Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 130 Kunpeng Appears, Primordial Origin Fire Poison Form

At this critical moment, Fatty's provocation finally received a response from the enemy. The Puss star battleship group suddenly emitted ten dazzling gamma rays with astonishing power, like a bright meteor shower streaking across the darkness of the universe, emitting terrifying power and dazzling light. Chu Yi had a proud smile on his face and narrowed his eyes. He finally got the effect he desired, and his heart was filled with satisfaction and joy.

Chu Yi felt the powerful power of gamma rays, and felt a deep sense of pride in his heart. He had been waiting for this moment, waiting for his opponent's shocked and frightened expression. Now, the opportunity has finally arrived. Gamma rays are like a brilliant rain of light, breaking through the darkness of the universe and lighting up the entire interstellar space.

"Absorb the evil spirit!" Chu Yi shouted like thunder.

In an instant, the black barrier emitted bright light, like a huge black diamond shining with brilliant colors. It is extremely strong, like an impeccable barrier, completely confining incoming gamma rays. In Chu Yi's body, the Primordial Origin core seemed to be filled with endless energy, and began to burst out with dazzling light, like a dazzling star.

At this moment, in the Pus star main ship, a enchanting woman appeared in sight. She has a tall and straight posture and exudes a majestic aura. Wearing a black cloak, he looked like an eagle hovering in the sky. There is perseverance and determination in her brows. There is no doubt that she is the commander of the Pus Star War - Uratisi!

Ulatisi, who had sharp eyes, asked: "Where did they come from? Can they resist the power of gamma rays?"

The subordinates reported respectfully: "Reporting to the commander, news came from Blue Star not long ago that the starship we dispatched has been destroyed, and everything was done by that person. The man with black hair and a black gun in his hand is named Chu Yi. He is a superpower on Blue Star who is in the transformation stage and is extremely powerful. His wife Anna is also a light superpower and is also in the transformation stage. There is also a fat man named Qin Tianzhu who is also in the transformation stage. The woman next to him is Nangong Shirong, a lightning power user, and the two have a close relationship. This is the information we have so far..."

After Uratisi heard the news indifferently, he ordered his subordinates without hesitation: "Send our most powerful Dragon Race immediately to completely eliminate these people! We have been cooperating with the Alliance for a long time, and these The beasts should put some effort into this too!”

The subordinate immediately bowed and responded: "Yes!" His voice was full of loyalty and respect for Uratisi.

Chu Yi felt the energy of gamma rays penetrate into his body, like a surge of warmth. He frowned slightly, confusion and curiosity in his eyes. His voice was a little low, and he said with confusion on his face: "This energy is not enough! Why did they suddenly stop emitting gamma rays?" His voice was full of confusion and curiosity.

Anna couldn't help but frown, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes, and she murmured: "Are these the legendary gamma rays? They don't seem to be very powerful." There was a hint of disappointment in her voice, as if she was disappointed about this. This long awaited adventure was a bit disappointing.

"Hahaha!" Chu Yi couldn't help laughing happily. He hugged Anna's slim waist without hesitation, feeling her soft and plump body. The two people are close together, as if two perfect puzzle pieces fit together. Chu Yi's laughter revealed a sense of confidence and pride, as if he had mastered everything.

"It's not that gamma rays are not strong, it's that your husband and I are too strong, hahaha!" Chu Yi smiled proudly, with a hint of arrogance in his voice. His eyes shone with confidence, as if he was already standing at the top, overlooking everyone.

Ana's cheeks turned red, and there was a warmth in her heart. She let Chu Yi hug her tightly without any resistance, feeling his broad chest and solid arms. Their bodies fit tightly together, as if their attraction to each other was irresistible. Anna felt an unprecedented peace of mind and dependence, and she enjoyed the happiness of being pampered and protected.

Anna added softly: "Maybe they feel that this thing is not too threatening to you, so they don't continue to use it..."

However, at this moment, in the main ship of Pus, Uratisi said angrily: "Go and let the giant Dragon Race attack. You dare to show affection on the battlefield. You must die!!!"

The subordinates hurriedly replied: "Commander Tisi, please rest assured, we will urge them to take action immediately."

After a while, Chu Yi and others nervously confronted the Pus starship group.

"Look, everyone, the giant Dragon Race is coming!!" Suddenly, Nangong Shirong's voice came. Her voice was full of surprise and nervousness, making everyone's heart beat faster.

The fat man shouted excitedly: "Haha, it's finally here! Wait for me to completely defeat these lizards!" His voice was full of fighting spirit and ridicule, like a beast ready to pounce on its prey.

Under the gaze of everyone, a huge dragon soared in the sky. Its body is huge, as majestic as a mountain, and it is amazing.

Chu Yi held the God-killing Spear tightly in his hand and stared at the oncoming dragon. His eyes revealed a disdain, as if he was fighting against an enemy that was not worth mentioning.

The dragon roared angrily, and breath surged from its throat. This breath contains the power of destruction, like a black whirlwind, attacking Chu Yi and others. Facing this terrifying power, Chu Yi did not flinch. He took a deep breath, and his whole body emitted a dazzling light, as if a god of death had descended into the mortal world. With an angry shout, Chu Yi's God-killing Spear turned into a bright light, like a meteor piercing the dark night, charging towards the giant dragon.

"World Destruction Spear!" Chu Yi roared, and his God-killing Spear instantly burst out with dazzling light, like a meteor transmigrating across the night.

This was the first time that Chu Yi used the power of ancient martial arts in actual combat, and it also incorporated the power of supernatural powers. He held the gun handle tightly, aimed solemnly at the dragon's weakness, and rushed forward resolutely.

At this moment, a tense atmosphere filled the space, as if time had stood still. The power of the Qiankun Destruction Spear was like a violent storm, beating the giant dragon back. Continuous impact sounds resounded through the space, dragon scales splashed everywhere, and the dragon's body kept shaking.

A strong sense of pride surged in Chu Yi's heart. His body was full of power. He could feel the power of the Qiankun Destruction Gun perfectly integrated with his own thoughts. Every attack is precise and every hit is a fatal blow.

The dragon let out a loud roar and tried to fight back. But Chu Yi nimbly dodged its attack, and once again activated the power of the Qiankun Destruction Spear, directly striking the dragon's eyes.

Chu Yi shouted with great momentum: "Die, swallowed by evil energy!" Black energy surged all over his body instantly, and black mist filled the surroundings. He successfully activated the mysterious ability of being swallowed by evil energy.

"Awww..." A shrill roar of a giant dragon cut through the silent space battlefield. The sound pierced people's hearts like a sharp blade, bringing endless fear. The giant dragon twisted its body in pain, and every scale trembled violently. In the end, it was suspended in the endless space and died completely.

"I didn't expect that by absorbing this giant dragon, I could obtain such vast spiritual energy. It's simply incredible!" Chu Yi was filled with joy, and he was extremely surprised by his improvement in strength.

At this moment, the Primordial Origin core in Chu Yi's body was larger and more powerful than before, and the power of his supernatural powers was once again increased to a terrifying level. He felt as if he was standing on the top of endless power, which made him feel infinite confidence.

However, at this critical moment, Anna shouted worriedly: "Ayi, look, there are hundreds of giant dragons, what should we do?" Her voice revealed deep worry and anxiety.

Chu Yi did not hesitate at all and replied firmly: "You and Nangong Shirong retreat first. Fatty and I will deal with these giant dragons!" His tone was full of firmness and determination, and he was not afraid of facing many enemies.

Anna still said uneasily: "But..." She tried to say something, but was interrupted mercilessly by Chu Yi.

"Stop talking nonsense, retreat quickly, I don't want you to get hurt!!!" Chu Yi's words revealed his concern and protection for Anna. He didn't want to see her get hurt in any way.

When Anna heard Chu Yi's words, she nodded obediently and obediently pulled Nangong Shirong back. She felt deeply reassured by Chu Yi's decision and knew that he was capable of handling the crisis at hand.

At the same time, Fatty shouted with determination: "Brother Chu, let's charge forward!" Fatty's body emitted a dazzling golden light and rushed towards the Dragon Army like a bolt of lightning.

And Chu Yi shouted loudly: "Primordial Origin fire poison form, turn on!!" In an instant, Chu Yi's body was shrouded in purple poisonous gas, and the poisonous gas wrapped around his body like a ferocious python. This purple poisonous gas is mixed with a faint golden flame, as if it is the intertwining of fire and poison, blooming with terrifying power. Chu Yi shouted loudly, his voice full of determination and determination, like the roar of a demon king, announcing the activation of his Primordial Origin fire poison form.

Chu Yi then continued to read: "Little Shark, come out!" Under his call, a huge Kunpeng appeared next to him instantly. At this time, Kunpeng was showing its majestic shape. Chu Yi stood firmly on its broad back, looking resolutely at the group of dragons in front of him.

"Little Shark, let's go!!" Chu Yi raised his arms and shouted, his voice resounding through the sky like thunder, inspiring Little Shark to rush towards the group of dragons with him.

In an instant, the prelude to the killing began! Chu Yi raged ferociously among the giant dragons, and the fire and poison gas spread among the dragons, forming a strange scene.

A fierce battle broke out instantly, and Chu Yi showed his unparalleled ferocity. Wearing a dark golden battle robe, he shuttled among the dragons like a bloodthirsty demon. Flames and poisonous mist filled the surroundings, making people feel extremely uneasy and frightened.

The fat man held the Ruyi Golden Cudgel and swung it like a crazy storm. Each blow hit the dragon's body hard, making a deafening sound.

Chu Yi, on the other hand, was constantly devouring these giant Dragon Races. These giant dragons were huge in size and contained vast spiritual energy in their bodies. He continued to devour these dragons without hesitation, constantly incorporating their power into himself. Whenever a giant dragon is completely swallowed by him, the spiritual energy in Chu Yi's body surges like a tide, allowing his strength to grow rapidly.

No matter it was the second, fifth or tenth dragon, they could not stop Chu Yi's greed. He devoured them one by one without hesitation, absorbing their power into himself. His body began to change, his muscles became stronger, and there was an evil light in his eyes.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..." The giant dragons roared one after another, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere. Chu Yi stood in the sea of ​​dragons, like a bloodthirsty demon, filled with an irresistible force. With his ferocious posture and endless desire, he could feel the growth of power in his body with every swallow, which made him even more crazy and eager.

Behind Chu Yi, the fat man waved his golden cudgel and hit the dragon crazily. Each blow carried incomparable power, smashing the dragon's body into pieces and making a deafening noise.

The giant dragons howled and tried to fight back, but were unable to withstand the violent attacks of Chu Yi and Fatty. Their strength and skill complement each other, forming an insurmountable barrier.

The battle continued, and the figures of Chu Yi and Fatty shuttled among the dragons, like two ferocious beast kings. Their eyes flashed with beast-like light, and the endless will to kill burned in their bodies.

Countless dragons continued to die, and the breath of life gradually dissipated. Chu Yi and Fatty were covered in blood and full of traces of battle. Their eyes revealed an indescribable excitement and satisfaction.

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