Chu Yi thought for a while, and suddenly heard the fat man's voice, and he immediately came back to his senses.

Chu Yi stood up and walked towards the door.

"Brother Chu!" Fatty shouted excitedly.

Chu Yi opened the door and saw Fatty standing outside the door.

"Fat man, why are you here?" Chu Yi asked in surprise.

The fat man smiled and said:

"Brother Chu, I'm here to have a drink with you!"

Chu Yi raised his eyebrows and said teasingly:

"Hey, fat man, shouldn't you be at home with your wife? Why did you come to my place?"

The fat man shouted excitedly:

"Let's have some wine first, Brother Chu! The wine you have here is the best in the Spark Empire."

Chu Yi frowned and asked:

"Fat man, what's wrong with you?"

Chu Yi reached out and took out a few bottles of mellow red wine and handed them to the fat man.

The red wine flows gracefully into the exquisite goblet, like a slow dance.

The fat man sighed, his voice revealing helplessness and anxiety:

"Oh, Brother Chu, Shirong and I want to have a child, but after more than ten years, there is still no movement at all!"

Chu Yi waved his hand, with a hint of understanding in his expression:

"Hey, this is not surprising. As the level increases, it becomes more difficult for people with superpowers to have children."

"Don't you understand this?"

The fat man said angrily:

"Of course I understand this, but it's been more than ten years! If this were in the previous life, a basketball team would have been born long ago, okay?"

Chu Yi was so amused by the fat man's words that he spit out a mouthful of red wine. He wiped the wine stains from the corners of his mouth and said with a smile:

"Fat man, don't worry. Come, let me test your strength and see how far you have improved in the past ten years."

Soon, next to Jupiter...

The vast scene of the universe unfolded before Chu Yi's eyes.

He was wearing a black and gold robe, with messy black hair. He held the God-killing Sword in his hand and stared firmly at the fat man in front of him.

The fat man was wearing a set of golden battle armor, with golden light shining, and holding a Ruyi golden hoop. Although he was huge in stature, he exuded a mighty aura.

Chu Yi said calmly:

"Fat man, let me see your progress in the past ten years!"

The fat man replied seriously:

"Brother Chu, be careful."

Chu Yi slashed out with his sword, and the sword light streaked across the universe like a meteor, tearing apart the space instantly and slashing towards Fatty.

The fat man raised the golden cudgel, charged up his body, and swung it down hard. The golden cudgel turned into a golden whirlwind and collided with Chu Yi's sword light.

The sword light intertwined with the golden whirlwind, bursting out with dazzling light, like a huge flare from the sun.

The two people's strength confronted each other, and the space made a creaking sound, as if it was about to be torn apart by their strength.

Chu Yi's figure was agile, moving like a ghost, stabbing the fat man's vitals with one sword after another.

The fat man's mighty body flashed with golden light, and he swung the golden cudgel fiercely, disintegrating Chu Yi's sword moves one by one.

Their figures were flying under the starlight, sometimes like dragons and tigers leaping, sometimes like eagles striking the sky.

Every confrontation between them caused the universe to tremble, and the stars were eclipsed.

Chu Yi condensed a ray of mysterious energy, like golden lightning piercing the night sky, and instantly appeared in front of Fatty, stabbing his chest with a sword.

The fat man gritted his teeth and waved the golden cudgel, making a loud noise, blocking Chu Yi's attack.

Their powers collided in space, creating an invisible air wave that swept the surrounding nebulae, and the bright light of the stars was obscured by their battle.

Chu Yi's eyes flashed, and his figure suddenly disappeared from the place and appeared behind the fat man.

A sword stabbed the fat man's back, but the fat man's reaction was unbelievably fast. He turned around and struck back, and the golden cudgel rolled towards Chu Yi like a long dragon.

Their attacks were like lightning, intertwined, and dazzling sparks erupted.

Chu Yi's eyes became cold, and his sword moves became more fierce. The sword light poured down like a waterfall, putting the fat man at a disadvantage.

The fat man tried his best, and the golden cudgel turned into golden light that filled the sky, shot out of the air, and intersected with Chu Yi's sword light.

In the end, Chu Yi's sword light pierced Fatty's defense, and the tip of the sword accurately penetrated Fatty's chest, and blood spurted out.

The fat man's body was shaky and finally fell heavily to the ground.

Chu Yi put away the God-killing Sword, with a trace of regret in his eyes.

He stretched out his hand, helped the fat man up, and said softly:

"You're making good progress. Come again next time."

The fat man stood up with difficulty, his face covered with sweat and exhaustion, but with a smile:

"Thank you, Brother Chu."

Chu Yi looked at the fat man with a smile, his eyes shining with confidence, and he shook his head gently:

"Fat man, with your current strength, you still need to continue to practice hard. Don't bury the Ruyi Golden Cudgel!"

Chu Yi only used one percent of his strength just now, and Fatty's strength was a bit weak.

The fat man shrugged helplessly, looked at Chu Yi and said with a smile:

"Brother Chu, you pervert, your strength has been improved too much." There was a hint of envy and helplessness in his voice.

Chu Yi said solemnly:

"Fat man, I'm going to be in seclusion for a period of time. All major events in the Spark Empire depend on you, especially the remnants of the party. You must pay more attention."

The fat man patted his chest without hesitation and firmly promised:

"Brother Chu, please rest assured and go to seclusion with peace of mind!"

Although Fatty is not as powerful as Chu Yi, there are not many people in the Spark Empire who can defeat him. And even though Fatty is usually naive, he is actually very smart at heart.

Chu Yi knew nothing about the length of this retreat, but he knew that before he retreated, he had to arrange all the affairs of the Spark Empire one by one so that he could retreat without any distractions.

Back home, Chu Yi closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

However, with a creak, the door was pushed open and Anna walked in.

"Husband, I'm back..." Anna's voice was full of exhaustion.

Chu Yi opened his eyes and stared at Anna.

At this moment, she was wearing a white-gold robe, and her long golden hair was spread over her shoulders, perfectly showing off her curvy figure.

"Honey, you're back." Chu Yi said softly.

Anna said with resentment:

"Oh, why do you ask me to deal with so many things? I'm so exhausted!"

Chu Yi calmly replied:

"Of course, these things cannot be taken lightly."

In the past, Chu Yi had been in charge of the affairs of the Spark Empire, but now it was Anna's turn, leaving her a little at a loss.

Anna finally understood how hard Chu Yi had worked. It was too much trouble to deal with the affairs of the Starfire Empire.

She smiled bitterly and said:

"It's better to let me fight the alien beast for three hundred rounds."

Chu Yi laughed:

"Haha, where did the strange beasts come from? Aren't all the strange beasts driven away by us?"

"Now you can't find any strange beasts even if you want to, isn't that good?"

Anna frowned slightly and said with a wry smile:

"Before, the threat of alien beasts made people fearful, but now that they are gone, it feels a bit boring."

Chu Yi solemnly said:

"Let's get down to business! I'm going to retreat to practice, and I will leave all the affairs of the Spark Empire to you."

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