Chu Yi followed the old man, walked on the bluestone path, passed through the dense woods, and came to a quiet corner.

The sun shines on the ground through the gaps in the leaves, reflecting the mysterious light on the altar.

Chu Yi stood in front of the altar and couldn't help but sigh: "Is this the Sacred Land you mentioned as a place of cultivation?"

He looked into the distance and saw endless green mountains, which seemed to contain endless power.

The old man smiled and explained: "Dear strong man, this altar is the source of magic, containing infinite magic power. As long as you step on it, you can touch the magical power."

Chu Yi was filled with curiosity. He stepped forward and stepped firmly onto the altar. Suddenly, a mysterious energy surrounded him.

Chu Yi felt a mysterious force surging in his body, like a source of magic quietly forming in his body.

This power seemed to be an endless source, continuously providing him with magical energy.

The source of magic would quickly flow into his body like a torrent.

He could clearly feel this power flowing freely within his body, making his body seem to be filled with endless vitality and magic.

As time went by, Chu Yi gradually found that his ability to control this source of magic was getting stronger and stronger.

He was able to easily mobilize the mysterious power originating from his body, which greatly improved his magical strength.

The old man's eyes showed shock. He stared at Chu Yi with a hint of trembling in his voice:

"This is the source of magic!!!" His eyes were piercing, as if he had seen the most precious secret in the world.

There was a confused look on Chu Yi's face, and he asked puzzledly: "The source of magic? I have never heard of it." His eyebrows were furrowed, and his eyes showed curiosity and desire for unknown things.

The old man turned around slowly, with a hint of awe in his eyes, "The source of magic is something that only the God of Creation can possess according to legend. Only the power of the God of Creation can control it and control it." His voice was low. And the solemnity seems to be telling an incredible mythical.

Chu Yi smiled slightly, with confidence and determination in his eyes, "Creation God? That's not me." There was a hint of humor in his voice, as if he didn't take the old man's words seriously.

The old man nodded gently, with a solemn expression, "I'm about to leave..." The staff in his hand disappeared in an instant, as if wiped from reality, leaving Chu Yi standing there alone with thousands of thoughts.

After a long time, Chu Yi walked on this vast continent and came to a dilapidated city. The streets of the city were full of ruins and broken buildings, as if they had just suffered a devastating blow.

The people's ragged clothes and haggard faces revealed a huge need for food. They huddled in the corner, looking forward to a warm meal to fill their empty stomachs.

A feeling of pity surged in Chu Yi's heart, and he deeply felt the pain the city suffered.

He closed his eyes, and with a thought, he instantly came to the Spark Domain.

She was wearing a gorgeous imperial robe, with delicate embroidery embellishment that accentuated her noble status and highlighted her graceful figure.

A High Level minister eagerly reported to the Queen: "Your Majesty the Queen, the hateful Flame Empire has launched a violent attack on the western part of our empire! Our territory has been severely damaged!" His voice revealed concern for the empire. and anxiety.

Feng Qingyan looked at Chu Yi in surprise and said, "Chu Yi, why are you back?"

At this moment, in the east of the continent, there is a country called the Silver Moon Empire, which is one of the four Great Emperor countries.

The four Great Emperor countries are: Silver Moon Empire, Jade Empire, Flame Empire and Dark Empire.

Anna went to the center of the galaxy to get the interstellar battleship. She didn’t know how long it would take to come back. However, Anna had the Primordial Origin mark on her body. She could return to the Spark Realm with just a thought. Chu Yi was not worried about her safety at all. .

They deeply believe that Chu Yi is a messenger from heaven, bringing them the salvation and warmth they have longed for.

After taking a lot of food, with a thought in his mind, he instantly transmigrated time and space and came to this strange place again.

Her eyes became sharp and intelligent as she stared at the courtiers.

Her eyes swept over everyone, as if she could see into their hearts.

Her eyes are as deep as the night sky, and they sparkle with the light of stars, revealing the wisdom and calmness deep in her heart.

His actions rekindled people's hope for the future and made them believe that even in the darkest moments, there is light and warmth.

He is the one who gives hope, the one who resolves difficulties.

They knelt on the ground and expressed their respect and gratitude to Chu Yi.

Among the four empires, the Dark Empire is the most powerful, while the other three empires are evenly matched.

His eyes sparkled with warmth and kindness, and his heart was filled with care and love for humanity.

Another minister also anxiously stated to the Queen: "Your Majesty the Queen, our empire's food reserves have reached a critical point! We urgently need to find a solution, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!" His tone revealed his concern for the future of the empire. Worry and helplessness.

That majestic aura makes people involuntarily feel awe, and deeply feel her majesty as the emperor of the Silver Moon Empire.

"Thank God! Thank God!" the poor people shouted loudly, their voices full of sincere gratitude and devout prayers.

Chu Yi stood there quietly, witnessing this scene.

His movements were as fast as lightning. The refugees only felt a breeze passing in front of them, but there was inexplicably more food in their hands.

The figure of Queen Silver Moon stands on the throne. She sits on the throne, as quiet and solemn as a sculpture.

Her face is beautiful, delicate and full of mystery, and her skin is as crystal clear as a white lotus, as if there is no flaw at all.

The refugees were all shocked and awed when they saw this scene.

Their gratitude flowed into everyone's heart like a warm current.

"My dear friends, what do you want to report?" Her voice was clear and sweet, like the voice of heaven, spreading throughout the entire hall, "If you have something to report, if nothing happens, leave the court." Her voice was majestic and firm, revealing an unquestionable aura. authority.

The Queen listened attentively to the reports of the ministers, her brows furrowed, and a glimmer of determination flashed in her eyes.

There was an invisible sense of oppression in her eyes, which made people dare not neglect her in the slightest.

Chu Yi delivered the food to the hungry refugees at an alarming speed.

"The crisis we are facing is severe. I will immediately convene a think tank to discuss countermeasures, mobilize national resources, and strengthen food production and reserves." The music queen looked calmly and took a deep breath and continued, "In addition, I will also Send envoys, negotiate with other countries, and strive for assistance and support. We must unite and get through this difficult moment together!"

Feng Qingyan shook her head and said, "Little Anna hasn't replied yet."

The silver threads on the royal robe shone with a faint light, as if stars were shining in it, as if her imperial power shone throughout the Silver Moon Empire.

Chu Yi smiled slightly and said to Feng Qingyan: "Sister Qingyan, I came back to get some food. Is Anna back?"

Only by uniting can the three empires of Silver Moon, Jade and Flame fight against the threat of the Dark Empire.

They were shaking on their knees, tears streaming down their cheeks.

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