In the space outside the Blue Star, the Galaxy was lingering. Just when Chu Yi felt the beautiful scenery, a powerful aura suddenly appeared.

This aura approached extremely quickly, and it actually had a powerful aura that was not inferior to that of a planet.

Chu Yi immediately pushed Anna behind him and said anxiously:

"Xiao Na, retreat quickly! There are five powerful auras."

Chu Yi's eyes were solemn. He held the God-killing Sword tightly in his hand and stood straight on the spot.

Five beams of light struck Chu Yi like lasers, and their speed was so fast that it was difficult to fathom.

But he did not flinch, but faced this wave of powerful attacks.

He concentrated on Qi Gathering, and the power of Primordial Origin surged throughout his body, forming a black lotus pattern, exuding the aura of destruction.

The World-Destroying Black Lotus appeared out of thin air at Chu Yi's feet, suddenly blooming with bright black light.

The black light seemed to have solidified, and the powerful aura intertwined around him to form an indestructible energy shield, instantly blocking the attacks of five beams.

Chu Yi smiled lightly, his deep eyes revealing a hint of indifference and calmness.

He asked calmly:

"Who are you?" There was an inviolable temperament in his voice, like a noble king.

In front of Chu Yi, five men in gorgeous robes stood out.

They are tall and straight, with handsome features, and their handsomeness exudes an unparalleled confidence.

The leading man's eyes were like lightning, sharp and sharp, as if they could penetrate people's souls.

He looked at Chu Yi arrogantly, with a sneer on his lips and a hint of threat in his voice:

"We are Star Gods, mortals."

"As long as you cooperate and tell us the whereabouts of the inheritor of the Dominion, maybe we can consider sparing your life."

Chu Yi held the God-killing Sword in his hand, his expression still calm:

"Star God, right? I don't want to talk nonsense with you. The person you are looking for is my brother. If you want to find him, you must kill me first."

A blond man, the leading Star God, said disdainfully:

"A mere mortal who disobeys God's orders is simply asking for his own death!!"

Chu Yi's expression remained calm:

"If you leave now, I can let you go. This is the opportunity I give you."

The blond man laughed, his laughter filled with madness:

"Hahaha, I have never seen such an arrogant mortal, kill him!!"

Chu Yi sneered, a flash of disdain flashing in his eyes.

He swung the God-killing Sword mercilessly, and the sword light was as sharp as thunder, slashing at the five Star Gods like a violent storm.

Facing Chu Yi's strong attack, the Star Gods all used their own unique tricks.

Five bright rays of Star God's light spurted out from their hands, burning like flames and sweeping towards Chu Yi.

The sword energy and the beam intertwined, and the world seemed to be silent for an instant, leaving only the violent collision sound and the explosion of energy.

Chu Yi's body was as electric as lightning, and he dodged the attack of the star god's light as fast as lightning. At the same time, he kept slashing out the Primordial Origin sword energy. The sword light was like a meteor in the night, extremely fast and fierce.

The star gods were not to be outdone, and they displayed their own unique skills one after another. As the starlight circulated, countless beams of light intertwined into gorgeous light curtains, covering Chu Yi.

However, Chu Yi remained unmoved. With the injection of sword energy, his God-killing sword was like the sword of the gods, unstoppable.

He concentrated on Qi Gathering, let out a low shout, and his sword power suddenly exploded.

The essence of the Primordial Origin swordsmanship is fully displayed. The bright sword energy is like the hot sun, piercing the starry sky and instantly cutting through the light of the Star God one by one.

The Star Gods were horrified that their attack was easily defeated by Chu Yi.

"Impossible, we are Star Gods, we are real gods!!"

An unprecedented fear arose in their hearts, and they felt that they were facing a real sword god.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Chu Yi's mouth, with burning murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

"God? A bunch of little rubbish dare to call themselves gods. What a joke!"

He continued to use the Primordial Origin Sword Slash without mercy, and the sword energy swept away like a gust of wind, leaving the five Star Gods unable to fight back.

In the end, the five star gods were floating in space, their bodies broken and bloody.

Chu Yi looked at them indifferently, without a trace of pity in his eyes.

They understand that they cannot escape this fate of being swallowed up, and are destined to become part of Chu Yi's power.

A huge amount of energy gradually rose up from his body, and the power of the Star Gods of these five Star Gods was very powerful.

The power of the Star God is known as the existence of immortality wherever there is starlight.

Facing Chu Yi's devouring power, the Star Gods had fallen into endless despair.

"Ah? I still want to go shopping..."

"Very good, Primordial Origin Dao Body has been improved again..."

However, these five star gods could only become sacrifices devoured by Chu Yi. Who made them encounter Chu Yi, a monster with the power of devouring.

His eyes were cold and ruthless, only focusing on the power of the five Star Gods in front of him.

When Chu Yi completed devouring the five star gods, his body was covered with a layer of twinkling starlight.

His eyes gradually became deep and bright, as if he had the power of the stars under his control.

Then, the layer of bright starlight dissipated in an instant, and Chu Yi's breath also restrained.

Chu Yi stood under the starry sky, exuding a powerful coercion, as if the devil had descended into the mortal world.

"Hehe, of course."

Anna held Chu Yi's arm tightly and said softly:

Chu Yi had a hunch in his heart that the five star gods he devoured were not the top ones, and there must be others more powerful than them.

Although the Star Gods were pleading one after another, Chu Yi remained unmoved.

Chu Yi smiled and said:

When the power of the Star God penetrated Chu Yi's body, a mysterious and powerful energy began to flow in his blood.

The power of the Star God merged in Chu Yi's body, like thousands of stars shining in his blood.

Chu Yi felt his own strength growing, and his strength increased rapidly with every swallow.

Chu Yi's body began to change in the process of swallowing the power of the Star God.

The Star Gods begged in pain, their voices full of despair and helplessness:

"Ayi, great, have you become stronger again?"

Chu Yi said with some embarrassment:

His muscles were luxuriant, and the light of stars flowed in his blood, as if he had become the incarnation of the starry sky.

With the power of devouring, he began to greedily devour the power of the five Star Gods, ruthlessly devouring the power of the Star Gods like a hungry beast.

They were once powerful men in the starry sky, but now they can only become lambs to be slaughtered by Chu Yi.

Their once arrogant and confident demeanor had long since disappeared, replaced only by endless fear.

"Please, don't kill me, don't kill me..."

"But I feel that there are some more powerful beings in this world."

"Husband, don't think so much. Now that the problem has been solved, let's go shopping!"

This power purified his body like a baptism, making his skin shine with a dazzling light.

At this moment, Anna's voice sounded:

"I am willing to be your slave, please..."

"That's it? You really let me down..."

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