Chu Yi stared at the name of the gene in front of him called "Eternal Immortality Gene Project", his eyes revealed an emotion of awe and excitement.

The goal of this plan is to make every cell and even every atom of human beings stronger, continue to become stronger, and ultimately achieve the effect of immortality.

This is undoubtedly the first step towards the eternal immortality gene, reaching the realm of immortality, which is already quite difficult to achieve.

Chu Yi secretly thought that even Apex Level's genetic drugs could only make people's lifespan infinite. Although their lifespans were unlimited, people could still be killed after all.

Therefore, the first step of the eternal immortality gene is to give people unlimited lifespan, which is simply unbelievable.

The second step is even more exaggerated, that is, the eternal state.

This means converting human cells and atoms into energy, making human beings energy beings.

In the eternal realm, people will not be killed easily, at least not easily.

This is an exaggeration, with unlimited lifespan and extremely difficult to kill.

However, what frightens Chu Yi the most is the third step, true immortality.

Although this was just an idea, Chu Yi was amazed that someone dared to think about such a thing.

The third step is to strengthen your soul, integrate your own energy, and make yourself a soul energy existence.

As long as your soul consciousness still exists, you can rely on energy to be reborn instantly.

This is the complete form of the eternal immortal gene in the true sense.

Chu Yi couldn't help but sigh, the idea of ​​this genetic plan was simply unbelievable, yet so tempting.

It transcends existing human cognition and imagination and explores the limits of life.

Perhaps, this solution can bring endless possibilities in the future, allowing human beings to continuously evolve and surpass themselves over the long years.

However, this is also an extremely dangerous area, and if control is lost, the consequences will be catastrophic.

Chu Yi thought to himself:

"Do people on this planet really dare to think that they want to have the ability to be immortal?" He frowned, with a trace of doubt and confusion in his eyes.

Anna, standing next to Chu Yi, said with a firm expression on her face:

"Ayi, I think we can try this eternal immortal gene plan." Her voice revealed a firm belief and determination.

Chu Yi frowned and asked:

"Xiao Na, do you really think this is feasible?" There was a trace of uncertainty in his voice.

Anna answered without hesitation:

"There is nothing you can't do." Her voice was full of affirmation and trust in Chu Yi's abilities.

Chu Yi thought for a moment and continued:

"For us, the immortal gene may not mean much, but for ordinary people, this is a heaven-defying existence." There was a sense of thinking and exploration in his eyes.

Anna echoed:

"Although ordinary people cannot realize the plan of this eternal immortal gene, we as superpowers have this possibility! After all, the cells in our bodies are much more powerful than ordinary people." Her voice was full of pride in her identity as a superpower. .

Chu Yi finally made up his mind:

"Okay! Let's give it a try!" His tone revealed a sense of determination and courage, and he was ready to meet the challenge and explore this unknown territory.

But now Chu Yi and Anna know nothing about genetic research!

Chu Yi's ability in combat is extraordinary and his combat power is super strong, but he has no experience in research.

Anna is also a woman who loves fighting, and her passion for fighting is unquestionable.

However, now they are facing research in the field of genes, which is undoubtedly an extremely difficult challenge.

For them, exploring the mysteries of the genetic field is extremely difficult.

Still, they were undeterred and decided to start learning from the basics.

People on this planet believe that genes represent a person's foundation and cause and effect.

Everyone's genes seem to be destined, but they don't seem to be destined. This is a very mysterious question.

Three days have passed, and Anna has returned to the Chaos Bead to continue her practice. The most important thing is to study the eternal gene plan, while Chu Yi is acting alone in the outside world.

"It's unbelievable! Our college actually has a mentor with superpowers? This is incredible!"

"Our Class 18 is the most unpromising class in the college. Could it be that he would volunteer to teach us?"

The students began to discuss enthusiastically, full of expectation and curiosity.

Another boy asked doubtfully:

Inside a classroom, this classroom is filled with a stylish and technological atmosphere. Light pours in through the tall glass windows, illuminating a group of male and female students.

"I know you are surprised by my identity, but I am not here to show off my supernatural powers."

Chu Yi looked at the group of young faces in front of him and felt a surge of passion in his heart.

Chu Yi's appearance immediately attracted the attention of the whole class. He walked towards the students with a smile and his voice was low and powerful:

"Superpowers? Really? I have never seen a superpower since I was a child."

They began to have hope in Chu Yi, thinking that maybe he could bring changes to them.

"My name is Chu Yi, I am..."

Chu Yi glanced at the class, smiled and said:

"Actually, genes are not the only way out, you can also pursue power!"

"Don't be too surprised. Although superpowers are rare, they are not unheard of. However, most of them are low-level superpowers, with only Rank Six at most."

A boy showed surprise after hearing this:

"Whoever he is, we are just here to get a diploma so we can find jobs in the future."

Another girl said casually:

A girl said excitedly:

They sat around and talked animatedly.

At this time, the classroom door was gently pushed open, and Chu Yi walked in wearing a black suit and sunglasses.

"On the contrary, I am here to help you realize your potential and become a truly strong person."

The students began to speculate on Chu Yi's true strength, and various conjectures emerged in their minds.

Another boy said excitedly:

"You know, this mentor is said to be a super powerful person!"

"Rank Nine superpower."

Chu Yi's body exuded a strong aura, as if he had infinite power.

The students suddenly fell into silence, and everyone's eyes widened.

One boy retorted disapprovingly:

Not even a single person with superpowers in the entire academy can reach this level.

Rank Nine superpower! This is already a very high level.

A girl explained calmly:

"I heard that a vice-principal has come to our college and he will be our tutor for Class 18."

He used to be an ordinary person, until he transmigrated into this world, awakened to have superpowers, and started his journey as a superpower.

He knows that the world of superpowers is not glamorous, but full of endless battles, hardships and ups and downs...

"Hello everyone, I am your new instructor and the vice president of the college."

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