Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 170 I Want To Talk To You All Night Long

At this moment, Starfire Alliance, Starfire City, and Starfire Academy are bustling with excitement.

In a room in the science and technology building, two women, Bai Zhixue and Lemurnia, looked at each other face to face.

They have become colleagues. Bai Zhixue serves as the representative of the Bai family of the new human empire, while Lemurnia represents the Ram star.

The problem is that Bai Zhixue not only has a better figure, but also looks more beautiful, and more importantly, her skills are too powerful.

This made Lemurnia a little unconvinced!

"Bai Zhixue, what qualifications do people from the New Human Empire have to dictate here!" Lemurnia said not to be outdone.

Bai Zhixue said calmly:

"Our New Human Empire's Bai family has a cooperative relationship with Chu Yi. Please understand."

Lemurnia still said stubbornly:

"So what, that's not enough for you to point fingers here!"

Bai Zhixue smiled and said calmly:

"It's not that I look down on Ram Star, nor that I want to point fingers, it's just that your technology is too backward!"

Lemurnia retorted angrily:

"How dare you say that our technology on Ram Star is backward!!!"

In the previous Spark City, Lemurnia had always been the authority on technology.

However, now a Bai Zhixue from the New Human Empire has joined their team.

It's like the boss of the company suddenly wants to be your equal. This is really unbearable!

At this moment, Zheng Xin suddenly rushed in and advised:

"Sisters, stop arguing. Harmony brings wealth, and harmony brings wealth."

Lemurnia glared at Zheng Xin and said dissatisfied:

"Zheng Xin!! What are you talking about? Bai Zhixue has just arrived, and you call her sister? You..."

Bai Zhixue walked up to Zheng Xin with a smile, pulled him to sit on the sofa, and said happily:

"This is Zheng Xin! Chu Yi's classmate for three years, we still have a good relationship. I heard that you are also a business wizard!"

Then, Bai Zhixue actually poured a cup of tea for Zheng Xin herself.

She said with a gentle face:

"Drink tea first and let's talk slowly. I want to talk to you all night long."

Zheng Xin almost spit out his tea. What kind of talk is this, talking all night long?

This is going to happen! ! !

Zheng Xin's face turned red. Should he...

Zheng Xin still remained calm on the surface and said softly:

"Let's forget it, after all, we just met."

Bai Zhixue's smile became even brighter and her eyes narrowed into slits:

"Then since you just met me, why do you still call me sister?"

Zheng Xin felt embarrassed. He just wanted to be polite, but he didn't expect the other party to take it seriously.

However, Lemurnia spoke angrily:

"Zheng Xin, come here. This person is a member of the New Human Empire. Do you know that the New Human Empire tried to destroy us before!"

Bai Zhixue tried to explain:

"Lemurnia, I believe you have misunderstood. We are not trying to invade you, but someone is trying to invade you, and that person has been executed by us. You cannot generalize all members of the New Human Empire!"

Lemurnia responded aggressively:

"That is also a member of your New Human Empire. Your New Human Empire has always only known about invasion!"

Bai Zhixue was also angered by Lemurnia's aggressive attitude:

" are unreasonable, unreasonable, and simply stubborn!"

Bai Zhixue decided to turn around and leave...

She planned to go to Chu Yi because the Bai family and Chu Yi had a cooperative relationship.

Lemurnia watched Bai Zhixue leave and smiled proudly.

However, Zheng Xin said:

"Sister Ya, is there something wrong with what you did? You made her angry."

Lemurnia said nonchalantly:

"There's nothing wrong with it. She's gone as soon as she's gone."

Not long after, there was a sound in the leader's office.

Bai Zhixue was already standing outside the office door, her ear pressed to the door and listening curiously.

She vaguely heard some humming sounds, which were unbearable.

What is this sound?

Could it be! ! !

Anna's voice:

"Dear husband, don't..."

"It's awkward there... um... um..."


Bai Zhixue blushed upon hearing this.

She waited outside the door for a long time, about three hours...

Until the unpleasant conversation between Chu Yi and Anna finally stopped.

It’s really torture, why is that, Bai Zhixue, the dignified New Human Empire, the eighth-level family, the eldest lady of the Bai family.

On a remote planet, listening to the voices of a man and a woman, it was like the world was in decline!

At this moment, in the alliance leader's office.

Chu Yi and Anna hurriedly put on their clothes and tidied up their appearance.

Immediately afterwards there was a knock on the office door, and the time was very precise.

Chu Yi said calmly:

"Please come in!"

Bai Zhixue walked in expressionlessly.

Sure enough, both Chu Yi and Anna were there.

Chu Yi raised his handsome eyebrows, feeling a little embarrassed. After all, he had just done that kind of thing. Chu Yi said calmly:

"What's the matter, Bai Zhixue?"

Bai Zhixue said helplessly:

"My work will be impossible if Lemurnia exists, and I need your help."

Their partnership looks like this:

Bai Zhixue handed over the Bai family's technology to Chu Yi, or to the Starfire Alliance.

Chu Yi wants to help the Bai family once in the future.

Chu Yi frowned deeply, his expression looked awkward, and he promised:

"Lemuria? I understand, I will solve this problem."

"But until then, please keep your word."

Bai Zhixue replied firmly:

"We will make sure we keep our promises..."

After Bai Zhixue left...

Chu Yi hurried to Spark Academy and went straight to the science and technology building, hoping to find Lemurnia.

Chu Yi and Lemurnia had a heated conversation and in-depth persuasion.

They had intense and thoughtful discussions around many issues, and finally came to an important conclusion. Friendly cooperation with Bai Zhixue was the only correct choice.

Three hours later...

Chu Yi leaned back comfortably on the chair, and Anna gently rubbed his shoulders. He felt extremely enjoying it.

However, Chu Yi suddenly held Anna's hand tightly and said softly:

"Xiao Na, I have a bold idea."

Anna asked doubtfully:

"Ayi, what do you think? Do you want to travel?"

Chu Yi narrowed his eyes and made a shocking proposal:

"I want to go to Jupiter to practice!"

Anna also opened her eyes wide in surprise, and then said:

"Is this really possible? With your current strength, can you adapt to such an environment for a long time?"

Chu Yi replied firmly:

"I have confidence! Only in this way can I quickly improve my strength."

Anna responded firmly:

"Ayi, I also want to go to Jupiter with you to practice."

Chu Yi sighed, with helplessness in his tone:

"Hey, Cortana, the Starfire Alliance needs you now. If we both leave the earth, who will be responsible for managing the overall situation of the Starfire Alliance?"

Chu Yi paused and then said:

"Actually, I don't have the ability to manage a force, and I have no interest in it. I'm just a pure cultivator."

"I hope you can learn, Xiaona, after all, you are the person I trust most in the world."

When Anna heard Chu Yi's words, a warm current surged into her heart, and she was moved beyond words.

She nodded firmly and said firmly:

"Don't worry, Ayi, leave the affairs of the Starfire Alliance to me!"

Chu Yi warned:

"No matter what happens, be sure to contact me through the Primordial Origin imprint."

Anna rubbed her plump left chest, where her heart was, and said with a smile:


Finally, the eyes of Chu Yi and Anna met. They were pouring affection into each other, their lips touched gently, and the contact was as soft as petals, as if the stars in the sky were shining between them, telling endless love.

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