At this moment, there was a solemn atmosphere in the room. Chu Yi looked young but in his early twenties, how could he win his father's favor.

Li Xuanyu tentatively said: "I wonder where Mr. Chu Yi is employed?"

When Chu Yi heard Li Xuanyu's question, his heart moved. He made up a lie without hesitation, "I am a teacher."

Li Muxuan also tried: "I wonder what Mr. Chu Yi teaches?"

Li Muhan also echoed: "Yes, I wonder what Mr. Chu Yi teaches?"

Chu Yi narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the four of them closely, with a hint of wisdom in his eyes, "You four are all at Heavenly Rank. This is what I teach!!"

As soon as these words came out, Li Xuanyu, Li Xuanfeng, Li Muchuan, and Li Muhan were all surprised that Chu Yi saw through their cultivation. This means that Chu Yi's cultivation level must have surpassed the Heavenly Rank. It is simply unbelievable for an Innate powerhouse who is only twenty years old.

Among the people present, only Mr. Li smiled and said softly: "Okay, let's go eat!"

Immediately afterwards, the nanny elegantly served plates of fragrant delicacies. On those plates are a variety of colorful and fragrant dishes, such as tender and juicy roast duck, fragrant braised pork, and mouth-watering fish-flavored shredded pork. Every dish exudes a tempting aroma that makes people salivate.

Chu Yi frowned, a trace of anger flashing in his eyes. He spoke in a firm and decisive tone: "Mr. Li, today I saw Americans shooting people from the Dragon Country on the streets of Kyoto City. Do you know about this?" His voice revealed his disapproval of this cruel act. Anger and dissatisfaction.

Mr. Li replied calmly, with a hint of helplessness in his voice, "I've also heard that such a cruel incident happened in Kyoto, our Dragon Kingdom. It's unbelievable." There was a deep look in his eyes. He felt powerless to deal with this injustice.

Chu Yi frowned, his eyes firm and decisive. He continued: "I learned about the mastermind behind this from the American." His voice revealed his pursuit of the truth and his desire for justice.

Mr. Li asked curiously: "There are many forces in the United States. I don't know which one it is?" His eyes flashed with curiosity and vigilance. He hoped to know something about the mastermind behind this.

Chu Yi said without hesitation: "It's the Joseph family and the US Bureau of Investigation! They are manipulating everything behind the scenes and trying to destroy the peace and tranquility of our Dragon Kingdom."

Chu Yi took a deep breath and continued to ask: "Mr. Li, do you know the exact location of the Joseph family and the US Bureau of Investigation? Please tell me."

Mr. Li pondered for a moment, frowned slightly, and said in shock: "Little friend Chu Yi, are you planning to..."

Chu Yi nodded firmly and said, "I plan to completely destroy them."

Mr. Li sighed deeply, showing a hint of helplessness, "I know exactly where the Joseph family is hiding, but the whereabouts of the US Bureau of Investigation are unpredictable and unpredictable."

"Haha!" Mr. Li laughed, "Don't mention these anymore, eat it quickly, it will get cold if you don't eat it."

Chu Yi saw that Mr. Li didn't want to talk any more, and immediately nodded in agreement: "Mr. Li really has good taste, this dish is really delicious!"

Mr. Li asked curiously: "I don't know Chu Yi, why didn't your wife come?"

Chu Yi smiled bitterly and said, "She! She went to the Security Bureau to see some of her disciples."

Mr. Li laughed loudly, raised his wine glass high and said, "So that's it. Little friend Chu Yi and I have been friends for many years. Let's have a drink!"

Chu Yi also smiled and raised his glass and said: "Haha, come and cheers! Let's have a drink together!"

There was a trace of helplessness in Mr. Li's eyes. He looked at these unfulfilled children, and the expression on his face became more and more helpless. "Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and make a toast."

Several people felt embarrassed when they heard what their father said. After all, Chu Yi was only twenty years old, so it was really inappropriate for them, who were forty years old, to toast him.

Mr. Li suddenly turned gloomy and shouted angrily: "Why don't you make a toast quickly? Can you do such a shameful thing!!"

Several people reluctantly picked up their wine glasses and reluctantly toasted Chu Yi.

An hour later, the wine was getting stronger and everyone was immersed in the joy of wine.

Chu Yi couldn't help but said: "Old Li, your drinking capacity is really worrying!"

Mr. Li laughed loudly and said: "Brother Chu Yi, I really admire you for destroying the Japanese country! I think back when the Japanese country slaughtered the people of our Dragon Kingdom, it was just like slaughtering pigs and sheep. When you destroyed the Japanese country this time, you simply gave us the dragon. The Chinese people have such a long face!”

Chu Yi smiled lightly and said calmly: "Those Japanese people are just a group of insignificant characters."

After Li Xuanyu, Li Xuanfeng, Li Muchuan and Li Muhan heard these words, they immediately fell into deep thought. They were stunned by the news. After all, this was no joke, but the destruction of an entire country. This fact made them feel extremely heavy and incredible.

In the past six months, news of the destruction of Japan has spread around the world, but no one knows who is behind it. All parties seem to have a tacit understanding to avoid talking about this topic, as if there is an invisible prohibition hanging over them, preventing them from touching this sensitive topic easily.

Li Xuanyu said excitedly: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, you actually destroyed the Japanese country! I, Li Xuanyu, admire you, and I'll give you a toast!"

Li Xuanfeng also praised repeatedly: "It turns out that the true hero is right in front of you. I, Li Xuanfeng, give you a drink!"

Li Muxuan said to Chu Yi elegantly: "Mr. Chu Yi, I didn't expect you to be the hero who destroyed the Japanese country. This is great news. I'd like to toast you."

Li Muhan said solemnly: "Mr. Chu Yi, your heroic actions are really admirable. No wonder my father respects you so much!"

Chu Yi said humbly: "No prizes, no prizes. An existence as insignificant as Japan is not worth mentioning."

In this way, Chu Yi and Mr. Li kept drinking in silence, as if time was frozen in that late night moment, lingering.

On the second morning in the morning, Chu Yi slowly struggled to wake up from the soft bed, his mind still a little groggy. While rubbing the fatigue accumulated during the night, a firm determination ignited in his heart.

He knew very well that the hidden threat of the Joseph family must be completely eliminated without leaving any hidden dangers.

Scanning the room resolutely, Chu Yi's eyes finally landed on the mobile phone beside the bed. He stretched out his trembling hand, gently held the device, hesitated, and opened the phone screen.

The missed call icons that lit up in front of him made his heart tremble. There were more than a dozen missed calls, all from Anna’s number.

Chu Yi dialed her number, and Anna's gentle voice came from the other end of the phone, "Husband, why don't you answer my call? Where are you now?" Anna's voice contained a hint of worry, expressing Her concern for Chu Yi.

Chu Yi smiled softly, "Honey, didn't you say you were going to visit some of your students?" There was a hint of playfulness in his tone, as if he was teasing Anna's doubts.

There was a hint of excitement in Anna's voice, "I've finished reading. Where are you now? I'll go find you..." Her tone revealed her anticipation for Chu Yi, expressing her desire to be with Chu Yi. The mood of being together.

In less than a minute, Anna hurried to Chu Yi's side. Her heartbeat quickened as she felt the close contact with him. She hugged him tightly, as if she wanted to put all her thoughts into this hug. Kissing Chu Yi tenderly and passionately, her lips and tongue conveyed her deep longing and passionate love for him.

Yi gently caressed Anna's buttocks, his fingers leaving a delicate touch on her skin. He asked teasingly: "What's wrong? We just haven't seen each other for a day!" There was a warm joke in his voice, and his eyes flashed with doting on her.

Anna responded coquettishly: "I miss you!" Her voice revealed deep longing, as if it was overflowing with sweet honey. Her eyes were tender and bright, shining with love for Chu Yi like starlight, as if telling him that he was the most important person in her heart.

Chu Yi frowned in surprise. He couldn't imagine that Anna would say such disgusting words. He remembered that she was once a soldier of the Bear Kingdom, but now she has become so coquettish and coquettish. He asked in surprise: "Who did you learn this from? I remember you were not like this before!"

Anna chuckled, with a hint of naughtiness in her voice, "Don't worry about this." She smiled softly, with a hint of naughtiness in her eyes. Her change may have been unexpected, but it also made Chu Yi feel surprised and warm. This lovely woman can always bring him unexpected surprises and happiness.

Chu Yi suddenly said with a serious face: "Let's be serious, I'm going to the United States!" His brows were furrowed and his eyes were firm, revealing the determination deep in his heart. A cold light flashed, and his eyes shone with an indifferent light, like a lonely and ferocious wolf.

Anna asked curiously: "Why are you going to the United States? The United States is not a good place." There was a hint of curiosity and worry in her voice, and she couldn't help but have some doubts about Chu Yi's decision. There was a trace of worry in her eyes, and she seemed to be vaguely aware of the danger.

"Go and destroy the Joseph family!" Chu Yi's tone was firm and cold, like a snow-covered mountain peak, exuding endless majesty. His eyes revealed a strong killing intent, like a sharp blade, ready to cut off all enemies that stood in his way.

But at this moment, Mr. Li's voice suddenly came, "Anna, you are here too."

Anna smiled and responded with a greeting, "Mr. Li!"

Mr. Li nodded slightly, turned his eyes to Chu Yi, and said worriedly: "Chu Yi, are you really going to the United States?"

Chu Yi replied firmly: "Yes, I am determined to completely destroy the Joseph family." He frowned and his eyes were firm, revealing an unshakable determination.

Mr. Li sighed, his face full of worry, and slowly said: "Oh, Chu Yi, the Joseph family has many strongholds, and it is rumored that they have real-level masters stationed there."

"So what?" Chu Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and his whole body exuded an extremely dangerous aura. "If a member of the Joseph family kills a member of my Dragon Kingdom, I will destroy his family!"

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