Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 278 One Year Later, Stellar Rank Nine

The rapid passage of time is as irresistible as quicksand.

Chu Yi felt the temper of the years, and his life became fulfilling and full of vitality.

During this year, Chu Yi was keen to teach the students of Class 18 about supernatural powers during the day and taught them with passion.

Whenever he sees these students getting stronger day by day, his heart is filled with satisfaction and pride.

Whenever dusk falls, Chu Yi collects his emotions and embarks on his own path of cultivation.

Constantly immersed in the world of cultivation, constantly pursuing his own progress and breakthroughs.

Every practice made him feel the growth of strength, which made him more determined to move forward.

Sometimes, Chu Yi enjoys the world of two people with his lover Anna.

They would walk under the moonlight, hand in hand among the green mountains and green waters, listening to each other's heartbeats.

These warm moments made Chu Yi deeply feel the beauty and happiness of life.

A year later, Chu Yi's cultivation has reached a new height.

Chu Yi's realm reached the terrifying stellar Rank Nine.

He exuded a powerful aura, as if dancing with the stars, which was intimidating.

His hard work and persistence resulted in extraordinary achievements and paved a bright path for his future.

At this moment, Chu Yi and Anna were sitting face to face in the living room. They were no longer the young people in their twenties.

Although their faces have not changed at all, they are indeed in their late fifties.

Chu Yi's voice revealed a hint of excitement and determination:

"Xiao Na, I plan to take those students to the darkness! I gained a lot from that place, and now it's the turn of these children."

Anna frowned slightly, trying to understand Chu Yi's decision:

"The Dark Territory? Is it the one you went to? This place is full of dangers. Are you sure you want to take these children there?"

Chu Yi nodded firmly:

"Yes, in this year, the strength of these children has improved by leaps and bounds, and the highest level has reached the Rank Eight level."

"They need more challenges and growth, and Darkness is the best choice."

Anna held Chu Yi's hand tightly, with worry in her eyes:

"Ayi, even if you want to teach these students, there is no need to bring them to such a dangerous place."

Chu Yi looked into Anna's eyes affectionately, full of confidence and determination:

"It's okay, it's just a month, and I will protect them. These children have shown extraordinary potential."

Anna laughed softly:

"Ayi, I didn't expect you to have the potential to be a teacher."

Chu Yi smiled slightly, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes:

"Well, hasn't there been any news about the devil this year?"

Anna replied solemnly:

"No, I don't have the slightest sense. I'm sure there are no demons on this planet anymore."

Chu Yi took a deep breath and his eyes were firm:

"Okay, in that case, let's take these children to the Dark Territory and let them experience real challenges and growth."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Chu Yi responded instantly:

"Please come in!"

Li Xinyi walked in. She was the monitor of Class 18, and her strict school uniform made her look particularly eye-catching.

Li Xinyi saluted Chu Yi and Anna, smiled and nodded:

"Teacher, Mistress."

Chu Yi and Anna also smiled politely and motioned for her to sit down. Chu Yi continued:

"Please sit down, I have something to talk to you about."

A trace of surprise flashed in Li Xinyi's eyes. She sat up nervously and waited quietly for Chu Yi's words.

Chu Yi took a deep breath, stared at Li Xinyi, and said in a slightly serious tone:

"Li Xinyi, you have always performed well in the class and are responsible for your classmates."

"Your talent and leadership have given me high expectations for you."

"I guess you must be curious, why did I call you here?"

Li Xinyi's heart was filled with anxiety. She frowned tightly, with a hint of uneasiness in her eyes:

"Teacher, please tell me, what is going on?"

Li Xinyi stood up and gracefully bowed respectfully to Chu Yi and Anna:

Chu Yi's expression looked thoughtful and serious, and there was a trace of worry and alertness in his eyes.

"The Dark Realm is a place where you can quickly improve your strength and combat experience."

There was a calmness and determination in his voice, revealing that he was confident in his own strength, but he did not dare to take it lightly.

Li Xinyi nodded firmly:

"Okay teacher, I understand, I will inform everyone of the news."

Chu Yi took a deep breath and continued with a heavy expression, with a hint of firmness and determination in his voice:

"Really? Teacher, can we really go to such a place?"

Her heart beat faster, as if she could hear her own heartbeat. She eagerly waited for Chu Yi's answer.

"Teacher, Master, I'll leave first."

There was a hint of awe for the unknown in his words, making people feel the importance he attached to the unknown power of the universe.

Chu Yi said thoughtfully:

"Teacher Chu, where is the Dark Realm?" Her eyes showed curiosity and confusion. She was eager to understand this mysterious place, but she also felt a little afraid.

"Teacher, what is the mortality rate of this mission?"

Li Xinyi's eyes showed a trace of worry and nervousness, and her voice was trembling.

Chu Yi patiently explained:

"I plan to lead the whole class into the dark realm." His words were full of confidence and determination, which made Li Xinyi feel his strength and decisiveness.

Chu Yi stared deeply at Li Xinyi's leaving figure, with a glimmer of appreciation in his eyes.

"There are all kinds of dangerous and strange creatures there, as well as mysterious alien cores."

Anna frowned slightly, her eyes revealing concern for Chu Yi:

"Very good, go ahead!" There was a hint of encouragement and support in Chu Yi's voice, and his eyes shone with relief and approval.

"Only after going through the hardships there can we grow into truly strong people."

Li Xinyi swallowed and asked nervously:

Chu Yi replied affirmatively:

"Without my protection, you will definitely die if you go in!"

"Ayi, are you sure?"

"Of course, I've been to the Dark Realm before. There's nothing scary about it. Even if there is, my current Stellar Rank Nine realm is enough to deal with any danger."

Chu Yi looked at Anna with a smile, his eyes showing a hint of firmness and confidence:

"Of course, you go and inform everyone first. Participation is voluntary, because there is a risk of death if you enter, so you must inform us in advance."

"However, we still cannot rule out the possibility. After all, I have no way of knowing what kind of powerful people are hidden in this universe."

Li Xinyi stared at Chu Yi in surprise, and she couldn't help asking:

This was the first time Chu Yi had called her home to talk, and she knew it must be a serious matter.

Chu Yi said encouragingly:

A trace of doubt flashed in Li Xinyi's eyes, and she asked uncertainly:

"But with me here, there shouldn't be much of a problem."

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