Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 361 The Future And The Present, Hongmeng Heavenly Demon

Anna frowned tightly, her heart skipped a beat, and the Primordial Origin mark surged in her body, as if to bring her soul to Chu Yi.

However, when she arrived at the sensing location, she only saw no one. This scene really made her feel strange and inexplicable.

"The laws of space!" The laws of space surged throughout Anna's body, and she shuttled through the endless space. Every time she appeared, she was full of uneasiness and anxiety, "Ayi, I must find you!"

Whenever Anna enters a new space, her heart beats faster. She carefully observed everything around her, hoping to find traces of Chu Yi. However, every space is like a maze, trapping her deeply and making her feel powerless and hopeless.

Anna's thoughts were filled with scenes from countless spaces. She saw the universe with twinkling stars, the clouds floating in brilliant colors, and the ancient and mysterious ruins. Her eyes shone with hope, but there was also a hint of fear.

Whenever Chu Yi's figure appears in front of Anna's eyes, he is like a bolt of lightning piercing the dark night sky. However, just when Anna tried to get close to him, he suddenly disappeared again, like a meteor streaking across the sky, leaving endless regrets.

"It's so weird! What is going on! Damn it! My current ability can't enter the river of time!! Ayi, where are you?!" Anna had tears in her eyes. She couldn't believe that Chu Yi disappeared like this. .

At this moment, there is a mysterious world, where there is no concept of time, no limitations of space, and it is chaos.

A man with short broken hair, wearing a gorgeous dark gold robe, shining with mysterious light, as if he was an existence that came out of ancient legends. His face was perfect, like a carved work of art, exuding an irresistible charm. His tall and straight figure is like a towering mountain peak, which makes people marvel at his strength and dignity. The god-killing spear in his hand was flashing with cold killing intent, as if it could tear apart everything.

He stepped on Thirty-sixth Grade World Creating Azure Lotus, the flowers were delicate and delicate, and every leaf was flowing with mysterious light. The treasure of chaos, World Creating Azure Lotus, also known as Chaos Azure Lotus, embodies endless vitality and creativity. His footsteps fell, seeming to break the constraints of time and space, causing ripples that made the whole world tremble.

The aura he exuded was like an abyss, bottomless. It was an indescribable power and terror, as if it came from a higher level of existence, making people afraid to look directly at it. His eyes were deep and dark, seeming to hide endless wisdom and strategy. When he stared at the Heavenly Demon outside Hongmeng Territory, the fierce murderous intent made people feel suffocated, as if it could destroy everything in an instant.

Men who looked exactly like him stood behind him, and their appearance, posture, and breath were almost indistinguishable. This man is the current Chu Yi. He looks at his future self with awe and admiration in his eyes. He understood that in the future he had become an unrivaled strong man, possessing strength and wisdom beyond ordinary people.

"Back off! This is the Heavenly Demon outside Hongmeng Territory!" Future Chu Yi conveyed a warning to present Chu Yi, his tone full of seriousness and worry.

This Hongmeng Extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon, referred to as Extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon, is an unimaginable existence. His power and evil are beyond ordinary people's understanding.

Now Chu Yi immediately understood. He quickly retreated to a distance and shouted loudly: "I must not lose! I am the strongest! Come on!!"

Future Chu Yi responded with a smile: "Of course, I am the strongest!"

"Hahaha...Chu Yi, I didn't expect you to find this place. We are planning to kill you in the past!!" Hongmeng Heavenly Demon's voice was like a sinister wind, ferocious and evil, like a roar coming from the abyss of hell. . Chu Yi's brows furrowed slightly, and he glanced around sharply. He was not afraid of this invisible and formless enemy.

"Bah!" Chu Yi spat, with a disdainful smile on his lips. His eyes were as sharp as knives, revealing an aura of inviolability. Hongmeng Heavenly Demon's threat only aroused his inner desire to fight.

"Chu Yi, you can't be my opponent, Hongmeng Heavenly Demon, give up!!" Hongmeng Heavenly Demon's voice was full of strange reverberations, as if exerting an inexplicable pressure on Chu Yi's ears.

However, Chu Yi was not afraid. There was a coldness in his voice as he mocked: "You think you can kill me now just as you can kill me in the past. It's ridiculous! Get ready to face death, Hongmeng." Heavenly Demon!”

"Hmph! Do you think I will fight you? Don't be kidding me! I'm going to kill all your friends, your brothers, and your favorite Anna! Hahahaha..." Hongmeng Heavenly Demon's The voice was like a strong wind, echoing in the chaos, carrying an air of madness and mockery. An evil smile curled up at the corner of his mouth, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

These words were like a sharp blade, piercing into Chu Yi's heart, arousing the deepest anger and endless fear in his heart.

"Hongmeng Heavenly Demon!!" He felt intolerable to the threat of Hongmeng Heavenly Demon and let out an angry roar, "If you dare to touch them, I will definitely destroy your Hongmeng Heavenly Demon clan! I will definitely..."

"Hahahahaha... That's it, that's it, be furious! Not only will I kill all your friends, brothers and lovers, I will also destroy the Pangu world, hahahaha..." Hongmeng Heavenly Demon's laughter echoed crazily in the In the chaos, it was like a terrible nightmare, constantly disturbing Chu Yi's thoughts.

"The last thing Chu Yi will do in my life is to be threatened. Very good, you dare to threaten me! Die!" Chu Yi tightly held the God-killing Spear in his hand, and his eyes became cold and firm.

An extremely powerful force surged in his heart, as if the whole world was trembling for him. He waved the God-killing Spear without hesitation, releasing a terrifying and extremely majestic power, "Try the move I created specially for you, Primordial Origin Wuji-Devouring Demons!"

"Hahaha... Do you think I will be attacked by you? Hahaha, wait! Chu Yi, we will make your life worse than death!!" Hongmeng Heavenly Demon sneered, and he looked at Chu Yi with disdain The act of wielding the God-killing Spear.

"Don't be affected by him! I will protect the past world forever!" The current Chu Yi shouted to the future Chu Yi without fear.

"Hehehe...Chu Yi, you were so naive in the past! Then, let me show you something interesting!" Hongmeng Heavenly Demon just finished speaking, and the scene in front of him instantly became clear.

In the picture, it is Anna traveling through countless spaces looking for Chu Yi.

Hongmeng Heavenly Demon smiled evilly and continued: "How about it, if I transmigrate the river of time now and put her to death, how would you feel?"

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