Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 228 Chu Yi Breaks Through, Primordial Origin Star Level

In the stellar furnace, Chu Yi was like a black hole, swallowing countless stars.

His body is tall and straight, and he seems to be integrated with the universe. Endless stars surround him, as if they were born for him.

The light shone brightly on him, and the incomparable energy seemed to light up the entire universe.

Every star is a pearl of the universe, containing endless power.

Stars with ice properties exude a biting chill.

Poisonous stars release corrosive toxins.

Stars with the attribute of life exude vitality.

Stars with water attributes are magnificent, as if there are boundless oceans surging in them.

Chu Yi's figure is tall and straight, like a god of the universe. He stands in the center of the surrounding stars, surrounded by countless stars.

The energy of those stars surged toward Chu Yi from all directions, like a rushing river. He stretched out his arms as if to embrace the entire universe.

His eyes were deep and firm, like a black hole with twinkling stars, swallowing up all existence.

The planetary space in Chu Yi's body gradually compressed and became smaller under the energy injection from the star, as if it wanted to merge with Chu Yi.

The power of the planets continues to compress, and their cores emit powerful light, like small suns, illuminating the entire inner space.

With the injection of stellar energy, Chu Yi's connection with the planet seemed to become closer, and his attributes began to change.

The integration of ice attributes brought a biting chill to the planet, making Chu Yi's whole body covered in a layer of frost;

The integration of the poison attribute brought miasma to the planet, making Chu Yi's whole body filled with a corrosive aura;

The integration of life attributes gave the planet a rich vitality, making Chu Yi's body full of powerful healing power;

The integration of the earth attribute gives the planet a rich and heavy aura, making Chu Yi's body full of powerful defense;

The integration of the water attribute brings the power of the magnificent ocean to the planet, making Chu Yi seem to be able to control the power of water and dance freely.

The energy of the planet became stronger again, emitting a suffocating light.

The planet in Chu Yi's body has reached an unprecedented peak, and its energy rotates like a hurricane, bringing unparalleled power.

He felt as if his body had turned into a huge black hole, swallowing everything around him.

The energy of the thunder attribute merged into Chu Yi's planet, like a bolt of lightning piercing the night, bringing even more powerful power.

The energy of the planet exploded like thunder, tearing apart the space, which was shocking.

The power of fire was injected into Chu Yi's planet, instantly igniting it into a blazing star.

The star radiates scorching heat, illuminating the entire space and making it dazzling.

When Chu Yi broke through the limit of the star level, he felt that his power was like an exploding star, bursting out with endless energy in an instant.

His body was wrapped in a strange dark golden light, exuding a heart-stopping aura.

Stellar level superpower, success! !

However, Chu Yi still felt that it was not enough, and a desire for power surged in his heart. He needed more powerful power to achieve his ultimate goal!

Instantly, the star was filled with golden light, and a powerful metallic energy poured into it continuously, making the star glow with dazzling brilliance.

The power of extreme speed surged in Chu Yi's body, like a huge rushing wave, pushing the star to a higher state.

The star began to rotate at a high speed under the blessing, and the energy devouring speed continued to increase, like a hungry giant beast.

Chu Yi's desire for power continued to expand, and he muttered silently:

"Not enough, not enough, I need stronger power!"

"The power of space, give me fusion!!"

Chu Yi sat down cross-legged again and began to carefully examine his cultivation results.

His body seemed to have become an energy distribution center, gathering countless powerful powers.

Chu Yi stared intently at the star in his body. The dark golden star was filled with countless energies of different attributes, intertwined together.

The power of the Primordial Origin star surged in Chu Yi's body, and his meridians were like a bright Galaxy.

Countless explosions made him feel as if he was an endless vortex of energy, swallowing up all power.

Chu Yi's blood was filled with shining starlight, and every drop was bathed in the power of Primordial Origin, making his body exude an unparalleled heat and power.

The power of biochemistry is like a mysterious energy that penetrates the star, causing it to burst out with extremely powerful power again, greatly improving Chu Yi's strength and getting closer to his goal.

The power of the Primordial Origin star lit up every cell in Chu Yi's body, like tiny stars shining in his blood, making him feel that he was full of infinite vitality.

Chu Yi himself felt unimaginably powerful, and he began to doubt whether he was still an ordinary person.

"Just call it Primordial Origin!"

The power of time was like an infinite force, injected into the star, and the star burst out with strong power again, making Chu Yi feel that his strength had made a qualitative leap.

At the same time, his psychic limit has also become higher.

His cultivation has been upgraded from planetary level to stellar level. This upgrade is mainly reflected in the intensity, density and quantity of spiritual energy.

In the past, when Chu Yi was at Planet Rank Ten, his psychic capacity was only equivalent to the size of a pond.

"It seems like this is the secret to stellar immortality. It's so wonderful!!"

His body seemed to have become a living star, with unlimited energy and terrifying!

"The power of time, give me fusion!!"

"Endless powers, fuse them with me!!"

The spiritual energy of the stars in his body is continuously injected, making his body in peak condition at all times, as if he is integrated with the stars in the universe.

Then, in a burst of bright starlight, Chu Yi felt as if he was being pulled by an invisible force, and his body gradually became lighter.

Chu Yi felt the spiritual energy continuously delivered by the stars in his body, like an endless waterfall pouring into his body. Every cell was filled with spiritual energy, as if it contained infinite power.

His body exudes a shocking aura that makes people feel awe.

Chu Yi was amazed in his heart. He finally understood why the life span of a star can be close to eternity.

The star in Chu Yi's body reached an astonishing level of terror at this moment.

The sight is gorgeous, yet incredibly powerful and chilling at the same time.

"It's so powerful, ten thousand times more powerful than before, stellar level, it's really terrifying!!"

This burst greatly enhanced his abilities, and an irresistible force surged through his body.

Countless streams of strange and eccentric powers poured into his body like a tide, and each stream of powers brought an unprecedented energy.

In an instant, the power of space poured into the star like a powerful torrent, and the star once again burst out with amazing power, making Chu Yi feel the enhancement and breakthrough of his own power.

Chu Yi decided to give his star level a specific name:

The stars in Chu Yi's body exploded again, and the dark golden light exuded a heart-stopping aura, as if to celebrate the supernatural power in Chu Yi's body.

The star exploded more than once, each time bringing more powerful energy, making Chu Yi's body stronger.

But now, his psychic capacity is equivalent to a vast ocean, which is a huge improvement.

Chu Yi said to himself:

"Biochemical power, give me fusion!!"

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