Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 219 The Mystery Of Life-Reincarnation

At this moment, inside the Chaos Pearl, there is a chaotic world.

He was in the majestic Dragon Palace, watching the seven people lying on the ground dying.

Chu Yi clenched his hands and made a secret handprint, his eyes revealing firm determination.

"The secret of life - reincarnation!" he whispered.

In an instant, seven huge strands of life force flowed into the bodies of the seven people, as if a warm force was injected into their bodies, awakening their dormant life fire.

Chu Yi made his hand seals again, his eyes flashing with a hint of Primordial Origin.

"Primordial Origin - Power Infusion!" His voice echoed through the hall.

Superpower infusion, a mysterious power, can enhance the strength of the infused person and reshape their physique.

Following Chu Yi's spell, a powerful supernatural force poured into the bodies of the seven people. Their bodies seemed to have undergone a transformation, and they were radiating extremely powerful energy inside and outside.

The bodies of the seven people gradually emitted a strange light, as bright as the stars in the late night sky.

Their skin gradually became crystal clear, as if inlaid with countless gems, exuding an alluring luster.

His hands moved in graceful arcs, like an ancient dancer demonstrating the power of life.

The bodies of the seven people were trembling slightly, as if they were bearing infinite power.

The power instilled by supernatural powers flowed freely in the bodies of the seven people like a rapid river.

After a long time, the seven people slowly woke up.

Their bodies were a little stiff, but their hearts were filled with joy after recovery.

Anna said in disbelief:

"Am I really alive?"

She stared intently at Chu Yi in front of her, her face filled with joy:

"Ayi, you are finally back!"

The fat man shouted happily:

"Brother Chu!!! I feel like I'm stronger again! My strength is stronger than ever!" His body language was full of pride and excitement.

Chu Yi remained calm and said:

"Okay, everyone, please be quiet. Our Spark Empire has suffered an unprecedented blow this time, and civilians have suffered heavy casualties." His facial expression was serious, revealing his inner worry and sense of responsibility.

Anna blamed herself and said:

"It's all my fault!" Her body was trembling slightly, with regret and self-blame in her eyes.

Chu Yi immediately interrupted her:

"No, I don't blame you, Xiaona, you have tried your best." His voice was gentle and soothing, and his face revealed his understanding and tolerance for her.

Xiao Tianjue sighed and said:

"Oh, they are too strong, especially that silver light. I don't even have the strength to resist." His body was drooping, and his facial expression showed helplessness and loss.

Chu Yi said calmly:

"That guy has been killed by me!" His tone was calm and firm, without any hesitation on his face.

"What you have to do now is to rebuild the entire Blue Star, and leave the rest to me!" Chu Yi's voice was filled with determination.

Not long after that...

The core area of ​​Spark City is one of the few places that has not been affected.

Chu Yi stood on the edge of the core area, his body tensed and his face solemn.

Chu Yi had planned to keep this core area unaffected, but the deaths and injuries in the entire Spark Empire still made him feel heartbroken. The death toll could even reach tens of millions, and the injured were countless.

Chu Yi clenched his fists, gritted his teeth angrily and hissed:

"These abominable demons are simply heartbroken and violent!!"

His body trembled slightly, and his eyes flashed with flaming anger.

His heart was filled with anger and grief. He felt extremely angry at the occurrence of this disaster, but his heart was also filled with hatred and grief for them.

Chu Yi raised his arms without hesitation, with a firm look on his face:

"The secret of life - reincarnation!"

In an instant, endless vitality emerged from Chu Yi's body.

The energy fluctuations on his body were like a river of life, flowing towards the innocent people who lost their lives due to the war on Blue Star.

Anna couldn't help but shouted worriedly:

"Ayi, what are you going to do? This will hurt you! You are just consuming your own life by doing this!"

Chu Yi looked determined and said firmly:

"It doesn't matter, my life force is very strong."

Chu Yi's vitality is indeed unparalleled, so powerful that ordinary people cannot understand it.

The power of origin seemed to have awakened again, and the life force flowing through his body continued to converge on the civilians who died due to the war on the Blue Star.

One after another, life force flows continuously to all parts of Blue Star, injecting new hope into those innocent lives.

Chu Yi's body and soul were integrated, and his eyes revealed determination and compassion.

He did not hesitate, but silently devoted his life to the victims of this war.

Rays of light illuminated his face, conveying the determination and dedication deep in his heart.

The energy of life force is getting stronger and stronger, like a ray of hope penetrating the dark haze of war.

Chu Yi's body trembled slightly, but his expression revealed determination and satisfaction.

He firmly believes that his efforts are worth it, even if it consumes his own life force.

"Mom, when I grow up, I want to be like His Majesty the Emperor!!"

"That's great, Mom and Dad!" a child shouted happily.

One after another, the vitality gathered into a powerful force, like a rainbow across the sky, bringing a ray of healing light to the scars of war.

As time went by, Shangguan Lingwei's heart was gradually infected by Chu Yi's silly spirit.

"This will seriously injure your vitality!! It's so stupid to do this for the sake of civilians!!"

The little girl looked at her mother curiously:

At this moment, Shangguan Ling Wei from a distance looked at Chu Yi's actions. Her eyes were full of disbelief and she could not understand Chu Yi's actions at all.

One after another, the vitality flows out continuously, warming every life taken away by the war.

In the past ten years, Shangguan Lingwei has had many strange encounters, and her strength has been horribly improved.

Shangguan Lingwei shook her head, trying to get rid of the distracting thoughts in her mind, and murmured to herself:

"You can actually use up your life force for the sake of civilians."

Chu Yi's body gradually blurred in the light, but he felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction and joy.

Some of the civilians' expressions were in disbelief, some were ecstatic, some were hugging each other, and one family after another:

A little girl held her mother's hand tightly and said excitedly:

"Every one of us should know him, he was sacrificing for us, sacrificing for all of us."

"This is not just one person, this is tens of millions of civilians."

She couldn't understand that a person could waste his life force without hesitation for the sake of civilians.

Liu Ruyan stared at the sky and murmured:

"Mom, mom, look, that is the emperor of our Spark Empire."

"Yes, he is the emperor now."

"Mom, do you know His Majesty the Emperor?"

At this moment, all over Blue Star, the dead civilians were miraculously resurrected one by one.

"Chu Yi, what kind of person are you?"

This fact planted a seed in her heart to compete with Chu Yi, making her determined to surpass him.

She was looking at Chu Yi's actions in disbelief, and she murmured in shock:

"Daughter, you must learn from His Majesty the Emperor in the future and be a brave and kind person!"

He is willing to use his power to give those innocent souls a chance to be reborn.

"It's so stupid to risk everything for the sake of civilians."

"This is incredible," another person said with emotion.

If Chu Yi were here, he would definitely recognize this woman. She was exactly the person he had saved, Liu Ruyan.

She began to understand that Chu Yi was not stupid, but a pursuit of justice and respect for the lives of others.

The little girl nodded heavily:

Liu Ruyan replied calmly:

However, she had to admit that she was still inferior compared to Chu Yi.

"I'm still alive! I'm actually still alive!" one person said excitedly.

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