Anna narrowed her eyes, thinking about Fang Tianyu's question. Her gaze revealed thoughtfulness and a hint of mystery. She slowly said: "Fang Tianyu, you are finally here..."

Fang Tianyu yawned and said slightly tiredly: "Who are you? You made me get off the bed of several women. If you don't explain the reason, don't blame me for being rude. Even if you are a woman, I will not be lenient. !”

Anna raised her eyebrows, exuding a sense of confidence, and said calmly: "Fang Tianyu, your identity is extraordinary. Do you know the origin of your system? Have you ever thought about why you have been so successful? Doesn’t all this make you curious? There is no free lunch, there must be a price behind what you get.”

Anna narrowed her eyes and murmured to herself: "Hey, you can go find A Yi and give him a surprise."

Hundred Flowers Fairy silently thought about the old woman's words. She knew that if she wanted Baihua Divine Domain to thrive, she would have to put in more effort. She looked into the distance, her heart filled with determination, and she decided to give everything she had to protect the future of Baihua Divine Domain.

"Okay, okay! That's it, let's play music and then dance!!" Chu Yi's laughter echoed in the palace, and his eyes were full of satisfaction and joy. He watched the dancers dancing gracefully, and the melody of the music floated in the air, like silk, filling the palace with a sweet atmosphere. Chu Yi raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp, as if enjoying this carefree moment.

Fang Tianyu grinned impatiently, showing a look of boredom, and said sarcastically: "Humph! Then don't blame me for being rude, but don't forget, I am Demon Saint!"

Anna smiled mysteriously again and said: "Want to know? Then join us, otherwise, you will never know it in your life!"

Chu Yi was sitting on the main seat, wearing a dark gold robe, like a noble king. The gorgeous decorations and exquisite carvings in the palace set off his figure, making it even more magnificent and eye-catching.

Anna smiled mysteriously and said, "Haha, you'll know when the time comes!!" There was a mysterious light in her eyes, making it impossible to figure out her true intention.

Warm candlelight illuminated the palace. Chu Yi held the wine glass in his hand, and the golden liquid shone seductively in the glass. He leaned lazily on the soft chair, enjoying the pleasure brought by the wine. The graceful dancers surrounded him, spinning gracefully like fairies with flowers, bringing him endless joy.

"Damn! You're a rubbish system! What's the use of you!!" Fang Tianyu cursed angrily in his heart.

The old woman looked excited and kept persuading: "Baihua! You are the heir of Baihua Divine Domain, don't miss the opportunity because of hesitation. Chu Yi is a powerful person. As long as we get his help, Baihua Divine Domain will be able to dominate the divine world. "

Fang Tianyu asked angrily: "Who are you? Why are you looking for me! Tell me!" There was a hint of helplessness and panic in his voice.

The atmosphere in the palace was filled with the fragrance of flowers and wine, and Chu Yi felt this luxurious enjoyment. His robes shone with splendor, matching the palace decor. There was a smile on his lips, and the graceful dancing of the dancers made him feel relaxed and happy.

Fang Tianyu couldn't wait to interrupt her, "Speak quickly, stop showing off, what do you know!!"

Hundred Flowers Fairy frowned and said with a little hesitation: "But what if we do this and Chu Yi finds out later? Our Hundred Flowers Divine Domain cannot afford to offend such a strong person!"

Hundred Flowers Fairy frowned slightly and said gently to the old woman: "Mother-in-law, is it too unfair to treat a powerful person with such scheming?" The fairy's voice was clear and sweet, as if the spring breeze was blowing on her face, but with a hint of uneasiness.

"The universe is in your sleeves!" Anna waved her hand, as if by some magical magic, Fang Tianyu suddenly disappeared and was taken into her personal space by Anna.

"My child, you are the heir of Baihua Divine Domain. We must seek a better future for Baihua Divine Domain. The power of the strong is a resource we must make use of." The old woman stared into the distance with a hint of cunning in her eyes.

At this moment, in another part of the Hundred Flowers Divine Domain, in a quiet garden, the Hundred Flowers Fairy was sitting opposite an old woman. The sunlight shines on them through the gaps in the petals, reflecting the graceful figure of the fairy and the kind face of the old woman.

"Baihua, you are so smart." The old woman's eyes flashed with surprise, but then she laughed again, "You don't have to marry him, you just need to get close to him. With your beauty and wisdom, you will surely attract his attention. "

The system responded: "This is the power of the law. With your current state, you cannot break it!"

"Huh?" Fang Tianyu was shocked. His system has always been a top secret among top secrets, and no one can know it. Why does the woman in front of me know?

"You can't beat me with your current strength! Seal the space cage for me!!" Anna waved her hand, and a flash of light burst out, instantly forming an invisible space cage, trapping Fang Tianyu, making him Can't make any progress.

Anna smiled brightly, and she joked easily: "Don't bother, the system has failed! Your efforts are meaningless, just surrender to me!" Her aura was full of the majesty of a queen, and now she looked like He is a strong man who is above everyone else.

She took a deep breath and said firmly: "Mother-in-law, I understand what you mean, but we can't just consider the immediate interests, but we must also think about the future of Baihua Divine Domain."

After a long time, a magnificent palace towered on top of the mountains in the Baihua Divine Domain.

Beautiful music came from the palace, and Chu Yi felt the notes swirling in his ears. He cast his eyes on the stage, where the dancers danced like elves, their dances full of temptation and elegance.

Hundred Flowers Fairy frowned, knowing that what the old woman said was not unreasonable. As the heir to the Baihua Divine Domain, she shoulders great responsibilities.

"What kind of power is this! Who are you! No one in this world can trap me!!" Fang Tianyu kept shouting at the system in his heart, "System! System!! Quickly think of a way for me, this Women are so strong!!”

Divine Ability, everything is in your sleeve! Able to contain people or objects invisible. For Anna, who is proficient in the laws of space, this move is simply a powerful Divine Ability at the Transcendent Level.

A firm light flashed in the old woman's eyes, and she said firmly: "At that time, wouldn't it be great if you married him again and became his Taoist companion? I believe that with your stunning appearance, no man in the God Realm will do it. I’m not attracted to you!”

She looked far away, looking at the blooming flowers of the Divine Domain. This is the hometown of Hundred Flowers Fairy, who has deep emotions with every flower. She couldn't help but think of Chu Yi's powerful power. What changes would his arrival bring to this pure land?

If Chu Yi were here, he would definitely be amazed. This is the secret of everything, the legendary Divine Ability of Zhen Yuanzi!

"Okay, okay! It's so good! It's so wonderful!!" Chu Yi raised the wine glass and drank it in one gulp. The wine exuded a unique fragrance in his mouth. He admired this scene, his heart was full of satisfaction and joy, as if he was in a fairyland.

Hundred Flowers Fairy sighed softly and said: "Mother-in-law, we are Hundred Flowers Divine Domain, we should not use such despicable means to control a person!!"

Anna smiled mysteriously, raised her chin, and said, "Don't be too surprised, after all..."

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