Flame-like anger burned in Chu Yi's eyes. He no longer tolerated the provocation of the man in front of him and said coldly:

"Okay, I won't play with you anymore! I'm very busy!" His voice was full of determination and majesty, like an insurmountable cliff, making people dare not raise any objections.

On Chu Yi, a powerful force surged out like a tide.

The man looked at Chu Yi in surprise, feeling an unprecedented threat.

Chu Yi launched an attack without mercy. Every time he waved the God-killing Spear, he carried unstoppable power. The man could only retreat steadily.

Suddenly, the man disappeared in an instant.

His figure was like a gust of wind, gently passing by, leaving an empty scene behind.

The surrounding air seemed to be still immersed in the breath of his recent departure, as if he was just a phantom-like existence.

"Remember my name, Huangfu Qianxin!!" The man's voice was like thunder in the night sky, carrying a majestic and unignorable momentum.

However, Chu Yi didn't care about the name and continued to focus on his killing.

Chu Yi continued his killing, his hands stained with blood, but he did not stop.

His eyes were cold and firm, as if killing had become a part of his life and could not be stopped.

Soon after, a powerful aura spread throughout the battlefield.

This breath is like a majestic ocean wave, which makes people feel awe.

Chu Yi felt its presence, his body trembled involuntarily, and a trace of curiosity flashed in his eyes.

"This is! Who is the breath above the star level?" Chu Yi felt an indescribable excitement in his heart.

He knew that only a very few people had such an aura, and it must be a powerful and mysterious being who could attract his attention.

Chu Yi's eyes widened, and a strong fear surged in his heart.

The huge monster in front of me looks like a dragon, but it is very different from ordinary dragons.

Its body is extremely huge, the Transcendent Level is huge, bigger than the Blue Star, and it is covered with a layer of scales that shine with deep purple light.

However, this is not the most shocking part.

Different from ordinary dragons, this monster's body is covered with countless slender tentacles, which are tangled and entangled like snakes, and each tentacle exudes a strange and cold aura.

These tentacles appear to be weak, but at their tips, they tremble violently, as if they can tear apart anything that stands in front of them.

Chu Yi's heartbeat was racing and cold sweat broke out all over his body.

He had never seen such a terrifying creature, not even the monsters in his imagination could compare to it.

The power and evil contained in this dragon made him feel extremely small and helpless.

He couldn't help but take a few steps back, a trace of struggle and determination flashing in his eyes.

Although fear enveloped his heart, he knew that facing such a terrifying monster, escaping was not his choice.

Icora's voice was terrifying and harsh, like the door to hell opening:

"Human beast, it's you who killed the alien mantis, and you deserve to die!"

He mockingly accused Chu Yi of killing the alien mantis and treating him as a human beast.

Chu Yi responded unyieldingly:

"You are a mutant!!" He faced Ikora without fear, showing his firm will.

Ikora didn't say anything, and countless slender tentacles quickly attacked Chu Yi like poisonous snakes.

This sudden attack was so fast that Chu Yi had no time to react.

Chu Yi's body was instantly pierced, and the severe pain was like a thousand needles piercing his heart.

He understood that he was in a desperate situation. However, when Chu Yi's mind collapsed, the voice of Yuanshi Heavenly Venerable suddenly sounded in his mind, like a bolt of lightning piercing the darkness:

"Disciple, try your best! This is an excellent opportunity to exercise your strength!" This sudden guidance rekindled Chu Yi's hope.

Chu Yi took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and determined to go all out.

He said to Yuanshi Heavenly Venerable:

"Teacher Yuanshi, I understand! This guy is a mutant, and I will never let it succeed!"

The voice of Heavenly Venerable is full of majesty:

"Yes, it is one of the strongest in this universe!"

"But you also have to believe that you have enough potential and strength to defeat him!"

In an instant, Chu Yi's body seemed to be filled with a terrifying force of Primordial Origin. Countless forces were intertwined and entangled in his body, forming an irresistible momentum.

However, Chu Yi had cold eyes, strong posture, and extremely sharp moves. As the God-killing Spear danced, his tentacles were pierced one after another, and blood mist filled the air.

The numerous slender tentacles of Ikora were like snakes of darkness, entwining towards Chu Yi, trying to swallow him into the abyss of the black hole.

Chu Yi's eyes were sharp and he stared at Ikola:

Everyone looked at Ikora with horror in their eyes.

"What on earth is this monster!!" His voice was full of confusion and curiosity, as if he hoped to find the answer.

The God-killing Spear exudes terrifying evil aura. Chu Yi steps on the light of the Milky Way, and mysterious power surges through his body.

The power of Primordial Origin exploded, Chu Yi's body was like electricity, and the God-killing Spear flashed with cold light, like a gust of wind piercing the sky.

In the crowd, one person exclaimed:

The people on Galaxy Star were awakened by the huge shock, and confused eyes and frightened expressions filled everyone's faces.

Chu Yi held the God-killing Spear in his hand, swung it wildly, and exploded with all his strength.

"What is this! Is it an earthquake?" His voice was full of disbelief and fear.

Ikora's hoarse and disgusting voice came:

Each clone exudes terrifying power fluctuations, echoing each other, as if forming a huge power array.

"Look, what kind of monster is that!!"

Chu Yi's figure split instantly, and countless of his Primordial Origin clones appeared in the air.

His attacks were as fierce as thunder, each blow carrying the power to destroy everything.

Everyone stared at the monster silently, their hearts filled with fear and awe of the unknown power.

The blue stars fell, and all the rays of light disappeared. Chu Yi held the God-killing Spear in his hand, penetrating the void like thunder.

They all stood up and looked around anxiously, as if trying to find answers.

Everyone's eyes turned to Chu Yi. He was wearing a gorgeous dark golden robe and was fighting a terrifying battle with monsters!

"Come on! Let me see how strong this alien species of yours is!!"

Chu Yi responded without flinching:

Ikora's tentacles were like boundless black holes, twisting viciously in an attempt to drag Chu Yi into eternal darkness.

Ikora's tentacles were like a sea of ​​darkness, churning in an attempt to swallow Chu Yi.

The flames of war burned through the sky, Chu Yi lurked in the stormy waves, and the god-killing spear was like ice flames piercing the bones.

"Interesting! Human beast!!"

One person asked eagerly:

Ikora's tentacles twisted like shadows, trying to wrap around Chu Yi's body.

His posture is elegant and firm, and every swing is accompanied by a brilliant gun shadow, like a true hero.

They pointed to a figure in the distance in surprise and exclaimed:

Chu Yi followed the sound of thunder and slashed the Shattering Void sky with his God-killing Spear.

He stood erect and proudly stepped into Icora's territory.

"So what if it's above the stars? I never believe I can't beat you!"

"Is this just a little bit of power?!"

Icora's disdainful voice came:

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