Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 293 Creating The World, Spark Domain

The moment Chu Yi turned on the power of space, the surrounding scene began to change drastically.

It was as if the space had been distorted by his power, the world seemed to have been cut open, and a new and mysterious realm appeared before his eyes.

Space is closely connected to Chu Yi's mind. He can feel the pulse of space and the flow of power, as if a soul bond has been established between himself and the universe.

This connection made his thinking extremely sharp, and he could accurately perceive the subtle fluctuations in every inch of space.

Chu Yi's body seemed to be an endless universe. His body seemed to be injected with an invisible energy. The power flowed through his meridians, making him stronger.

"Open it!" Chu Yi shouted, his voice full of determination and strength.

With Chu Yi's energy output, the space began to slowly expand, as if an endless void was being shaped by his will.

There was a hint of fearlessness and determination in his eyes, and the space continued to expand, getting bigger and bigger.

The planet in front of him was gradually being swallowed into the space he created. The whole process was like a huge black hole absorbing everything in the world.

There was a trace of satisfaction and joy in Chu Yi's eyes. He had successfully brought this habitable planet into his own domain and became the master of this space.

Chu Yi murmured excitedly:

"It's incredible. It has the same effect as the small space in my body!"

"I'll call you Starfire Territory from now on!"

Chu Yi stood in the center of the Star Fire Domain, looking around and seeing a mysterious purple light filling the boundless space.

This area seemed to be a magical realm opened up in his body, which made him feel incredible.

The light in the Spark Domain was like a bright star, illuminating the surrounding silence.

Chu Yi felt a strong feeling in his heart. This mysterious realm and the small space in his body actually had the same purpose, as if they were each other's twin brothers.

Chu Yi looked at the Spark Domain in front of him in surprise, a quiet void without a trace of life.

He took a deep breath, but he only felt empty and lonely, as if this area had been forgotten by time and isolated from the world.

Everything in the Spark Domain is like a dead void, without life.

Standing on the edge of the Spark Domain, Chu Yi felt a strong sense of loneliness in his heart, as if he was the only existence with a soul in this void.

His eyes stared into the distance, hoping to breathe new life into this dead area.

A strong sense of mission surged in his heart, and he decided to use his life force to bring a glimmer of hope to this area.

He stood there, closing his eyes, preparing to inject his energy into the Spark Domain, looking forward to the moment when the void would come to life again.

After a long time, Chu Yi's eyes penetrated the void and found that in this Spark Domain, time seemed to have stopped, like a static picture without any flow.

A strong curiosity and uneasiness arose in his heart, because he knew that the absence of time meant that this Spark Domain would always be bound to a certain moment.

Everything in the Spark Domain seems to be frozen in a mysterious moment, with no past and no future.

Chu Yi's heart became heavy, and he realized that time here had lost its original rules, no longer flowing or changing.

This made him feel a sense of despair, because the meaning of life is reflected in the passage of time.

Chu Yi's eyes became firm, and he decided not to be willing to watch the Spark Domain be bound by time. He wanted to bring the flow and change of time to this domain.

Determination shone in his eyes as he began to delve deeper into the mysteries of the power of time.

He knew that only by infusing the power of his time into the Spark Domain could this domain regain its freedom and regain the pulse of life.

Chu Yi closed his eyes and began to use his own time power.

A warm energy surged out from the palm of his hand and penetrated into every corner of the Starfire Domain.

Chu Yi felt the fusion of the power of the five elements. The Spark Domain seemed to have become a gathering place of the power of the five elements, destined to trigger endless changes and challenges.

Every one of his meridians seemed to be gushing out with prehistoric power, making his body extremely powerful.

His body trembled slightly, as if he felt the powerful power of the ancient power.

Its edge began to emit a dazzling light, like a huge sun being born.

Chu Yi stood in the center of the Spark Domain and witnessed all this. His heart was filled with joy and pride because he had successfully brought the return of time to this domain.

This aura filled the air, and the strong energy fluctuations made people feel palpitated.

Chu Yi stood in the center of the Starfire Domain, clenching his fists, his eyes firm and resolute.

Chu Yi poured into the power of the Five Elements of the Spark Realm, and suddenly, five kinds of strange energy appeared in the Spark Realm.

Chu Yi felt that his power was increasing at a terrifying speed.

The golden light shines with a charming luster, the wood-attributed energy exudes a vitality, the water flows slowly, the flames dance, and the land is solid and stable.

His eyes became sharper, revealing an unrivaled confidence and power.

Chu Yi poured the biochemical power into the Spark Domain, and suddenly, a strong chemical atmosphere filled the Star Fire Domain.

His muscles were tense and every inch of his skin seemed to be bathed in power.

Chu Yi understood that the power of biochemistry brought infinite possibilities to the Spark Domain, which would become a world full of vitality and vitality.

The veins on his arms popped out, showing a sense of perseverance.

The air in the Spark Domain seemed to be ignited, instantly becoming hot and filled with a shocking power.

Chu Yi felt the fusion of soul power, and the Spark Domain seemed to have become a gathering place of souls, destined to bring miracles and revelations to people.

His heart was beating wildly, as if it was about to jump out of his chest.

With the injection of Chu Yi's power of time, subtle changes began to occur in the Spark Domain.

The originally static scenery began to gradually become active, and the stars in the starry sky shone with light, as if singing the praises of time.

When his fist blasted out, it carried an aura that destroyed everything, as if it could tear the world apart.

His breathing gradually became calmer, and he integrated his consciousness into it, integrating it with the power of time in the Starfire Domain.

The entire Spark Domain is sublimating in an incredible way, exuding an astonishing vastness.

The breath of life surges again in the Spark Domain, and the passage of time brings a vitality.

Streams of rich spiritual energy began to flow out of the Star Fire Domain, like burning flames.

Chu Yi saw a world unfolding before his eyes. Microorganisms multiplied rapidly under the influence of biochemical power. Plants thrived in this field. Animals found a place to live here.

Chu Yi realized that he had entered a strange realm. Although he was still a stellar Rank Ten, his power was countless times stronger than before.

Chu Yi once again injected the soul power of the Star Fire Domain, and suddenly, the Star Fire Domain was filled with a mysterious and powerful energy.

The boundaries of the Spark Domain gradually blurred, and its shape became blurred.

The golden soul shines with the light of wisdom, the wooden soul exudes the breath of life, the water soul surges like a tide, the flame dances the passionate soul, and the soul of the land carries the will and power of the Spark Domain.

He began to inject the power of prehistoric times into the Spark Domain, as if connecting to this mysterious and ancient continent.

With the sublimation of the Spark Domain, Chu Yi felt that his body seemed to be filled with endless power.

With the input of prehistoric power, strange changes began to occur in the Spark Domain.

The five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth are intertwined in the Spark Domain, forming a gorgeous and colorful scene.

Various strange substances began to form in space, producing various mysterious reactions and changes.

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