At this moment, in the suburbs of New York, in an old castle, a river of blood flowed.

Anna's eyes were firm and sharp, like a sharp sword piercing the dark night sky. She raised the dark light sword in her hand, flashing with cold light and exuding a mysterious and powerful power. Her long golden hair fluttered in the wind, like a blazing flame. Her exquisite figure made her figure even more hot and attractive. Set against the background of the meson's battle robe and gorgeous cloak, she seems to be a female warrior from Mythical legend, and people are irresistibly attracted by her charm.

Anna stared firmly at the American in front of her. Her voice, with cold and firm determination, spread throughout every corner of the castle. "Are you the legendary Joseph Hof?" Her voice was like a voice. The cold wind was biting and ruthless, as if it could condense the surrounding air.

Joseph Hoff smiled disdainfully, with a hint of joking in his eyes, "Humph, a woman actually killed herself here." His voice was full of ridicule and disdain.

Anna was unmoved, and replied coldly and firmly: "Kill you, and I can continue my vacation plan. Go to hell!" The lightsaber in her hand shone sharply in the sun, exuding endless energy. murderous intent. Her eyes revealed invincible confidence, as if she had already seen the scene of victory.

"Dark Light Sword Slash!" Anna's voice was as cold as ice and snow, mercilessly ringing out. The lightsaber in her hand suddenly emitted a dazzling black light, like a bolt of lightning in the dark night. The sword energy was fierce and sharp, like a devil's claws, tearing the air instantly and flying towards Joseph Hoff.

Joseph Hoff shouted in horror: "Impossible! How can you be so powerful? Who are you!!!" His eyes were full of fear and disbelief. He could not believe the seemingly weak man in front of him! Women actually possess such great power. His body was shaking uncontrollably, and he felt like a small animal about to be captured by a predator.

Anna said coldly: "You are the person A Yi wants to kill, go to hell! You old bastard!!" Her tone was full of disgust and anger towards the enemy, and she no longer had any sympathy for him. She moved forward step by step, exuding a powerful aura, as if she were a ruthless queen, and every step she took carried the threat of death to her enemies.

In the end, Joseph Hoff was killed by the sword, and his body fell heavily to the ground, unable to get up again. Death!

Three hours later, Chu Yi and Anna finally arrived at a small town in the eastern United States. Parks has been following them, and the town is a portal to a dark underworld.

Chu Yi asked doubtfully: "Parks, this is the dark underground world? Why doesn't it look like it?"

Parks replied respectfully: "Master, you may not know that this underground world is not accessible to ordinary people. Only those with high status and special status are eligible to enter."

Anna said impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense and get to the point. Where is this underground world?"

Parks quickly replied: "Yes, Mistress. The entrance is in that tavern. Although it looks ordinary, there are many secrets hidden inside."

"Let's go!" Chu Yi's voice was filled with determination and determination.

After a while, they entered a tavern full of rich atmosphere.

"Boss!" Parks shouted.

As soon as the tavern owner saw Parks, he came over with a smile on his face and said, "Parks, are you looking for some blood again?" His voice revealed kindness and familiarity.

Parks nodded slightly, "Quick, take me in!" His eyes showed urgency and desire.

The tavern owner responded immediately without hesitation: "Come with me." His tone revealed a kind of trust and tacit understanding.

Immediately afterwards, Parks slowly walked into the tavern with Chu Yi and Anna. However, the boss's face instantly became gloomy. He interrupted Parks' progress unhappily, "Parks, you can come in, but They can't!" There was obvious arrogance in the boss's words.

Chu Yi frowned and asked dissatisfiedly: "What did you say?" There was a hint of dissatisfaction and impatience in his voice.

The boss replied firmly: "My meaning is very clear, you can't go in." His tone revealed a firm and unquestionable attitude.

However, as soon as the boss finished speaking, the God-killing Sword was quickly placed on his neck. Chu Yi's eyes were cold and firm, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his voice, "Do you dare to say it again?"

The whole scene happened too suddenly. The boss was frightened, sweating all over his body, and said in a trembling voice: "Please, don't kill me, don't kill me! You can go in, please don't kill me..."

Chu Yi calmly put away the God-killing Sword in his hand, and laughed sarcastically: "You are such a bitch, you have to put the sword on your neck to feel good, right?"

After a while, a huge underground passage appeared in front of Chu Yi.

This underground world really exists. As the three people entered, Chu Yi said in surprise: "I didn't expect that there is such an underground world in this world. It's incredible." This is the second time Chu Yi has witnessed the underground world. The first one is the headquarters of the special forces under the Kunlun Mountains.

Anna also said in surprise: "I didn't expect it to be the underground world!"

They were surprised to find themselves in a huge underground city, with endless surroundings and unobstructed views.

As Chu Yianna went deeper, the scene before her eyes was shocking. This is a trading center with a wide range of goods. All kinds of contraband quietly appeared in their sights, from guns and ammunition to arms and drugs.

There is even a market for human trafficking. The female slaves are naked, some have scars all over their bodies, and their skin and flesh are split, like a group of pitiful creatures that have been deprived of their dignity.

They endured endless torture, just like abused dogs, lying on the ground with their heads down, wagging their tails and begging for mercy, with only the dog food in their mouths as their only food.

The buyers here are all in neat suits and look like dogs. Some men even look like they owe a female slave on the street, begging for mercy from their master, and some women owe a male slave on the street.

Chu Yi even witnessed a female slave who angered her master and was beaten and scolded mercilessly in the street. The whip in her hand kept hitting the female slave.

The man in a sharp suit shouted angrily: "Damn you, I told you to be obedient a long time ago, but you still dare to disobey! Watch me beat you to death, you beast!"

The female slave cried out pleadingly: "Master, I was really wrong, I was really wrong, please don't hit me again!"

Chu Yi looked at the scene in front of him, gritted his teeth in anger, and roared angrily: "This is so crazy, it is simply a shame for mankind, a shame for mankind!"

Anna couldn't bear this cruel scene, she closed her eyes tightly.

At this moment, Parks said: "Master, Mistress, this is the underground world. As long as you have money, you can buy anything here, no matter how bizarre it is, this has become commonplace."

Chu Yi gritted his teeth and shouted: "Humph! This is a shame for mankind, die, you bastard!!!" He held the Hundred-step God-killing Spear tightly in his hand, his eyes shining with determination.

"Kill the God in a Hundred Steps!" Following Chu Yi's roar, the God-Killing Spear shot out like lightning and instantly penetrated the chest of the man in the suit. With a loud bang, he was pinned to the ground, and his life disappeared instantly.

When the people around saw this scene, they immediately fled in all directions and scattered like frightened birds and beasts. In the underground world, there is no police protection, no legal restrictions, and no one to control it.

In this cruel underground world, everything depends on one's ability. Some people rely on money to solve problems, some rely on external power, and some rely on strong strength to get what they need.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Anna hugged Chu Yi's arm tightly at this moment, tears kept falling down, her voice was full of helplessness and heartache, "Husband, this place is too cruel, too dark, I really I can't bear to see this..."

Chu Yi's life in his previous life was unremarkable, and he was completely unfamiliar with such scenes. In this life, he had been an orphan since he was a child, living in an old community, and had never seen such a cruel reality.

Chu Yi comforted her gently, his voice like a spring breeze, "Since you can't bear this scene, then I will change this place for you and make this place become what you love!"

Anna said gratefully: "Husband, thank you very much!" Her voice was full of gratitude, and tears shone in her eyes.

Chu Yi responded firmly: "Honey, there is no need for the word thank you between us." His voice revealed deep determination and commitment, and his eyes shone with endless warmth.

The two people's eyes met, and their emotions filled the air, like a warm current, connecting them closely.

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