Li Xinyi, Chen Tingting, Zhang Yang and Wang Xiaofeng tightly absorbed the power of the alien core.

As time goes by, their aura gradually rises until it reaches its peak...

Li Xinyi said excitedly:

"I feel stronger!"

Chen Tingting frowned slightly and responded confidently:

"Yes, if I get ten more alien cores, I can break through to Rank Nine."

After Wang Xiaofeng thought for a moment, he reminded seriously:

"The strange creatures in the Dark Realm are not easy to deal with. We must proceed with caution."

Zhang Yang nodded and added thoughtfully:

"As we grow stronger, it will become increasingly easier to hunt these exotic creatures."

However, Wang Xiaofeng immediately interrupted everyone's discussion and said seriously:

"We must not take this lightly."

"The teacher told us that this place is extremely dangerous."

At this moment, Chu Yi appeared again, looked at the four people and said:

"Okay, let's keep going! The creature you killed was only the weakest."

In this way, the four students once again followed Chu Yi on the path of cultivation in the dark realm.

They face threats from strange creatures every day, but they don't back down.

On the first day, Li Xinyi, Chen Tingting, Zhang Yang and Wang Xiaofeng bravely killed a strange creature.

Their strong skills and tacit cooperation showed unparalleled combat effectiveness.

The next day, they faced a strange creature again and defeated it without fear.

On the third day, their courage and strength were once again proven.

Once again, they successfully killed a strange creature.

Every day, they continue to grow and become stronger.

However, something changed on day five.

Li Xinyi, Chen Tingting, Zhang Yang and Wang Xiaofeng are faced with the troubles of two strange creatures.

This was the first time they had faced such a number of threats, but they did not back down.

They worked closely together and displayed amazing team strength to successfully kill these two strange creatures.

All this is due to Chu Yi's protection.

He stepped forward at critical moments and provided them with valuable help and guidance.

Without Chu Yi's protection, the four of them might have died long ago.

Chu Yi was amazed by their performance:

"You are all very good. With a strong sense of combat, you will be able to break through Rank Nine within a month."

"This way you can protect yourself when you return to Nothiya."

Chu Yi is satisfied with the growth of the four people, and their efforts and perseverance have been duly rewarded.

The training during this period of time made them become true superpowers and have enough strength to face future challenges.

Chu Yi said seriously again:

"Next, I will not take action unless it is absolutely necessary. The Dark Realm may put your lives in danger! You should work hard!!"

Chu Yi knew that if he wanted to cultivate truly strong men, he must not let them rely on his own protection, but must experience the baptism of life and death personally.

The growth of the strong cannot be separated from the experience of life and death. Only on the bloody battlefield can their will and strength be truly tempered.

Li Xinyi thought about the strange and powerful creatures here, and she felt helpless in her heart.

She turned to look at Teacher Chu, with a hint of expectation and uneasiness in her eyes:

"Teacher Chu, can we really defeat these powerful creatures on our own?"

Chen Tingting laughed mischievously, stretched out her little hand and patted Li Xinyi's shoulder:

"Teacher Chu, don't worry! We are very strong now, and we can definitely defeat these strange creatures!"

Wang Xiaofeng and Zhang Yang stared at each other silently, their eyes revealing deep contemplation and worry. The Dark Realm was definitely not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

Teacher Chu clenched his fists tightly, and his brows showed a light of perseverance.

He looked back at the four students, his eyes full of trust and encouragement:

"Children, you may be facing unprecedented challenges, but as long as you work together and believe in yourself, you will be able to overcome all difficulties!"

Chu Yi's figure disappeared instantly, dissipating like a phantom. This was the power of space he controlled.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Yi had appeared in the distance, his eyes falling on Li Xinyi, Chen Tingting, Zhang Yang and Wang Xiaofeng.

Chu Yi smiled slightly and murmured softly:

"Primordial Origin clone..."

In an instant, countless clones of Chu Yi spread out, like stars covering the entire dark realm.

Each clone is a perfect copy of him, and the powerful aura condenses on them, making the entire space tremble.

The spatial fluctuations around Chu Yi's body gradually became chaotic. It seemed that under his guidance, the boundaries of the dark realm began to expand.

The Primordial Origin clones spread quickly in the darkness, like countless flickering light spots, covering the entire field.

A cold smile flashed in Chu Yi's eyes, like a phantom in the night, revealing a strange aura.

He whispered to himself, with a hint of elusive cunning in his voice:

"So there are three of you here, demons! Great!" His smile seemed to be a temptation from hell, making people shudder.

Chu Yi came to the Dark Realm not just to train students, he also had another goal, which was to hunt demons.

Chu Yi's eyes penetrated the darkness, and he had only one purpose - to completely eradicate these evil existences from the world.

At the edge of the dark realm, Chu Yi's eyes swept across sharply and instantly locked onto three dark corners.

That place was shrouded in darkness, and three demons stood there proudly, filled with an evil aura, like the symbol of the devil.

Their faces were horribly distorted, as if they were monsters corrupted by darkness, exuding unspeakable malice.

Chu Yi's eyes flashed with firm killing intent. He knew that this was the best opportunity to hunt the demon.

Chu Yi was extremely angry, and his voice echoed in the dark realm, roaring like thunder:

"Devils, you deserve to die!!!" His voice carried an uncontrollable anger, as if it was resentment coming from the abyss of hell.

The demons were stunned by his roar, completely unable to believe the power of the human being in front of them. How could a human being be so powerful?

The demons looked at Chu Yi in surprise, their faces full of doubts:

"Human, who are you? I am a devil, how dare you..."

Suddenly, a sharp sword energy burst out from the God-killing Sword in Chu Yi's hand, piercing the darkness of the Absolute Darkness like lightning.

The demons were killed instantly, their bodies instantly fell to the ground, and they died with their eyes open.

There was a trace of indifference in Chu Yi's eyes. He had no mercy at all. He could only kill those evil demons mercilessly.

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