Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 348 Shattered Void, Martial Dao World

In the Spark Realm, as the sun sets, Chu Yijing stands on the top of the mountain. He is wearing an ordinary cloth, but he has a unique charm. His figure is tall and elegant, as if he is a perfect sculpture given by nature. His eyes are deep and distant, as if he knows the truth of the world, and his smile contains confidence in the future, which is fascinating.

"Xiao Na, come with me to explore the new universe!" Chu Yi said yearningly, his heart filled with the desire to challenge the strong.

"Of course, I once said, I will follow you wherever you go!" Anna replied firmly with a smile, her tone revealing an unknown determination.

Chu Yi nodded and said softly: "Thank you, Xiaona!"

"Ayi, don't say that!" Anna gently covered Chu Yi's mouth with her index finger and middle finger, her eyes soft and firm, "I am your other half, I don't need you to say thank you!"

Chu Yi nodded, keeping everything in mind. Immediately afterwards, he used all the power in his body and said without hesitation: "Xiao Na, do your best to help me open the space-time channel."

"Okay!" Anna responded immediately. In an instant, a powerful energy emerged from between her fingers and injected into Chu Yi's body.

"How is it possible!! It's actually a young boy? This is too cruel..." A feeling of grief and anger surged into Chu Yi's heart, and emotions of shock and anger were intertwined in his heart.

"What kind of cruel person can he do to harm a child so unscrupulously..." A fire of anger ignited in Chu Yi's heart. This kid looks less than ten years old! He couldn't understand how someone could be so heartless.

For hundreds of years, he had sought Ye Yuyi's help. Ye Yuyidu said that she did not have the ability to take him to a higher level world, but she could go to a world of the same level.

Above the Holy Realm, there are still higher realms, including the Saint King in the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, the Saint Emperor in the Tianjue Realm, and the Saint Ancestor in the Tianwu Realm.

The highest realm is the Holy Realm, and one is considered to be the top practitioner in the Saint Realm.

As the door of time and space opened, Chu Yi quickly took Anna's hand and entered directly. In an instant, the door of time and space disappeared.

I don't know how long it took, but when Chu Yi opened his eyes, he found himself in a completely unfamiliar environment. Surrounded by a vast grassland, the green grass stretches to the sky as if there is no end. The breeze blew across his face, bringing a touch of coolness, making Chu Yi feel as if he was in a dream.

"Huh?" Chu Yi suddenly frowned. He actually found someone in the distance. He ducked and was in front of this person in an instant.

Chu Yi found that the scenery here was extremely magnificent. There are mountains and mountains, mountain springs and waterfalls. Waterfalls pour down from high places, and the water splashes like the Milky Way upside down.

What's even more distressing is that his legs were also broken, and he could only squirm on the ground relying on his left arm.

Judging from Chu Yi's current strength, it is conservatively estimated that he is invincible under Saint Realm. He has not personally tried the strong men of Saint Realm, so he cannot be sure to what extent his true strength can reach.

However, Anna disappeared without a trace. However, this was not a problem as they were bonded by the Primordial Origin mark, which allowed him to sense her location.

Of course, Chu Yi is well aware of the cultivation methods in this world. The "Cultivation Manual" records various cultivation methods in detail, covering many techniques and secret methods that Chu Yi will record in the future.

The Martial Dao realm is divided into spiritual realm, divine realm, super divine realm and Saint Realm. Each realm has different levels and levels.

"Very good! This way, I won't be bored anymore." Chu Yi murmured, fighting spirit soaring in his heart.

The cultivators in the realm of Tianyun are called saints, the cultivators in the realm of Tianyun are called saint masters, and the cultivators in the realm of Tianyi are called saint kings.

The super-divine realm is a realm above the divine realm, including Semi-Saint, Near Saint and False Saint. These cultivators have transcended the divine realm, but are slightly inferior to the real Saint Realm.

"It seems that this world is the real world of high martial arts!" Chu Yi thought silently in his heart. The mortal world in front of him is only an insignificant part of this world of high martial arts, and the realm of the strongest among them can only reach the Celestial Human Realm. .

The spiritual realm is divided into nine realms: Spirit Vein Realm, Lingyuan Realm, Spiritual Elephant Realm, Giant Spirit Realm, True Origin Realm, Spiritual Wheel Realm, Tianyan Realm, Celestial Human Realm and Heavenly Emperor Realm. Each realm is further subdivided into one to Ninth. Layer days.

The last Saint Realm is the realm that practitioners dream of, divided into the realm of mortal saints and the realm of the most holy.

"Ayi, I'm currently..." Anna's response instantly came to Chu Yi's mind.

This method can take him to a higher level universe, and a higher level universe represents a more stable space, so it becomes very difficult to successfully open the space-time channel.

I saw the child in front of me. His right arm had been completely lost. His eyes had been ruthlessly gouged out of his mutilated body, leaving only two empty holes.

Chu Yi feels that this child is still alive now, which is a miracle.

Each realm is subdivided into one to Ninth Layer, representing different levels of cultivation achievements.

In other words, it is very likely that there are beings in this world who are stronger than myself.

The divine realm is more High Level, and each realm is divided into four stages: early stage, middle stage, high stage and peak stage. From lower gods to middle gods, upper gods to main gods and supreme gods, cultivators gradually move towards higher realms. The half-step peak of the divine realm and the peak of the divine realm are the top practitioners in the divine realm.

In the distance, a majestic mountain range rose from the ground, winding and circling like a giant dragon. Their peaks were shrouded in mist, and Chu Yi was curious.

Immediately afterwards, the two had an hour-long in-depth communication with the help of the Primordial Origin mark. They decided to split up to better explore this strange world. After all, in an unfamiliar environment, understanding the situation is an essential prerequisite.

"What a beautiful world..." Chu Yi sighed.

Chu Yi instantly felt that his body was filled with a powerful force. He felt that his use of the power of space had reached an unprecedented peak, as if the entire universe had opened the door for him.

"Xiao Na, where are you now?" Chu Yi contacted Anna through the Primordial Origin mark.

Chu Yi felt that he had entered a feeling of nothingness. There seemed to be no time, no space, nothing, nothingness.

He saw a vast sea of ​​clouds, shrouded in mist, like a fairyland. There were colorful auspicious clouds floating in the sky, and the sun shone through the clouds and shone on him, making him feel an inexplicable warmth and tranquility.

So Chu Yi concentrated on studying the "Cultivation Manual". He kept trying and making mistakes, groping for ways to lead to other worlds. Finally, after countless attempts, he found a path to a higher Level universe.

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