Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 276 Angel Xiyue, The Reincarnated Demon Species

Suddenly, a female angel appeared in front of Chu Yi. She stared at Chu Yi, her eyes shining like stars, as if she could understand everything deep in his heart.

Her long black hair is spread over her shoulders, as smooth as silk, forming a harmonious picture with the silver-white wings behind her.

She smiled faintly, with a mysterious light in her eyes.

Chu Yi felt a warm current surge into his heart, and his eyes were fixed on the mysterious female angel in front of him.

Her eyes are clear and bright, like a clear spring, able to see into people's hearts.

Chu Yi felt a surge of incomparable joy in his heart, and he couldn't help but admire:

"You are the third angel I have ever seen!!"

The female angel smiled and introduced herself:

"My name is Angel Xiyue, hello, Chu Yi!" Her voice was as sweet as the sounds of nature, like the gentle wind blowing in her ears.

Chu Yi was slightly startled, and he couldn't help but wonder if he heard it wrong.

He stared at the strange female angel in front of him with wide eyes, and hundreds of questions surged in his mind.

Chu Yi hesitated for a moment, then asked:

"Huh? You know me?"

Angel Xiyue smiled slightly, a mysterious light flashed in her eyes, she nodded slowly and said calmly:

"I heard the angel Ah Qing talk about you, a human being with unlimited potential." There was a kind of awe and respect in her voice, as if Chu Yi was a unique existence.

A knowing smile appeared on Chu Yi's face. It turned out to be the angel Ah Qing. He said softly:

"I see, Angel Xiyue, why did you come to see me?"

Angel Xiyue frowned and looked deeply into Chu Yi's eyes. She slowly explained:

"I stopped on this planet before and have been tracking an extremely evil demon. Now, I have eliminated him." Her voice was full of the joy of victory and deep exhaustion.

Chu Yi nodded slightly and said with a smile:

"Well, that's good..." His voice revealed a hint of relief and relief, but his eyes revealed deep curiosity about what Angel Xiyue said.

Angel Xiyue suddenly interrupted Chu Yi's words and said nervously:

"But, I feel the devil's breath in you."

"I know you have swallowed demons before, but this is not the aura on your body." There was a hint of vigilance and worry in her tone.

When Chu Yi heard this, he immediately raised his hand, and a black demon seed appeared in his palm.

This is the demon seed he separated from Lei Changhu's body. It shines with evil and strange light, as if it is the reincarnation of the devil.

He showed the demon seed to the angel Xiyue and waited for her reaction.

Angel Xiyue looked at the demon seed in Chu Yi's hand in surprise. Her eyes showed deep shock and wariness. She asked firmly:

"This is the reincarnated demon species! Chu Yi, how did you get it?" Her tone was full of confusion and warning.

Chu Yi couldn't wait to hold the reincarnated demon seed and observed it carefully.

This reincarnated demon species exuded bursts of dark aura and seemed to contain endless power. Chu Yi told the story of the incident and then asked:

"I separated it from a human body. What is the reincarnated demon species?"

Angel Xiyue shook her head gently and explained solemnly:

"The reincarnated demon seed is left behind after the death of the devil. It can parasitize in any living creature for the purpose of resurrection, but it also has another purpose, similar to the spiritual seed of human superpowers." Her voice was low and mysterious. .

Chu Yi's eyes lit up and he asked eagerly:

"Spiritual seed, really? Can this reincarnated demonic seed really be used as a spiritual seed?"

Angel Xiyue smiled slightly and said slowly:

"The spiritual seed of a human superpower represents the inheritance of a superpower. It is voluntarily condensed by the superpower. Therefore, it is relatively mild to absorb and will not cause much harm to the human body."

Chu Yi listened with great interest, and he couldn't help but ask:

"So, what's the difference between the reincarnated demon seed of a demon and the spiritual seed of a human superpower?"

Angel Xiyue frowned slightly and said in a serious tone:

"The reincarnation of the devil does not condense voluntarily. It is extremely aggressive. Absorbing it will bring great risks." There was a hint of vigilance in her eyes.

After hearing what Angel Xiyue said, Chu Yi couldn't help but said excitedly:

"It's great that the reincarnated demon species still has this ability!"

Angel Xiyue sighed softly. She knew well the power and danger of the reincarnated demon species, and advised:

"Chu Yi, don't be fooled by its power."

"This reincarnated demon seed may be safe in your hands, but if it falls into the hands of a low-level superpower, it will be a nightmare."

Chu Yi held the reincarnated demon seed tightly, he longed for endless power...

Chu Yi's eyes were firmly locked on Angel Xiyue's face, with firm determination revealed in his eyes.

With a firm and unshakable power in his voice, he asked Angel Xiyue:

"Xiyue, do you know where the devil's headquarters is?" His voice revealed his deep disgust for the devil and his determination to destroy them.

Angel Xiyue frowned slightly, doubts and confusion flashing in her bright eyes.

There was a hint of doubt in her gentle and clear voice:

"I am an angel. Of course I know where the devil's headquarters is, but why do you ask?" Her voice revealed a kind of worry and confusion about Chu Yi.

Chu Yi's eyes flashed with coldness and determination, and he answered without hesitation:

"I want to kill all the demons!" There was a strong hatred and determination in his voice, which made people feel the anger and unyielding will towards the demons deep in his heart.

Angel Xiyue smiled slightly, her beautiful face filled with a hint of confidence and determination.

There was a calmness and indifference in her voice:

"Well, this goal is good, but I'm going to disappoint you." Her voice contained a hint of understanding of Chu Yi's strength and a hint that the devil was not easy to deal with.

Chu Yi frowned, and there was a hint of anxiety and confusion in his voice:

"Why? Don't you know the devil's headquarters?"

Angel Xiyue smiled slightly, a firm light flashing in her eyes.

She raised her finger gracefully and pointed at the distant starry sky, as if there were endless secrets hidden there:

"The Devil's Headquarters, the Devil Star, has been destroyed by our angels a long time ago." Her voice was like the breeze blowing on her face, carrying an extremely confident power.

Chu Yi frowned slightly, with endless hatred in his eyes:

"Then where can I find the devil now?" He locked his eyes tightly with Angel Xiyue's eyes, looking forward to her answer.

Angel Xiyue smiled slightly and shook her head gently.

Her long hair fluttered in the wind, exuding an intoxicating fragrance.

"Of course I sense it, sense the devil's aura, and then pursue it." Her voice revealed determination and decisiveness.

Chu Yi frowned and asked doubtfully:

"Wouldn't this be too much trouble?"

Angel Xiyue smiled slightly, with a hint of determination and fearlessness in her voice:

"There is no way. Demons have all kinds of strange abilities. There are many powerful demons all over the galaxy, and some will even escape the galaxy and do evil in the universe."

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