Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 334 Five Years Later, Chu Yi Comes Out Of Seclusion

Jin Xiao smiled bitterly, spread out her hands, and said helplessly: "Then there is nothing we can do, we can only let nature take its course."

"Alas!" Jinyao sighed softly, with a helpless expression on her face, "This is the only choice for now..."

Faced with such a predicament, the two of them had no choice but to deal with the problem of strength.

At this moment, Xia Zhixing was in the talent testing hall of the Ice Temple. A huge magic array was spread out in the center of the hall, exuding a faint air of ice.

Xia Zhixing stood in the array, with a strange light blooming all over his body, surrounded by stars, as if he was the center of the universe.

Bing Xin stared at Xia Zhixing intently, unable to conceal the shock in her heart.

"This Xia Zhixing's talent is so powerful! It's like a monster!" Bing Xin was amazed.

Xia Zhixing stared at the colorful scene of stars around him, and was stunned for a moment. "Is this the wonder of testing talent? It's amazing!" He murmured to himself in disbelief.

"Okay, your test has been successfully completed, come down!" Bing Xin said gently.

Xia Zhixing slowly stepped out of the magic array and asked excitedly: "Master Bingxin Hall, have I completed the test?"

Bing Xin smiled and said: "Of course, congratulations! Your talent is quite high!"

Chu Yi licked his lips, smiled slightly, and said, "Have a glass of Sparkling Rose!"

"Peak! Give me a breakthrough!" He laughed excitedly, feeling that he had reached the peak of power and had broken through all the limits in the past.

Future Anna said calmly: "Okay, there are only ten minutes, and then we will continue to practice."

Future Anna replied with a wry smile: "Of course, I don't have much time."

"Then let me borrow your good words!" Liu Ruyan smiled, and then asked, "What do you want to drink?"

"Really? Is my talent really high?" Xia Zhixing asked excitedly. At this moment, he was really excited.

Chu Yi came to Anna's training ground. He wanted to see the progress of his wife's training.

At this moment, in the Spark Domain, Chu Yizheng was devoting himself wholeheartedly to practice. His body seemed to be melting into the passage of time, and five years had passed unknowingly.

There is a series of bottles and cans placed on the bar counter. The clear wine bottles exude an alluring aroma and are placed in high-tech display boxes. Each bottle is like a miniature universe.

Chu Yi asked with some confusion: "Is it so urgent? Only ten minutes?"

"Thank you, but there are really not many people here in Xinghuo Realm. Usually only our own people come to drink." Liu Ruyan smiled and responded softly.

At this moment, Xiao Tianjue and others suddenly arrived. Seeing Chu Yi at this moment, they couldn't help but sigh: "Congratulations! I didn't expect you to be so powerful now."

Feng Qingyan said with a smile: "Little brother! I really didn't misjudge you back then!"

Entering the tavern, the hall covered with soft carpets is like a vast grassland, with brilliant colored lights projected from high on the ceiling, interweaving gorgeous patterns on the floor. The decorative murals on the walls are like pieces of art one after another. The delicate lines outline the charming scenery, making people feel like they are in a foreign country.

As expected, this is the Spark Tavern, a tavern founded by three women, Liu Ruyan, Cao Lexuan and Gu Hanzhang. Nowadays, there are few people in the Spark Domain, so it seems a bit deserted.

I saw Anna sitting cross-legged in the huge training ground, with a powerful force of space exuding from her body. In the future, Anna was also beside her to give guidance.

"My child, come with me! From now on, you will regard this place as your home." Bing Xin said softly.

Chu Yi's smile showed a trace of humility and said: "It's just a fluke." His cultivation speed dealt a heavy blow to the self-esteem of several people, and they all left sadly, saying that they would redouble their efforts in cultivation, and they would not break through until they broke through. Exit.

Ten minutes later, Chu Yi said goodbye to Anna with some reluctance and stepped into the door of Xinghuo Tavern again.

"Yeah!" Xia Zhixing nodded heavily and followed Bing Xin expectantly.

The power of the Creation Saint, the power of the dimensional level, and the power of the Three Heavens Realm. The superposition of these three brought Chu Yi's power to a new peak again.

Chu Yi responded with a modest smile: "Senior Xiao, I'm sorry. It's just a fluke."

Each table is equipped with a smart screen, and customers can easily browse the menu through the touch screen and customize their favorite wines and food at will.

Chu Yi nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, since you are all here, let's go have a drink to celebrate!"

Chu Yi laughed and said: "Haha, I heard that you opened a tavern here, so I came to have a drink. Your decoration is really good, I like it very much." His eyes wandered around.

Anna said excitedly: "It went very well! However, I still need to practice for another hundred years. My future self tells me that I can't slack off in practice now."

Chu Yi nodded helplessly, "Okay, I understand." He originally wanted to take a vacation with Anna and enjoy their world, but he didn't expect that Anna would only give him ten minutes in the future.

At this moment, Chu Yi finally realized the problem of the number of people in the Spark Domain, but he had already conceived a solution. He looked at Liu Ruyan firmly and said, "Don't worry, this problem will be solved soon."

"Chu Yi, why are you here!!" Liu Ruyan slowly walked towards Chu Yi, his eyes filled with enthusiasm.

One day five years later, Chu Yi burst out with a powerful energy, sweeping over like a violent storm.

Xuanyuan Hong frowned, shook his head and said, "No, we must step up our practice, otherwise we will be pulled further and further away."

Suddenly, Chu Yi's arrival made them both stop practicing immediately. Anna happily threw herself into Chu Yi's arms, "Ayi, why are you here? I miss you so much!" Chu Yi immediately picked her up and asked with concern, "Xiao Na, how is your practice going?"

He slowly walked out of the training room and stretched his body. At this moment, Chu Yi officially came out of seclusion. The sun shone on him through the window, reflecting his resolute face.

Dozens of huge high-definition screens are embedded in the ceiling of the tavern, constantly showing various scenes. Sometimes it is the green forest, sometimes it is the magnificent ocean, sometimes it is the twinkling stars in the sky. The interplay of light and shadow seems to turn the entire tavern into a dream world.

Lin Shaoqi also echoed: "Yes! Brother Chu, how do you practice? Why are you so fast?"

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