A month later, Chu Yi was sitting in his luxurious villa by the seaside, admiring the sound of the waves and the blue water through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The spacious living room is equipped with fashionable and luxurious furniture, and paintings by famous artists are hung on the walls, creating an elegant atmosphere.

Chu Yi sat quietly on the luxurious sofa, holding the anticipated genetic potion in his hand, and his heart was filled with longing and longing for a better life in the future.

He turned to Anna beside him and asked softly:

"Xiao Na, is this really a genetic potion that can make people immortal?"

Anna raised a smile on her lips and answered confidently:

"Of course, Ayi, please give it a try."

Chu Yi nodded gently:

"Then give it a try!" He couldn't wait to drink the genetic potion in one gulp.

However, Chu Yi could not feel the slightest change.

Chu Yi frowned slightly, a trace of doubt rising in his heart.

His eyes were fixed on Anna, trying to find some answer.

Anna's smile gradually disappeared, replaced by a look of uneasiness.

"What's going on? Failed?" Chu Yi's voice was filled with faint anxiety.

Anna shook her head slightly, her eyes staring into the distance, seeming to be thinking about something.

"Maybe it will take some time to take effect." She tried to comfort Chu Yi, but there was a hint of confusion in her voice.

Three minutes passed, and Chu Yi could feel an indescribable force spreading through his body.

His muscles began to become strong and strong, and his skin became smooth and elastic, as if an aura of youth enveloped his whole body.

His eyesight became sharper and his hearing became more sensitive, as if he could hear small sounds and see tiny details.

These changes swept through his body like a torrent, making him feel stronger and more fulfilled than ever before.

With the transformation of the eternal immortal gene, Chu Yi felt that great changes had taken place in his heart.

Although these changes were insignificant to Chu Yi, he did not complain or look down upon them.

Instead, he embraced the change and was full of expectations for the future.

When the eternal immortal gene began to transform his body, Chu Yi felt waves of weak electric current flowing in his blood.

This feeling was not painful, but made him feel comfortable and excited.

He could feel that every cell was revitalizing and every nerve was sending out strong signals.

Chu Yi asked patiently:

"Xiao Na, have you sent this genetic potion to Sister Qingyan? Also, we need to make more potions because I still need to use them."

Anna answered confidently:

"Of course, I have sent the genetic medicine to Sister Qingyan."

Chu Yi continued to ask:

"So, how is the progress regarding the School for Superpowers?"

In the past month, Chu Yi has almost no time to pay attention to the progress of the School of Superpowers.

Anna said with pride:

“It’s really amazing how strong the School of the Abilities is growing.”

"The outstanding performance of Yang Tianxiong and others has made a huge leap forward in the students' strength."

"If we continue to maintain this momentum of development, I believe that the Academy of Superpowers is likely to surpass the Academy of Genetics."

Chu Yi smiled slightly and said firmly:

"That's good, but it's not enough."

"We must continue to recruit students and give more people the opportunity to awaken their powers."

A glint of anticipation flashed in Anna's eyes, and she responded excitedly:


A woman in combat uniform slowly walked into the room.

Her long hair was graceful, hanging down to her waist like a waterfall, swaying gently with every step she took.

Her eyes are deep and seem to contain endless wisdom.

Her eyebrows were long and straight, revealing a firmness and determination.

The bridge of her nose is straight and handsome, complementing her slender neck.

Her lips are red and her teeth are white, slightly upturned, giving her a confident and charming look.

Ye Yuyi, wearing a combat uniform, exuded a noble temperament.

Her posture is elegant and calm, as if she is the most favored princess among the nobles.

Her skin was as white as snow, as clean and flawless as if she had never experienced a trace of wind and dust.

Her body is slender and well-proportioned, exuding a healthy and powerful aura.

Her fingers are long and slender, like piano keys, containing infinite dexterity and power.

Ye Yuyi's appearance instantly broke the tranquility of the room.

Her eyes were sharp and firm, as if she could see through everything.

Her steps are light and steady, exuding a sense of confidence and determination with every step.

Her face was calm and steady, revealing a calmness accustomed to facing dangers and challenges.

Her voice is low and magnetic:

"Chu Yianna, what's going on with you two? Let's go to training!"

Anna asked somewhat unexpectedly:

"Ah! Why do we still need to train? We are already very strong."

Chu Yi looked at Ye Yuyi and said with a smile:

"Let's go!"

Ye Yuyi frowned:

"You are still too weak, you must strengthen your training." Her tone revealed the expectations for them and the severity that could not be ignored.

Although Anna and Chu Yi are not weak in strength, there is still a big gap between them and Ye Yuyi, the will of the universe.

Anna sighed helplessly:

"Okay, okay, I'm really convinced!" She felt a little helpless at Ye Yuyi's request, but her heart was still full of desire for growth.

Chu Yi gently patted Anna's shoulder:

"Xiao Na, stop complaining and practice hard." He encouraged her with warm eyes, hoping that she could persevere and continue to improve her strength.

The vastness of the infinite universe is like a dark ocean.

The three of them arrived in this mysterious realm instantly, surrounded by mysterious energy fluctuations.

Ye Yuyi's eyes were as sharp as knives, revealing a decisive will. She took a deep breath and said to Chu Yi:

"You come first, let me see your strength!"

Chu Yi clenched the God-killing Sword in his hand, the sword's light flashed, and it struck Ye Yuyi with extremely fierce momentum.

The sword contains powerful divine power, as if it will crush all enemies standing in front of it.

His Primordial Origin sword technique danced wildly, and the sword light was like a waterfall, like a bolt of lightning sweeping across the sky.

Ye Yuyi raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said teasingly:

"Too weak! How can you be an enemy of the will of the universe like this!!"

Ye Yuyi flashed and approached Chu Yi as quickly as lightning. The sword energy condensed in his hand, preparing to launch a fatal blow.

A trace of determination flashed in Chu Yi's eyes, he roared angrily, and the God-killing Sword in his hand erupted with extremely powerful energy fluctuations.

He performed the most powerful move in the Primordial Origin sword technique - Primordial Origin Wuji Style!

The sword light soared into the sky, bringing up a violent storm and tearing apart the surrounding space.

There was a hint of helplessness between Ye Yuyi's brows:

"Still too weak!"

She dodged Chu Yi's attack like a shadow, and the sword in her hand danced in a gorgeous arc. The sword energy was so sharp that it seemed to cut the world in half.

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