Chu Yi frowned, his heart filled with endless desire and anxiety. He eagerly asked Ye Yuyi:

"Ye Yuyi, is there any way to speed up my improvement? I can't wait any longer."

Ye Yuyi sighed deeply. She understood Chu Yi's mood, but she knew it was not easy to give him a satisfactory answer. She replied softly:

"Time is irreversible, and it takes time for a black hole to grow. Only as time goes by can you have a complete black hole."

Chu Yi gritted his teeth and said helplessly:

"I really can't wait that long." There was a hint of determination in his eyes.

Ye Yuyi shook her head gently. She understood Chu Yi's anxiety, but there was nothing she could do. She responded softly:

"There is no other way but to wait."

Chu Yi's eyes flashed with determination, and he said to Ye Yuyi without hesitation:

"I need power, I want to resurrect all living beings on the Blue Star."

Ye Yuyi looked at Chu Yi slightly worriedly, and she tried to comfort him:

"Please be patient and don't be too anxious."

Chu Yi responded eagerly:

"Can I not be anxious? Shangguan Lingwei is that crazy woman. If I can't make a breakthrough, she will cause endless riots."

Chu Yi's heart was filled with confusion and helplessness, and he felt unprecedented pressure.

Under Shangguan Lingwei's promise, he had to face a task that he could not achieve. It was as if an unattainable mountain was placed in front of him, making him feel unable to start and at a loss.

Ye Yuyi looked at Chu Yi with a smile, her eyes revealed an unfathomable confidence, and her voice was firm and clear:

"In a hundred years, it's almost enough! But it's very dangerous!" Her words gave Chu Yi a glimmer of hope and also made him feel a little comfort.

Chu Yi frowned, he was confused by Ye Yuyi's words:

"Is it other universes? Are you saying that we can go to other higher-level universes to practice?" There was a hint of surprise and expectation in his voice.

Ye Yuyi smiled slightly, with a hint of confidence in his eyes:

"That's right, only by going to a higher-level universe can your cultivation speed be rapidly improved." Her words revealed a sense of profound knowledge and experience, which made people have more trust in her.

Chu Yi heard the deep meaning in Ye Yuyi's words, and he couldn't wait to ask:

"Then when are we going to set off? I can't wait to go to those higher level universes."

Ye Yuyi sighed, with a trace of worry on his face:

"Alas, even if I am the will of the universe, I will face danger when I go to a higher level universe. After all, there are still strong and weak differences between universes."

Chu Yi immediately comforted him and said:

"Don't worry, let's set off now. No matter what happens, I will protect you." His tone was firm and resolute, full of unwavering commitment to Ye Yuyi.

Ye Yuyi smiled and said:

"That's a battle between the wills of the universe. Can you protect me? You'd better protect yourself!"

Chu Yi chuckled and said:

"You forgot, I also have a teacher."

Ye Yuyi said approvingly:

"You are so awesome, you are so awesome!"

At this moment, the distant and ancient voice of Heavenly Venerable echoed around them:

"Go! Take my disciple with you!"

Ye Yuyi was suddenly surprised and quickly saluted:

"Hello, senior! How should I call you?"

Chu Yi waved his hand and said:

"Hey, don't be so formal. Teacher Yuanshi has left. He has promised to lend a helping hand when encountering danger. You don't have to worry."

Ye Yuyi had a hint of loneliness in his eyes, and said with a strong smile:

"Haha, it's great to have someone to support you! How can I be so lonely and helpless?"

Chu Yi laughed and replied:

"Don't worry, from now on, I will be your supporter! Hahaha!"

Ye Yuyi sneered softly:

"Hey, you still have to wait ten thousand years!"

A trace of determination flashed in Chu Yi's eyes, and he said:

"Let's go! We have to practice as soon as possible and strive to surpass you in less than a hundred years!"

Ye Yuyi's body was like a lit star, instantly emitting powerful cosmic energy.

Endless starlight enveloped him, like a son of the universe, and a mysterious and solemn aura filled the air.

The light from the door pours down like a waterfall, illuminating the boundless darkness, making people fascinated.

Stepping into this door that leads to the unknown realm of the endless Star Domain and the vast universe, the trajectory of the stars blooms under her feet, as if it is the path to the mystery paved for him by the Lord of the Universe.

"This is it!! The gate to the universe?"

Chu Yi's eyes widened, and the scene inside the door seemed to bring him into a completely different world.

Countless gorgeous galaxies are intertwined in the universe, as beautiful as a painting.

He couldn't help but sigh that the mystery of the universe turned out to be so spectacular.

The door to the universe opened, and they stepped inside and were immediately surrounded by endless nebulae and cosmic scenes.

The Gate of the Universe leads the Chu Yis into a brand new universe.

Countless bubble-like universes of different sizes appeared before their eyes, each with its own unique scenery and atmosphere.

In some universes, there are so many nebulae that it looks like a dream;

Some universes have planets orbiting them, like heaven;

There are also stars in the universe, looking at them like countless twinkling eyes.

They can't help but immerse themselves in this fantasy universe.

On the other side of the door to the universe, Chu Yi's vision was filled with beautiful nebulae and cosmic scenes.

Nebulae are like soft fluff, gently floating in the vastness of the universe.

They seemed to be transmigrating in the endless sea of ​​nebulae, and they could feel the gentle touch of the nebula with every step.

Chu Yi stared at the gorgeous nebula in front of him, and felt an inexplicable shock in his heart. The endless universe unfolded before his eyes, and the light flowing among the stars seemed like a picture scroll embroidered with mysterious runes. He couldn't help but sigh:

"Are these universes?"

Ye Yuyi smiled and nodded, with the light of wisdom shining in his eyes:

"Yes, we are now in a high-dimensional space and can see these universes. We have to choose a larger universe. There is no need to go to a small universe."

Suddenly, a powerful pressure came, and the powerful pressure enveloped the entire space, oppressing Ye Yuyi and Chu Yi like an invisible mountain, giving them an irresistible sense of oppression.

Ye Yuyi hurriedly shouted:

"Run! That is the will of the high-dimensional universe, which is equivalent to my superior. Run!"

The existence of the high-dimensional will of the universe seems to be a huge insurmountable barrier. Its existence makes Ye Yuyi and Chu Yi feel extremely small, as if they are just chess pieces that can be destroyed at any time by the will of the universe.

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