Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 309 Negotiation, Conquering The Universe?

In the starry sky, Anna and Shangguan Lingwei started a fierce battle at the galaxy level.

The two sides each held the sacred sword and the true dragon sword. The swords faced each other, and the swords and swords and shadows intertwined.

Anna's blond hair was fluttering, and she was wearing a white-gold battle robe, as if a sacred goddess had descended.

She stared at Shangguan Lingwei proudly, with a sense of majesty in her voice:

"Shangguan Lingwei, stop it! You are no match for me!"

Shangguan Lingwei, with her black hair hanging down and wearing a true dragon armor, was as fierce as a true dragon goddess.

She sneered, her eyes flashing with determination:

"Anna, why don't you come with me, and we can conquer the universe and rebuild our home together!"

Anna smiled softly:

"But, I'm not interested in women, I don't have that hobby!" She replied in a joking tone.

"Bang, bang, bang!" There was another series of sword collisions, and the starry sky was instantly filled with the explosion of sword energy.

Shangguan Lingwei's eyes flashed with surprise:

"Anna, I didn't expect you to become so powerful now. It seems that Chu Yi has given you a lot of good things!"

Anna smiled slightly:

"My strength comes from my own cultivation!" She replied confidently.

The battle continues, with the figures of the two female warriors flying through the starry sky, and every confrontation brings an unparalleled burst of energy.

Their sword skills are like stars, covering the entire universe in sword light.

This is a galaxy-level battle and a showdown between two strong men. Their goal is to control the universe.

"I will go all out now, you must not die!" Shangguan Lingwei frowned.

"Just in time, I haven't used my full strength yet!" Anna bit her lips, her eyes flashing with determination.

Suddenly a sharp shout interrupted their battle:

"Stop fighting, Anna is back! And you, Shangguan Lingwei, stop fighting!" The sharp shout revealed helplessness and anxiety.

Anna instantly returned behind Chu Yi and called softly:

"Ayi!" Her voice was trembling, expressing her inner tension and worry.

Shangguan Lingwei laughed mockingly:

"Haha, Chu Yi, what are you doing here? Do you want to surrender?" Her expression was full of ridicule and disdain.

Chu Yi said slowly:

"We can talk." His voice was calm and gentle, revealing his calm thinking about the situation.

In the Starfire Domain, on the Starfire Continent, a magnificent building stands on the boundless land, like a huge fortress.

The conference room is located on the top floor of the building and is stunning in its size.

The decoration in the conference room is luxurious and elegant, and magnificent oil paintings hang on the walls, depicting the beautiful scenery of the Starfire Continent and its mysterious creatures.

The walls are made of precious mahogany and are carefully carved to show gorgeous patterns.

Gorgeous crystal chandeliers hang from the high ceiling, shining with soft light and illuminating the entire room.

The furniture in the conference room is even more luxurious.

A huge oak conference table is covered with smooth mica slates, with exquisite crystal vases filled with bright flowers placed on the table.

The surrounding seats are made of Apex Level red leather and soft velvet fabric, which is comfortable and spacious.

Behind the huge floor-to-ceiling windows is a vast vista.

The mountains in the distance are undulating, extending to the horizon, like a majestic dragon snaking past.

The mountains are covered with verdant forests, lush and lush.

The sun shines through the gaps in the woods, illuminating the clear streams in the mountains. The streams are gurgling, cool and pleasant.

Outside the door of the conference room is a spacious corridor lined with sculptures and precious flowers, exuding a charming fragrance.

In the conference room, Chu Yianna and Shangguan Lingwei faced each other, and the negotiation began.

Chu Yi had a bright smile on his face:

"Tell me, don't be nervous, Shangguan Lingwei, what is your purpose?"

Shangguan Lingwei's eyes were firm and she answered confidently:

"From now on, you will obey my orders, and I will lead you to conquer the entire universe!"

Anna laughed, with a hint of playfulness in her tone:

"Haha! Shangguan Lingwei, the universe is not easy to conquer. You can't even defeat me, so why should you conquer the universe?"

Shangguan Lingwei smiled proudly:

"I conquered the real Dragon Race, and Chu Yi, you are powerful. As long as you are willing to listen to my orders, I believe we can conquer the entire universe and trample all creatures in the rain under our feet, hahahaha!"

Chu Yi frowned:

"Shangguan Lingwei, are you crazy? Trampling the entire universe under your feet is not something that one person can do."

Anna raised her eyebrows disdainfully:

"Shangguan Lingwei, I think you have completely lost your temper. Do you want us to have another fight to wake you up?"

Shangguan Lingwei's eyes were firm, and her voice revealed unshakable determination:

"I am sober now. I just want to conquer the universe and trample all creatures in the universe under my feet!!!"

Chu Yi frowned and fixed his gaze on Shangguan Lingwei:

"Shangguan Lingwei, you must put away your unrealistic ideas! Don't you see it?"

"This is the Spark Domain, this is our new home, we should cherish and protect it."

"Your ambition to conquer the universe is too dangerous. Stop fantasizing!"

Shangguan Lingwei sneered:

"Chu Yi, you are a weak and incompetent guy. Only by trampling the entire universe under your feet can we protect our families from harm."

"Only by making those ants and garbage afraid, can we protect our own people from harm!"

Chu Yi replied firmly:

"Because of this, there is the Spark Domain."

"We have a common purpose. This is a world without war. Don't you understand?"

Shangguan Lingwei gritted her teeth and said:

"Chu Yi, you are escaping from reality! I want to take revenge on the whole universe. My home was destroyed, and they are not immune! Why can their homes be fine, but ours can't!"

Chu Yi frowned and said dissatisfiedly:

"You can change the conditions, this condition won't work!"

Shangguan Lingwei glanced at him and responded coldly:

"Since you can't promise me, then you can walk on your Yangguan Road and I can walk on my single-plank bridge. We will not invade each other."

Chu Yi's voice became stern:

"No, you have to stay here."

Shangguan Lingwei laughed contemptuously:

"Am I that important?"

Chu Yi's expression became serious:

"Of course, you are an important part of us."

Shangguan Lingwei said coldly:

"Haha! I want to take revenge. I want to take revenge on the whole universe. If you don't go, I will!"

Chu Yi's eyes were full of worry:

"This is too dangerous, you can't go!"

There was a trace of resentment in Shangguan Lingwei's voice:

"In the past hundred years, I have experienced countless dangers. You can't imagine it!"

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