Anna held Chu Yi's hand tightly and comforted him gently, her eyes filled with concern and understanding:

"Okay! Okay, Ayi, don't be serious with Yu Yi!"

Chu Yi smiled slightly:

"I understand, I won't be serious with her anymore."

Chu Yi gently patted Anna's shoulder and said softly:

"Xiao Na, I have some things that I need to go out and deal with."

Anna responded sweetly:

"Okay, hubby..."

Not long after, Chu Yi set foot on a remote and desolate place on Nothya Star. The silent wind blew by, bringing with it the smell of sand and dust.

The desolate scene on this land coincided with the determination in Chu Yi's heart.

Chu Yi's voice was like a deep bell in the middle of the night, spreading throughout the remote place:

"Come out, Ye Yuyi!" He glanced around, as if he could sense Ye Yuyi's presence lurking in the dark.

Ye Yuyi's figure instantly transformed, like the twinkling stars in the moonlit night, and her voice was calm and calm:

"Chu Yi, how did you know I would follow?".

Chu Yi asked without hesitation:

"Ye Yuyi, who are you?!" His eyes were as sharp as a knife, revealing his desire for the truth.

Ye Yuyi smiled slightly:

"I am who I am!" There was a hint of mystery in her voice, as if there were endless stories buried in her identity.

Under the silent night, a sword shining with mysterious black light suddenly appeared in Chu Yi's hand - the God-killing Sword.

The sword body contains powerful power, as if it comes from another world.

At the same time, his broken hair spread like a violent wind under the impact of the sword energy, carrying a violent aura.

The dark golden robe moved automatically without wind, fluttering gently, as if there was an invisible force driving it.

Chu Yi raised his sword and pointed it at Ye Yuyi, his eyes revealing determination and firmness.

Chu Yi's eyes shone with determination. He stared at Ye Yuyi closely, his tone full of questions and doubts:

"Who are you and why do you want to get close to Anna!!"

He couldn't understand Ye Yuyi's true identity or why she would be close to his most important person, Anna.

Ye Yuyi gently lifted her long hair, and a pretty smile hung on her face, showing a comfortable and arrogant attitude.

She didn't care about Chu Yi's questions, as if she had no fear of his threats.

There was a hint of ridicule and sarcasm in her tone, which seemed to hint at Chu Yi's impulsiveness and unwiseness:

"Chu Yi, you want to fight me? You are so impulsive, aren't you afraid of death!!"

Chu Yi stared at Ye Yuyi closely, his eyes revealing firm and unquestionable determination.

His voice was filled with anger and worry, and he could not tolerate anyone threatening the people who mattered most to him:

"It doesn't matter if you do it, Anna is the most important person to me, what is your purpose in approaching her!!"

Ye Yuyi hooked his hand at Chu Yi, his eyes flashing with provocation and ridicule.

She was obviously confident in her own strength and faced him without any fear.

This action hints at Ye Yuyi's challenge to Chu Yi. She seems to be hinting to him that if he has the courage, he can try to defeat her:

"How about you try to beat me?"

The air seemed to condense at that moment, and a loud bang shook the earth instantly, making people's hearts palpitate.

Chu Yi jumped into the air nimbly, and the God-killing Sword in his hand emitted a dazzling light, like a meteor streaking across the night.

The God-killing Sword shines brightly in Chu Yi's hands, like a bright starlight.

He took a step without hesitation, and his body suddenly flew forward like an arrow from a string.

The sword energy was cold and sharp, attacking Ye Yuyi like a violent storm, piercing the silent night sky.

In an instant, the earth trembled with the loud noise, as if the whole world had stopped for this moment.

Chu Yi waved the God-killing Sword, and the sword energy was like a dragon, like a bolt of lightning piercing the night sky, attacking Ye Yuyi.

Ye Yuyi was agile and easily avoided Chu Yi's attack, with a playful smile on his lips.

Chu Yi frowned. He was unwilling to be easily evaded by an unknown person.

He raised his sword and launched another fierce attack. The sword's light was as sharp as a violent storm.

Ye Yuyi stepped back, with a figure like a swallow, and instantly appeared behind Chu Yi.

She patted it lightly, and the sword energy immediately dissipated.

Chu Yi looked back and found that Ye Yuyi had disappeared.

Chu Yi was shocked, how could he disappear so quickly?

He looked around vigilantly, but found no trace of Ye Yuyi.

"Who are you!" Chu Yi shouted loudly, his voice echoing in the empty battlefield.

Ye Yuyi's voice came from far away:

"You guess!"

Chu Yi frowned, and he felt a little weak.

No matter how powerful his attack was, he couldn't hit Ye Yuyi even once. He took a deep breath and decided not to be afraid anymore.

Chu Yi stared at Ye Yuyi, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

He swung the God-killing Sword without hesitation, and the sword light shone like a star as it struck Ye Yuyi.

Ye Yuyi dodged Chu Yi's attack leisurely and retreated step by step.

She looked at Chu Yi with a smile, and there was a trace of amusement in her eyes again.

"You can't defeat me, at least not now!" Ye Yuyi's voice was cold and firm.

A trace of determination flashed in Chu Yi's eyes. He raised his sword, and the sword energy was like a sharp edge, piercing Ye Yuyi like a mirror.

Ye Yuyi swayed and easily dodged Chu Yi's attack.

Her sharp eyes were fixed on Chu Yi, full of dissatisfaction and contempt. Chu Yi was too weak.

"Whether you can win or not, you won't know until you fight!" Chu Yi said through gritted teeth.

Chu Yi waved the God-killing Sword in his hand, and the sword light flickered, as beautiful and bright as the sea of ​​stars.

He launched a fierce attack on Ye Yuyi mercilessly, and the sword light burned like a flame.

Ye Yuyi's eyes were indifferent, and he easily dodged Chu Yi's attack, as comfortable as flowing clouds and flowing water.

She sneered lightly, with a trace of ridicule on her lips:

"Do you think you can defeat me like this?" Ye Yuyi's voice was cold and mocking.

Chu Yi gritted his teeth and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

He swung his sword like wind and sword energy like a sharp edge, stabbing Ye Yuyi.

Ye Yuyi easily dodged Chu Yi's attack. His figure was as flexible as a ghost, like a cunning fox.

She looked at Chu Yi with a hint of disdain in her eyes:

"You're still far away!" Ye Yuyi said mockingly.

Chu Yi waved the God-killing Sword in his hand, and the light of the sword cut through the night sky like a meteor, and the speed was jaw-dropping.

He attacked Ye Yuyi mercilessly, his sword energy was like a dragon and unstoppable.

Ye Yuyi easily dodged Chu Yi's attack. His figure was like the wind, agile and swift.

She looked at Chu Yi with a smile, a hint of teasing in her eyes:

"You can't defeat me, at least not now!" Ye Yuyi's voice was cold and firm.

Chu Yi was furious, his sword light became more fierce, and his attack speed was so fast that it was almost difficult to catch him.

Ye Yuyi stepped away, his eyes full of teasing, and she said teasingly:

"Why are you so stubborn? Well, I'll tell you my identity!"

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