As the announcement of the ban on hunting exotic beasts in Spark City spread, the office of the leader of Spark City saw waves of people. Chu Yi rubbed his temples, feeling a trace of depression in his heart, "Oh, Dragon King, Dragon King, you have given me a problem." Just when Chu Yi was troubled, an unexpected figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Shangguan Lingwei was wearing a gorgeous robe, embroidered with gold thread patterns, exuding an amazing luster. Her noble and elegant temperament blends perfectly with her robe, like a blooming lotus, exuding her own unique arrogance. There was a hint of anger in her eyes that was difficult to eliminate, like a burning flame, burning away all obstacles that stood in her way.

Chu Yi frowned, with a look of helplessness and confusion on his brows, and a hint of doubt in his voice, "Shangguan Lingwei, what are you doing here!"

Shangguan Lingwei stared at Chu Yi with a cold and firm light in her eyes. Her expression was serious and dignified, as if she wanted to engrave Chu Yi's every word in her heart. She said in an extremely serious tone: "Chu Yi, do you know what you are doing? You dare to prohibit people with superpowers from hunting strange beasts! Do you want to make enemies of the superpowers in the entire world?"

Chu Yi replied firmly, his voice revealing a sense of fearlessness and determination, "It's not that serious. I'm just doing this to achieve peace." There was a hint of perseverance in his eyes, and he believed that his choice was the right one. Even if all the superpowers in the world oppose him, he will not waver.

Shangguan Lingwei sneered, her voice full of disdain and ridicule, "Huh, peace is not achieved by empty talk, but by killing!!!" Her eyes revealed a kind of coldness and sharpness, as if She has seen through the truth of the world, and only fighting can bring true peace.

Chu Yi frowned and said, "What are you going to do?"

Shangguan Lingwei said without hesitation: "Let's duel, as long as I can defeat you, you have to lift this ban!"

Chu Yi said disdainfully: "You are so weak now, there is no way you can be my opponent!" Suddenly a powerful aura emitted, like a bright light, instantly knocked down Shangguan Lingwei's mind. At this moment, Chu Yi is already a strong man in the star core stage, and is no longer the same person he once was.

Shangguan Lingwei asked in surprise: "How long has it been? How could you become so powerful!"

Chu Yi said confidently: "I am no longer the person I used to be. Now you may not be able to fight even three moves against me!"

Chu Yi continued to talk to Shangguan Lingwei: "Shangguan Lingwei, as the eldest lady of the Shangguan family, you control the power of the Shangguan Group and are the leader among superpowers. You have summoning superpowers and can Summon the true dragon.”

"Come on! Join us! Let us work together to realize a world without war and blood, and let the light of peace shine on the earth forever." Chu Yi stared at Shangguan Lingwei closely, with a firm light shining in his eyes. There was a deep sincerity in his voice.

Shangguan Lingwei was speechless. She stared at Chu Yi for a long time, and the time seemed to become long and silent. Suddenly, she could no longer hide her inner contempt, and said with a hint of sarcasm in her tone: "Chu Yi, you still like to brainwash me. And you are still as naive and childish as ever!"

Chu Yi smiled slightly and said slowly: "This is not brainwashing or naivety, but the pursuit of true peace."

Shangguan Lingwei responded indifferently: "Peace? This world has been governed by the law of the jungle since ancient times. There is no such thing as fantasy peace. I advise you to cancel this ridiculous ban. Being too idealistic will only make you reap the consequences. !" It is undeniable that she can no longer compete with Chu Yi. Chu Yi's growth rate is so rapid that it is jaw-dropping! Shangguan Lingwei's speech and behavior are much better than before. If it were a year ago, Shangguan Lingwei would definitely be full of arrogance.

Chu Yi's eyes were like ice, frozen on Shangguan Lingwei's body like ice. There was a firm strength in his eyes, like an invisible barrier. His voice was cold and firm, revealing a self-confidence that could not be violated, as if he had already made up his mind in his heart and vowed not to change again, "Okay, Shangguan Lingwei, don't say any more, I have already made up my mind. I have made up my mind and will not change! No matter how much you try to persuade me, it will not help."

"Hmph! You will regret the decision you made today!!!" Shangguan Lingwei bit her lips tightly, then turned and left without the slightest hesitation.

The superpowers in Spark City gathered together helplessly, their hearts filled with heaviness and confusion. They are trapped in a difficult decision, as if lost in a dark fog. Everyone's face was filled with endless pain and helplessness.

Many people with special abilities chose to leave Spark City and embarked on a journey to Yanjing City, Dongli City and other places. All this stems from the ban issued by Spark City - it is prohibited to hunt exotic beasts. This ban caused dissatisfaction and anger among the superpowers. They see this as a restriction on their abilities and an infringement of their freedom.

Soon after, the atmosphere in the meeting hall of Spark City was solemn. Chu Yi, Fatty, Nangong Shirong, Feng Qingyan and others stared at each other, and a breath of determination filled the air. There was a hint of planning in Chu Yi's deep eyes. He slowly said: "I have made a decision. We are going to establish Spark Academy. What do you think?" The meeting hall suddenly became quiet, and everyone fell into deep thought.

The fat man frowned, looked at Chu Yi doubtfully and said, "Why build a college when you are full and have nothing to do?" His voice was a little puzzled, as if he was confused by Chu Yi's proposal.

Nangong Shirong smiled and explained to Fatty: "The purpose of establishing the academy is not only to fill the vacancies for us superpowers, but more importantly, to cultivate more superpowers and make Spark City stronger." There was determination and warmth in her eyes.

Feng Qingyan nodded lightly and added: "Chu Yi is right, Spark City has lost too many superpowers in the past two days. If we can't find a way, the future of Spark City will face a huge crisis." Her There was a hint of worry in his words, and he was full of a sense of responsibility for the future of Spark City.

Chu Yi sighed softly, with a hint of firmness in his calm voice, "Yes, Spark City cannot rely on us people forever. We need a stable backup force here. If one day we leave or unfortunately die, Spark City You will be trapped in a helpless situation, at the mercy of others." His words were full of deep affection and concern for Spark City, and an indescribable determination surged in everyone's hearts.

With the joint decision of everyone, the Spark Academy project came into being. This college is committed to cultivating people with special talents and scientific researchers, providing them with a professional learning environment and advanced research facilities.

Those with supernatural talents will receive special training from supernatural beings. They will receive rigorous training at Spark Academy to discover and develop their own supernatural abilities. Those without special talents will become scientific and technological talents. They will learn the most cutting-edge scientific and technological knowledge and skills in the academy and contribute to the scientific and technological progress of Spark City.

Chu Yi firmly believes that through such a two-pronged approach, the future of Spark City will become even more brilliant. With powerful superpowers and outstanding scientific and technological talents, Spark City will gain greater development opportunities and become the leading place in the entire continent.

The next day, the news that Spark Academy was to be established spread quickly throughout Spark City, spreading to every corner like a vigorous heat wave. People in the city talked about this exciting news with great anticipation, as if the name of Spark Academy had been integrated into people's minds. Even distant foreign cities have learned of the news. People are full of curiosity and expectations for the establishment of Spark Academy. It seems that its name has become a symbol of hope.

The four major colleges, Yanjing College, Deep Sea College, Ares College and Starry Sky College, also received news of the establishment of Spark College. This news aroused strong interest in these world-famous colleges.

Time passed quickly for half a month, and a magnificent academy finally appeared in the north of Spark City. The towering Spark Academy is like a magnificent castle, standing there majestically and solemnly. Its majestic building is like a giant eagle, spreading its wings and ready to fly, and it seems that it can break through the sky at any time. The vast land where Spark Academy is located is like a suspended world, vast and boundless, extending to an astonishing scale of nearly thirty square kilometers. The scale of this institution is unimaginable.

Spark Academy is destined to become the only channel for cultivating talents in Spark City. This school will become the cradle of countless talents. In this solemn and magnificent institution, every student will receive rigorous training to become a future leader. This is not only the source of knowledge, but also the starting point of dreams. Every student will write his own glorious chapter here.

At this moment, in Spark Academy, a gorgeous and huge high platform stands. On the high platform, Chu Yi stood upright, his eyes confident and solemn, as unshakable as a mountain. Behind him, the huge school badge of Spark College fluttered in the wind, shining with golden light, as if announcing the new starting point of this college.

Below, there was a huge crowd, including a large number of civilians and media reporters, forming a bustling scene. Everyone is looking forward to it, with hopes and curiosity about Spark Academy. Every civilian and reporter is eager to witness the birth of history and witness the demeanor of Chu Yi, the founder of Spark Academy.

At this moment, a beautiful reporter stepped forward and asked with a smile: "City Lord Chu Yi, I want to know who is the first dean of Spark Academy?" Her eyes were burning, full of expectation and desire.

Chu Yi took a deep look at her and said solemnly: "I, Chu Yi, will serve as the first principal of Spark College." His voice was firm and solemn, as if carrying endless responsibilities and missions.

The beautiful reporter was not satisfied and continued to ask: "What teaching method does Spark Academy use? We heard that Spark City has banned the hunting of exotic beasts, which means that the academy cannot hunt exotic beasts to gain promotion." Her eyes were sharp and Keen, hope to get more information.

Chu Yi smiled and replied: "In Spark Academy, we will have several Rank Nine superpowers as tutors, and there will also be people with Rank Nine or above as teaching directors. Our teaching method focuses on the combination of practice and theory. Cultivate students' abilities for all-round development. We believe that only by deeply understanding the characteristics and behaviors of alien animals can we better coexist with them instead of harming each other."

The beautiful reporter asked again: "As we all know, there are only four colleges in Dragon Kingdom, so does the establishment of Spark Academy mean that it will become the fifth college?" There was a hint of expectation and excitement in her voice.

Chu Yi shook his head slightly, with a touch of pride and determination in his eyes, "No, our Spark Academy does not pursue these titles. We only accept people from Spark City. Our goal is not to become the fifth largest academy, but to cultivate Create a group of outstanding superpowers to contribute to the prosperity and tranquility of Spark City."

The beautiful reporter was eager to share her views, but Chu Yi interrupted her. His figure was as steady and firm as a mountain, brooking no doubt or interruption.

"Okay, the conversation with you is over." Chu Yi's voice was firm and calm. His eyes turned to the distance, as if he had seen the future of Spark Academy. It was a future full of hope and brightness, waiting for him to create.

Then, Chu Yi's eyes suddenly became extremely firm, and he slowly said: "Our Spark Academy will generously accept all civilians in Spark City and provide them with one-stop free education services, from kindergarten to high school, until they can awaken. Until they have superpowers. If students have superpower talents, we will provide them with superpower teaching. And for students who have not awakened superpowers, we will provide technology education. As for whether they are willing to stay in Spark Academy, it is entirely up to them. .”

In an instant, the audience burst into applause like thunder, sweeping in like a strong wind with majestic momentum. The audience shouted with excitement, their voices like a sea of ​​joy and passion.

"That's great! Our children can finally go to school!" The children's parents were so excited that their eyes filled with gratitude and joy. A couple hugged each other tightly, their hearts filled with endless gratitude.

"It's great, it's free, it's free!!" The audience in the audience exclaimed in admiration, their hearts filled with admiration for Chu Yi. They were deeply moved by Chu Yi's kind deeds and lamented his big heart and generosity. The free educational services are of such high quality that people are full of praise for Spark Academy and Chu Yi's abilities. The audience couldn't help but applaud Chu Yi's generous act, and their eyes shone with admiration.

"Chu Yi, you are our savior!" The atmosphere in the audience reached a climax instantly. Applause and shouts intertwined to form a touching hymn, praising Chu Yi's good deeds. Deep gratitude surged in the hearts of the audience. They could not restrain their excitement and stood up and applauded one after another. Chu Yi's name spread in the mouths of the audience, like a star shining in the night sky, illuminating everyone's heart.

"Chu Yi, I love you!!! I want to be with you..." A girl couldn't help but confess her love loudly, her voice full of admiration and admiration for Chu Yi.

The atmosphere in the audience burned like a blazing flame, with applause and cheers intertwined. A fire of hope was ignited in the hearts of the audience, and they were full of confidence and expectations for the future. Chu Yi became the savior in their hearts, and his generosity convinced them that as long as someone was willing to lend a helping hand, social injustice and poverty would no longer be insurmountable obstacles. They prayed silently, hoping that Chu Yi's charity would gain more people's attention and support, so that more children could enjoy high-quality education.

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