house exudes a simple atmosphere. The trees on both sides of the street are lush and green, and birds sing happily on the branches.

"This! What is this!" Fang Tianyu's eyes widened. He looked at this strange thing in horror, his heart filled with uneasiness and fear. He didn't know what kind of changes he was going to face. He could only watch the Primordial Origin mark being injected into his body, and his heart was filled with endless doubts and fears.

Fang Tianyu frowned slightly and asked doubtfully: "Growing vegetables can make me less ambitious? How is this possible?"

Fang Tianyu felt a cool breeze blowing on his back. He was so frightened by Anna and Chu Yi's cold attitude that he broke into a cold sweat. His eyes widened, and he stammered: "You two are simply unreasonable! We are all civilized people, how can we kill people easily? Can you talk properly!"

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