Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 208 Genetic Potion, Extending Life For Thousands Of Years

Chu Yi's brows frowned slightly, and he couldn't help but be confused that the people in black robes called themselves victims.

what on earth is it? He could sense there was a story behind it.

Li Yixin quickly explained:

"Mr. Chu, don't believe their lies."

"The true purpose of these Dark God cultists is to destroy the world!"

Chu Yi raised his eyebrows and glanced sharply at the group of black-robed Dark God cultists:

"Destroy the world? You are so audacious! How dare you try to destroy the entire world?"

The man in black robe stuttered and replied:

"I...we just obey the guidance of the Dark God and believe that only by destroying the world can we build a truly peaceful world."

Chu Yi's brows were furrowed, and his heart was full of doubts.

He could not understand the twisted thinking of the people in black robes. They actually believed that peace could only be achieved by destroying the world.

However, his instinct told him that there must be a more complicated story hidden behind it.

"Who is the Dark God? Why should we believe in the guidance of the so-called Dark God?" Chu Yi's voice revealed a hint of indifference.

The eyes of the man in black robe flashed with a kind of madness for the dark god. Finally, a man in black robe squeezed out a few words:

"Lord Dark God will definitely let us be reborn, and this world will definitely be at peace..."

Chu Yi's eyes condensed, and he noticed the inner belief of these black-robed people. It seemed that the Dark God was really omnipotent.

Perhaps they don't really want to destroy the world, but are just forced into this dark organization.

Chu Yi frowned, stared at the man in black robe and asked:

"Who is your so-called dark god?"

The man in black robe swallowed his saliva and replied tremblingly:

"I...I don't know."

Chu Yi mocked dissatisfiedly:

"You don't even understand the God you believe in?"

The man in black robe quickly explained:

"No one has seen the Dark God, we are just Low Level members of the Dark God Cult!"

Chu Yi was no longer interested in these ignorant Dark God believers, and turned to Li Yixin and said:

"I'll leave this to you!"

He was obviously just a member of a cult-like organization for this so-called Dark God cultist. They kept preaching that destroying the world would bring peace. Such ridiculous rhetoric made Chu Yi have no interest.

Chu Yi decided to go home, and he said to Anna beside him:

"Xiao Na, let's go!"

Anna nodded, followed closely, and the two turned to leave.

On the way down the mountain, Anna hugged Chu Yi's arm tightly and asked with confusion on her face:

"Ayi, why don't we take care of those Dark God cultists? They don't seem to be kind people."

Chu Yi chuckled and said disdainfully:

"They are just a bunch of clowns and they are not worthy of our attention at all."

"This time, I got an extraordinary treasure."

Anna's eyes lit up and she asked curiously:

"Oh? What treasure?"

Chu Yi smiled mysteriously and said:

"Hehe, you will know when the time comes. This is a good thing."

While walking, Chu Yi and Anna had arrived in front of the Wings of Freedom.

Chu Yi smiled excitedly:

"Let's go!"

Soon after……

On the highway, the Wings of Freedom, like a vigorous bird of prey, soared across the wide highway, leaving behind a shining trail of traffic.

Chu Yi's eyes flashed with excitement, and he felt the wind whistling by his ears. He knew that this was his moment.

In an instant, he activated his own powers, and his mental power surged, allowing the speed of Wings of Freedom to reach a new height.

The engine roared, flames spurted out, and with the blessing of fire attributes, the Wings of Freedom's horsepower exceeded its limit.

On the highway, Wings of Freedom continued to accelerate, like a flash of lightning, overtaking all the vehicles.

Wings of Freedom's speed was getting faster and faster, everything became a blurred background, only he and the shining traffic existed.

Anna sat in the passenger seat and said loudly in shock:

"Ayi, can the superpower still be used like this???"

Chu Yi smiled softly:

"Of course, this is just the beginning, there are more interesting ways to play."

At that moment, Chu Yi activated the Primordial Origin function, and saw the wings of freedom in the vehicle gradually leaving the ground and transforming into an airplane.

As the flight progressed, a pair of wings formed by supernatural powers condensed on both sides of the Wings of Freedom, which were beautiful.

Above the sky, the wings of freedom continued to soar, cutting through the sky at crazy speeds.

After a long time...

At Li's hometown in Kyoto City, Chu Yi and Anna have arrived.

I saw Mr. Li lying weakly on the bed, his old face showing signs of serious illness.

Mr. Li said weakly:

"Chu Yi, you're here."

Chu Yi nodded:

"Well, Mr. Li, your two sons have already come to see me."

Mr. Li sighed:

"Oh, I'm dying."

"This genetic medicine has undergone rigorous experiments and verification and can extend people's lives for thousands of years."

Mr. Li's eyes widened and he said in disbelief:

"I don't know, but it's mysterious that they can actually attack me, a high-ranking member of the Dragon Kingdom."

"Your security level is a bit low."

He asked tremblingly:

"You tell me, I'll think about it."

"who is it?"

"Chu Yi, you are the hero of our Dragon Kingdom! I will do my best to pass on this hope!"

"Please take care of my two sons and two daughters."

"This thing can let you live for a thousand more years. It's better for you to take care of your children."

He explained calmly:

"Mr. Li, are you injured?"

"Can I ask you something?"

Chu Yi took a deep look at Mr. Li and said sincerely:

Mr. Li excitedly held Chu Yi's hand and said gratefully:

Mr. Li smiled bitterly and said:

"What a great invention! Why would you give this to me?"

Chu Yi was keenly aware of the injuries on Mr. Li's body, and his expression became serious:

"What? Can you extend your life for a thousand years? Impossible, this is impossible!!"

Mr. Li held the genetic potion and couldn't help but burst into tears.

Chu Yi smiled and nodded, handing the genetic potion to Mr. Li.

"This is true, Mr. Li."

A cold light flashed in Chu Yi's eyes:

"Mr. Li, you are the kindest and most trustworthy person I have known in many years."

Mr. Li nodded:

Chu Yi said calmly:

Mr. Li said bitterly:

"Well, I got attacked."

"I believe you will make good use of this potion and make more contributions to mankind."

Chu Yi took out a tube of shining genetic medicine from the space ring. This genetic medicine is the crystallization of the latest technology of the Spark Empire and can extend life for thousands of years.

Chu Yi thought for a moment and replied:

Mr. Li's voice was trembling:

And all this is thanks to the hard work of the developer Lemurnia. Without her help and her technology, the Spark Empire would not have been able to develop the genetic medicine so quickly.

What Chu Yi didn't say, what he didn't reveal, was that these thousand-year-level genetic potions were just the tip of the iceberg. His Spark Empire was now secretly developing higher-level, ten-thousand-year-level genetic potions.

Chu Yi frowned:

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