Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 325: Baptism In Ascension Pool, Great Transformation! Down

The World-Destroying Black Lotus then appeared under Chu Yi, and a jet-black World-Destroying aura spread. He said to himself: "I didn't expect that even the World-Destroying Black Lotus came out. This mysterious energy What on earth is it? No matter what, practice quickly and don’t miss this opportunity again!”

So, he once again devoted himself to crazy practice, devouring all the energy around him and refusing no one who came.

As the training progressed, Chu Yi's realm improved crazily, the power of the God-killing Spear and the God-killing Sword gradually increased, and the World-Destroying Black Lotus seemed to be sublimating.

In this way, three months passed by in Chu Yi's selfless practice.

A black hole is like a gravitational king, and its existence seems to be the ultimate demonstration of the laws of the universe. Its gravity is like an invisible big hand, tightly grasping all matter and sucking it in ruthlessly. The existence of black holes is the strongest destructive force of the order of the universe.

I saw that the God-killing Spear and the God-killing Sword had changed greatly and became more refined. The tip of the God-killing Spear was actually glowing with red blood, while the blade of the God-killing Sword became sharper and seemed to have Invincible.

Black holes swallow up all matter that enters them. Once they step onto the edge of a black hole, matter seems to be tightly held by invisible forces and cannot escape. It is the end of time and the end of all destiny. It is like the deepest eye in the universe, swallowing up all light and hope.

Then, he raised his arm, and a tiny black hole appeared in his hand. What followed was a huge rumbling sound, a frightening gravitational force was generated instantly, and the surrounding space seemed to be torn apart.

"Could it be that the end of science will really fall into the realm of metaphysics..." Chu Yi was shocked by the scene happening in his body and felt very surprised.

"The breakthrough speed this time is really amazing. I need to get used to my current strength." Chu Yi clenched his fists, took a deep breath, and was filled with excitement. "Black hole level Rank Ten, three-day realm has been broken through. The Spark Domain has even exceeded the previous one dozens of times, and the God-killing Spear..."

"No one can disturb his cultivation, otherwise, he will die..." The mysterious man's voice was extremely cold, as if he would kill him at any time.

A white hole is like a forbidden area in the universe, an insurmountable boundary for all matter. It emits dazzling white light, like an invisible barrier, expelling all substances that try to get close. Like the strongest defense force in the universe, it protects the order and harmony of the universe.

"I don't know if my strength can turn back time and restore Blue Star!" Chu Yi was eager in his heart and couldn't wait. He planned to take action now. Blue Star is his home!

Black holes represent the strongest destructive power, and white holes represent the strongest defensive power.

"Devil flame, come!" In an instant, the sky in the upper world fell into darkness, and a raging demon flame burned and raged in the air.

This is why Chu Yi needs some time to adapt to this change. He has become too strong now, so strong that he doesn't even know how strong he is.

Black holes and white holes are like the two eternal poles in the universe, representing the extreme opposition between gravity and repulsion.

Chu Yi raised his eyebrows and said noncommittally: "Help me? But you are covering your face, how can I trust you?"

In an instant, the upper world was shaken violently. The fusion of the magic flame and the power of extreme ice caused the sky to be shrouded in darkness, as if the dawn of light would never be seen again.

I saw that the frightening black hole in Chu Yi's body was like a bottomless abyss, swallowing up everything around it. It emits a strong gravitational force, and the white hole opposite it continuously ejects matter as the light flows.

"Chu Yi, this is absolutely not allowed. I can meet all other requirements, but this is absolutely not allowed." The mysterious man's face turned slightly red under the mask, revealing a trace of uneasiness.

Even the realm of magic has broken through to the realm of a high-level magic saint.

"No, the surrounding area is about to collapse!" Chu Yi was surprised to find that the power of this black hole was far beyond his expectation, and he immediately took the black hole back. "It's too strong. I can't control this power. Try again." Other powers.”

Half a year has passed in a hurry, and the Ascension Pool is now dim, and all the magical holy power has been absorbed by Chu Yi.

But at this moment, the mysterious person came to Chu Yi in an instant, "Wait!" Her clear voice came, and she stopped Chu Yi in an instant.

The existence of these two extremes, two extreme powers, are opposed to each other but interdependent, maintaining the balance of power in Chu Yi's body.

"Continue to practice, first drain the energy in this pool," Chu Yi said, and then started practicing crazily again.

The realm of superpowers has reached a mysterious realm, the black and white cave level. Chu Yi's body seems to have become a mysterious universe. Black holes and white holes are intertwined in his body. "Could this be the legendary small universe inside the body!!"

Black holes swallow everything and mercilessly destroy all prosperity in the universe, while white holes cannot be approached and exclude all outside invaders.

"The power of extreme ice!" In an instant, the sky in the upper world was shrouded in an extremely cold force, "Fusion! The power of ice flames!!"

More importantly, his Primordial Origin Wuji Kung Fu has reached the terrifying thirty-third level, and in this month, he has broken through ten levels in a row.

What surprised Chu Yi was that the World-Destroying Black Lotus actually bloomed into twelve beautiful petals, but they looked a bit illusory and did not reach the full form. These petals looked fragile and noble, far more beautiful than their previous state. gorgeous.

The guard of the Ascension Pool in the distance saw that Chu Yi was still absorbing, and he immediately panicked, "No, no, no, if he keeps absorbing like this, the Ascension Pool will be sucked dry. This Ascensioner is absorbing faster and faster. I'm afraid this Ascension Pool will be gone within half a year." Just when he was about to stop Chu Yi from continuing to absorb it, a sword was already placed across his neck.

Chu Yi narrowed his eyes, slowly approached the mysterious man, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "Then let me lift off your mask, lift off your mysterious veil, and see who you really are!"

At this moment, his overall strength has far exceeded before, at least increased by ten thousand times.

"Alas!" The mysterious person sighed softly, with a hint of helplessness in her voice, "It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that I'm here to help you, old man..." She paused and corrected, " Chu Yi, I’m here to help you!”

"Huh?" Chu Yi paused and looked at the mysterious man with doubts on his face. He sniffed and said, "Who are you? The smell is familiar, but..."

White holes give birth to the origin of all matter. Matter that escapes from a white hole will never be able to turn back. It is the beginning of time and the beginning of all destiny. Like the purest soul in the universe, it breeds all miracles and possibilities.

"Believe me, I'm really here to help you, please believe me!" The mysterious man's voice was full of sincerity, not like he was lying.

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