Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 320: The Realm Of The Dharma God, Increased Terror

A month later, the Palace of Prince Chu of the Silver Moon Empire had stood majestically, occupying a vast area and making people look at it with awe.

In just one month, Chu Yi has raised his magic level to the peak of the God of Magic.

And the most important thing is that his Primordial Origin Wuji Gong has broken through, and he has broken through five levels in a row, reaching the twenty-third level. The energy in his body has increased horribly, and the magic in this world is no worse than the supernatural. Moreover, the Spark Domain in his body has also become much stronger, constantly expanding, expanding all the time.

At this moment, he was sitting leisurely in the main hall of Prince Chu's Mansion, holding his face with one hand. Standing next to him were two maids specially sent by Queen Silver Moon, Xiaofang and Xiaoli. They were beautiful and graceful.

In this magical continent, due to the long-term war, there are relatively many women, while men are relatively scarce. Therefore, some powerful people had countless wives and concubines, some exaggeratedly even changing to a new one every day, and lived an extremely luxurious and hedonistic life.

"Who is here to give gifts today?" Chu Yi asked lightly.

"Replying to the King of Chu, Mr. Chen is here today and is sending..." Xiaoli couldn't say it, but she still said it, "It's some young girls."

"Well! Go back, and then announce to the outside world that I will be practicing in seclusion, and those who come to visit me will be rejected." Chu Yi continued, his eyes suddenly became a little cold, "As for you and Xiaofang, go back directly Go ahead! Tell Queen Silver Moon that I like freedom and don’t like to be watched..."

Xiaofang and Xiaoli's bodies trembled slightly, and they were discovered. They were indeed sent by Queen Silver Moon to serve Chu Yi, but Chu Yi didn't seem to be interested in them. It had been a month and he hadn't even touched them. Make them a little frustrated.

"What? Are you still not leaving? Do you want me to take action?" Chu Yi's eyes were cold, and his powerful aura burst out, making Xiaofang and Xiaoli so scared that they quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.

Xiaoli said with a trembling voice: "King Chu, if you let us go back, it will be like asking us to die. Instead of doing this, you might as well kill us directly!"

Xiaofang also begged: "King Chu, please stay with us, we are willing to do anything for you..."

"Okay, then you can stay!" Forget it, looking at the poor two women, Chu Yi was a little helpless, and then warned, "Remember, you have nothing to do with Queen Silver Moon now. You only belong to Prince Chu’s Mansion!!”

Then Chu Yi's figure disappeared. As he disappeared, Xiaoli also sighed softly, "Oh, our King of Chu is really elusive. Don't report this matter to Queen Silver Moon. I feel that this King of Chu is more powerful than Queen Silver Moon." Qiang, let’s not have any small thoughts from now on.”

"I understand, Sister Xiaoli." Xiaofang responded.

At this moment, in the Starfire Domain, in the central area of ​​the Starfire Continent, countless gorgeous buildings stand. There are dozens of people resident here, including Xiao Tianjue, Feng Qingyan, Fatty, Nangong Shirong and others, and they all practice here.

"Fat man, I'm back. Come out quickly and take you to a good place..." Chu Yi shouted excitedly, his voice full of excitement.

"Good place? Where is it?" Before the fat man arrived, the excited voice came.

Immediately, the fat man put on a suit of golden armor. His fat body trembled and he said with expectation: "Brother Chu, where is the good place? Take me there quickly!"

"It's definitely your favorite place, hahaha!" Chu Yi raised his eyebrows, showing an expression that you understand, and then laughed.

When the fat man heard this, he almost cried out. He immediately understood what Chu Yi meant, "Hey, while Shirong and sister-in-law are traveling now, let's take the opportunity to sneak out and have fun..."

"Fat man, let's go!" Chu Yi smiled and put his hand on the fat man's shoulder. A strange light flashed and they were instantly transported to the magic continent.

The fat man couldn't help but exclaimed, with curiosity in his eyes. He felt the magical energy filling the air, "Holy crap, this is it! Another world, the energy in the air is different!"

"This is a magical continent. There are four Great Emperor countries. I am now the Chu King of the Silver Moon Empire. I have countless maids under my command. You can choose as you like." Chu Yi chuckled.

The fat man's eyes widened in an instant, with disbelief written all over his face, "Really? I can pick whatever you want? What about you? Why don't you pick a few?"

"Oh, I don't need it. Your sister-in-law is very strict, and she's a woman! Doing it too much will affect your cultivation!" Chu Yi said with a smile.

Soon after, Chu Yi and Fatty returned to Prince Chu's Mansion.

The fat man asked with curiosity on his face: "Brother Chu! I have a question for you."

"You ask! I'll listen." Chu Yi said.

"I dare to ask Brother Chu, how does it feel to be a prince now? Is it more enjoyable than being an emperor back then?" The fat man's words were surprising, and they hit Chu Yi's pain point.

In an instant, there was a loud "bang" sound, and Chu Yi hit the fat man hard with his fist, knocking him straight into the sky and unable to stop.

"Ah! Brother Chu, I was wrong, Brother Chu, spare your life..." the fat man said miserably.

"You still dare to mention the Spark Empire, right? Now that the Spark Empire no longer exists, you still dare to expose my scars and seek death!" Chu Yi flew in front of the fat man in an instant, "Bang bang bang..." There were continuous loud noises, The beating made the fat man unable to take care of himself.

"Stop, stop, I won't say anything anymore, Brother Chu, please stop..." The fat man begged for mercy.

After a long time, in the palace of Prince Chu, the fat man's face was covered with bruises. It was obvious that Chu Yi had beaten him hard. Even his indestructible body could not withstand it!

"It's too strong, it's too strong. How far has Brother Chu reached? Even though I'm indestructible, it still hurts like this..." The fat man sighed, and then a sharp pain hit him, and he yelled through gritted teeth, "Hey, hey, it hurts, it hurts, Xiaofang, please be gentle..."

"Master Qin, this slave is guilty, please punish Master Qin." Xiaofang lowered her head and admitted her mistake.

It's so wonderful. Fatty thinks this maid is so wonderful, "Hey, Xiaofang! What kind of punishment do you want? Tell me?"

"Master Qin, I, I..." Xiaofang said cringingly, her voice delicate, "If Xiaofang's service is not attentive, please punish Mr. Qin..."

"Xiao Fang! Are you married? Do you have any family? How many people are there in your family? Do you have any money to spend recently?" The fat man looked at Xiao Fang with a look of a wretched uncle on his face. "Let me tell you, your King Chu and I are brothers. As long as I ask, he will agree to anything."

Xiaofang's eyes lit up and she said in disbelief: "Wow! Is Mr. Qin really that powerful?"

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