Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 291 Primordial Origin Wuji Kung Breakthrough, Eighteenth Level

The dragon that Chu Yi transformed into opened its huge mouth and swallowed up those dark shadow groups like a black hole.

Those shadow tribesmen were drawn into the dragon's huge mouth one after another, as if bound by invisible power and unable to escape.

Those shadow tribes are like illusory existences, with no physical body, just pure energy bodies condensed by the power of shadow.

The process of Chu Yi devouring them in the dragon form was extremely smooth. The terrifying power flowed freely in Chu Yi's body. The Primordial Origin Wuji Kung was like a burning flame, running crazily.

Time is being swallowed up again and again, and the passing sound seems to be swallowed up by the power of darkness.

Chu Yi in the form of a dragon exudes a powerful aura.

He did not stop his movements, as his endless hunger drove him to continue to devour those dark shadow groups.

Just as time passed slowly in the void, violent vibrations came from Chu Yi's body.

His body seemed to be torn apart by an invisible force, and his Primordial Origin Wuji Kung Fu was also running crazily at this moment.

Chu Yi felt that he was on the verge of breaking through, and a strong force surged in his body, as if it was going to tear the whole world into pieces.

In the darkness, Chu Yi's body gradually became transparent, as if integrating with the surrounding space.

The dragon he transformed into opened its huge mouth and swallowed up the dark shadow tribe.

Those shadow tribes may seem illusory, but they cannot escape the devouring power of the dragon.

As he devoured it again and again, Chu Yi felt that the power of his Primordial Origin Wuji Gong continued to grow, his aura surged like a tide, and the edge of breakthrough was coming.

Until a certain moment, Chu Yi's terrifying aura erupted again.

Primordial Origin Wuji Gong, the 18th level.

Chu Yi felt the surge of power in his body, and his body trembled, as if he was trying to withstand this powerful energy.

His eyes were closed tightly, and an ecstatic smile appeared on his face:

"Hahahahahaha!! I broke through again!" Chu Yi laughed loudly, feeling that his strength had reached a new level.

The breakthrough of Primordial Origin Wuji Kung was an unexpected surprise for him.

Since Primordial Origin Wuji Kung Fu integrated many techniques, Chu Yi's breakthrough speed has become slower and slower.

Each breakthrough required more time from him.

But now, he finally has this breakthrough, which makes him extremely excited.

His body gradually transformed from animal form to human form, with muscle lines outlining a strong body.

His skin exuded a unique luster, as if he contained endless power.

Chu Yi slowly opened his eyes, with a firm light shining in his eyes.

He took a deep breath and felt the power surging within his body. He knew that he had entered a new realm.

This breakthrough made Chu Yi strengthen his belief.

Primordial Origin Wuji Gong, this is the foundation of Chu Yi.

He can have no supernatural realm or anything.

But as long as he has this Primordial Origin Wuji Kung Fu, he will eventually reach the top.

In the darkness, Chu Yi's figure melted into the embrace of darkness like a ghost, transforming into an invisible shadow.

Like a thick black smoke, he shuttled through the silent night, his strange presence making people shudder.

In the boundless darkness, Chu Yi transformed into a mysterious shadow, seemingly integrated with reality.

"Class 18 is led by Vice President Chu, and the students in Class 18 are very talented. These students are unique and attract much attention in Nosia Genetics College."

Pan Lingling shook her head gently, with a hint of helplessness in her tone, and sighed:

"Dean, there is really nothing we can do. Anna, the current head teacher, has made it clear that people with superpowers are born to fight. If you don't fight, you cannot be considered a real superpower!!"

Wei Haiyan snorted dissatisfied:

His body no longer has texture, it is just an invisible and intangible existence.

Nosia Institute of Genetics, in the dean’s room.

Wei Haiyan muttered dissatisfiedly:

"Pan Lingling, what are you talking about? Are you saying that we need to open another college just for one class?"

"Master Dean, once people gain power, they will change. The reason is that there are too few people with superpowers. If everyone becomes a person with superpowers, then..."

Pan Lingling interrupted Wei Haiyan's words:

"Even so, they can't be so arrogant and think they are different. If this continues, the discipline of the academy will completely collapse!"

Pan Lingling smiled slightly and replied in a calm tone:

"Especially that Chen Tingting, who is very arrogant all day long, always likes to fight with others, and wants to compete with anyone she sees. Such behavior is really disrespectful!!"

Wei Haiyan frowned slightly after hearing this, and said dissatisfiedly:

After hearing this, Wei Haiyan hesitated for a moment, then finally loosened his fist and placed it gently on the table. His voice was filled with a hint of helplessness:

"Sorry, Dean, the students in Class 18 have become superpowers, and it is difficult for us to restrain them."

"Master Dean, I suggest that we reopen a college, a pure supernatural college."

"Can you tell me the current situation of Class 18? Those students have become arrogant one by one, as if the whole world owes them!!"

Pan Lingling frowned slightly, her eyes falling on the table that Wei Haiyan slapped angrily.

Although this shadow tribe's ability is a bit useless, it has surprising power hidden in the darkness.

"Dean, please calm down! I know you attach great importance to the development and reputation of the college, but the situation of Class 18 is indeed a bit special."

"Special? Apart from the fact that they are all superpowers, other than that, they are just a group of arrogant and domineering students. Is there anything special about them?"

Wei Haiyan sat on the large dean's chair, with a solemn look on his face showing his worry. He asked Pan Lingling seriously:

Pan Lingling smiled slightly and replied helplessly:

Pan Lingling sighed softly:

"Then how to solve it? We can't let them continue to be arrogant, as this will affect the entire college."

"Sorry, but there is really nothing we can do. No one in the entire college can control the students in Class 18, except their class teacher."

Wei Haiyan frowned slightly after hearing this, and after thinking for a moment, he said in shock:

At this moment, a dull loud noise suddenly sounded. Wei Haiyan slapped the table angrily and pointed at the pile of complaint letters on the table. His whole body was shaking with anger:

She sighed softly, with a hint of helplessness in her tone:

Pan Lingling smiled slightly, her eyes revealed an aura of courage and determination, and her eyes shone with a hint of wisdom, as if she had seen through the infinite charm of the School of Supernatural Powers:

Wei Haiyan looked at Pan Lingling in confusion and asked doubtfully:

At this very moment, outside the Dark Territory, Nosya Star.

"Look, look at these! They are all complaint letters! Do you want to take a look, huh?"

"Where did the fighting come from? This is a peaceful era, let them calm down for a while, if this continues..."

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