Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 254 Spark Tavern, Meeting Old Friends Again

A sad atmosphere enveloped everyone, and everyone had heavy sadness on their faces.

Their eyes revealed endless loss and heartbreak, because no matter who it was, having their home destroyed would be heartbreaking.

Chu Yi's voice echoed in the air, and every word he spoke seemed to carry great power:

"Believe me, I will make those who destroyed our home pay, pay a hundredfold."

The fat man tried his best to comfort Nangong Shirong, and he said softly:

"Shirong, don't worry, we can definitely fight back." His eyes revealed firmness and determination.

Nangong Shirong sighed:

"Alas, I don't think we can go back, they are too powerful." There was helplessness and disappointment in her voice.

The fat man clenched his fists and said firmly:

"Believe me, we have Brother Chu here, he is the strongest existence! He can definitely lead us to victory!" His face was filled with confidence and perseverance.

Chu Yi smiled and said:

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about these things anymore. Today is a good day for us to get together again. Let's go have a drink later." His voice had a hint of relaxation and cheerfulness, and he raised his eyebrows slightly, with a smile on his face. With a cheerful smile.

Anna also echoed:

"That's right! Sister Shirong, let the past be in the past. We should find ways to make up for it now instead of giving up on ourselves!" Her voice was full of determination and encouragement. Her brows were slightly wrinkled, with a trace of seriousness on her face. expression.

Nangong Shirong also nodded after hearing this, feeling somewhat relieved:

"Okay! Let's go!" Her voice was brisk with a hint of relief. She relaxed her shoulders slightly, with a smile on her face.

The fat man said with joy:

"Let's go! Brother Chu, let's go have a drink together." His voice was full of excitement and expectation, his eyes narrowed to slits, and a bright smile on his face.

Soon after, Chu Yi and others came to a tavern in Xinghuo City called Xinghuo Tavern.

The internal layout of the Spark Tavern is like a palace of future technology, full of modernist style.

Transparent chandeliers with brilliant lights hang from the high ceiling, dotted like stars in the sky.

The walls of the entire pub are made up of smart displays that constantly play pop music and various colorful patterns, creating a vibrant atmosphere.

The tables and chairs in the tavern are designed with futuristic technology, and the surfaces present a soft sheen, as if made of flowing energy.

There is a touch screen hidden on the desktop, which can automatically order food, adjust lights and music and other convenient functions with just a touch of your finger.

The chairs are made of high-tech materials and can automatically adjust their shape according to the curves of the human body, allowing each guest to find the most comfortable sitting position.

The bar counter of Spark Tavern is the focus of the entire space. It has a curved design and is made of future technological materials.

A variety of stylish wine bottles and bartending tools are placed on the bar, with flowing light, like a work of art.

The bartenders hold high-tech bartending equipment and skillfully prepare a variety of creative cocktails, making people feel like they are in an intoxicating different-dimensional space.

The walls of Spark Tavern are covered with art installations of futuristic technology. These installations are composed of flowing light and cool images, creating a dreamy and unique visual effect.

The soft light flowing from the devices on the wall illuminates the entire tavern as beautifully as the starry universe.

The outdoor terrace of the tavern is an excellent viewing point, allowing guests to overlook the beautiful scenery of Starfire City.

"Stop saying these depressing words, this pub is our new beginning!" Her tone was full of determination and confidence.

The fat man said with a smile:

"I guess Fatty wants to say that none of them have given up, and you, Ayi, shouldn't give up, right?" Her voice was full of warmth and encouragement, and her eyes showed concern and understanding.

Liu Ruyan smiled slightly and said:

With her body slightly tilted back, her posture appears light and confident.

Chu Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, showing a look of surprise and excitement.

"Come on! People's dreams will never end!!" His eyes were full of support and expectation for them.

Chu Yi nodded and said:

"I didn't expect you to open this tavern. It really surprises me!" There was a hint of surprise and admiration in his voice.

The edge of the terrace is equipped with smart glass railings whose transparency can be adjusted by touching it, allowing people to enjoy the bustling city according to their own preferences or stay away from the hustle and bustle and enjoy a peaceful atmosphere.

After Liu Ruyan and others left...

The fat man laughed and said:

"I'm not giving up, I'm just thinking of a better solution."

His body is slightly tilted forward, showing that he is interested in the conversation to come.

"Haha, sister-in-law is still smart! You can tell right away!" His smile became even brighter, and his eyes showed kindness and joy.

Her body leaned forward slightly, showing that she hoped to give Chu Yi some courage and support.

"Then let me lend you your kind words. Let's leave first and you can chat slowly." The corners of her mouth raised slightly, and her eyes revealed relaxation and relief.

Chu Yi said with a somewhat anxious expression:

Cao Lexuan frowned slightly and said:

Chu Yi said calmly:

"What do you think? Fatty, what did you want to say when you brought me here?" He frowned slightly, with a hint of doubt in his expression.

Liu Ruyan sighed and said:

Chu Yi's eyes fell in front of him and he found three women, Liu Ruyan, Gu Hanzhang and Cao Lexuan.

"I'm a little uncomfortable with us occupying other people's territory like this." There was a hint of helplessness in his voice.

"Brother Chu, how are you? Are you surprised or surprised?" He had a proud smile on his face, his hands in his pockets, and his posture was relaxed.

Chu Yi's brows wrinkled slightly, and his eyes turned to the fat man, showing a hint of confusion and expectation.

Chu Yi's eyes scanned the people in front of him, and he said with emotion:

Chu Yi smiled and nodded, and said encouragingly:

On an independent terrace, Chu Yi and others sat comfortably.

The tables and chairs on the terrace are made of transparent materials, which seem to be suspended in the air, making people feel like they are above the clouds.

"The three of us just open a tavern to make a living, alas." There was a hint of helplessness and disappointment in her voice.

Anna then said:

"You go!" His expression was slightly indifferent, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

Gu Hanzhang continued:

"Yeah, I didn't expect that so many years have passed. What a great change!" There was a touch of sadness on her face, and her eyes revealed her emotion about the passage of time.

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