Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 127 Three Months Later, Fight Against Mo Aotian Again

Chu Yi is immersed in the world of cultivation and works hard to improve his abilities every day. At the same time, the married life between him and Anna was full of endless passion and romance, which made Chu Yi intoxicated. To each other, they showed their love for each other unabashedly, as if they were the only two people in the whole world, and external interference was completely blocked. This sweet life gives them endless happiness and satisfaction, making them feel extremely lucky.

On the star battleship, Chu Yi and Anna spent three months. At this moment, they were in the starship lounge. Anna had a plump body, her proud breasts highlighted her seductive curves, and her hips swayed slightly, showing off her charming figure. She walked towards Chu Yi lightly, limping slightly. At this time, her legs were already a little numb, which was the pain Chu Yi had caused her.

Anna said coquettishly: "Ayi, you are such a bad guy, you use so much force every time, you really want to hurt me to death." She pouted, frowned slightly, and was slightly angry.

Chu Yi scratched his head and responded awkwardly: "Sorry, I will be gentler next time. But, we finally arrived at Ram Star." There was a trace of apology in his voice, and joy shone in his eyes.

Anna said helplessly: "I say this every day, but I forget every time! Forget it, I'll just sacrifice it." She sighed, with a hint of helplessness and tolerance in her expression.

An hour later, Chu Yi, Anna, Fatty and Nangong Shirong finally arrived at the Ram Star War Department. They passed through the huge gate and arrived in front of a magnificent building.

"Labes, long time no see!" Chu Yi greeted with a smile, his voice loud and confident.

Labes responded: "Chu Yi, everyone from Blue Star, great, you are finally here." A trace of relief appeared on his face.

Lemurnia also joined their conversation. She stood aside with a firm and solemn look, "Chu Yi, the situation is urgent now and we need your help." Her voice had a sense of urgency, which made people feel sad. Awe.

Chu Yi immediately asked: "Please tell us the specific situation." His eyes were sharp and focused, as if he could see through everything.

Lemurnia said seriously: "Our military base of the Ram Federation is being attacked by superpowers from the Pus star, and the superpowers we can mobilize are no match for them." Her voice revealed helplessness. and worries.

"In fact, in terms of technological strength alone, we are on par with the Pussian planet, but they seem to have close ties with some powerful superpowers." Lemurnia continued to add, her tone full of speculation and Puzzled.

"So that's it..." Chu Yi suddenly realized, and a flash of enlightenment flashed in his mind.

After understanding the specific situation, Chu Yi and others instantly turned into four streams of light and headed to the Ram Federal Military Base. Soon after, Chu Yi stared at the scene in front of him. He witnessed a dozen demons wreaking havoc in the military base, and the people were helplessly slaughtered by them. At the same time, a dozen small starships were resisting tenaciously.

Chu Yi instantly transformed into the God-killing Spear, activated the Kunpeng Armor, entered the Primordial Origin form, and suddenly transformed into a god-of-war existence. He loudly announced without hesitation: "Let's go! Kill all these demons!"

"For A Yi, I will kill you with my own hands!" Anna fiercely switched to the demon form. She held the lightsaber tightly and rushed towards the demons bravely.

"Demon minions, take a stick from me, Lao Zhu!!!" The fat man waved the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, his whole body was emitting dazzling golden light, and a set of golden armor appeared on his body.

Nangong Shirong also transformed into purple lightning and rushed towards the demons like thunder.

The faces of the demons became distorted under the attacks of Chu Yi and others, and ferocious roars echoed in the air, "These hateful guys actually have reinforcements! Kill them all first!!"

One of the demons couldn't help but exclaimed: "How could there be such a powerful person on Ram Star!!"

"Hmph! Let me die for all the mere devils!" Chu Yi's eyes were firm and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"God-killing spear technique - Primordial Origin Wuji style!!" Chu Yi waved the god-killing spear in his hand without hesitation. The spear technique was like a dragon flying through the air, criss-crossing, as if boundless power surged at the tip of the spear, triggering gusts of violent wind. . The Primordial Origin power contained in his body burst out, like rivers converging into a sea, boundless. The God-killing Spear exuded a frightening evil spirit and began to devour the life force of these demons.

The demons were simply unable to resist, like lambs waiting to be slaughtered. Chu Yi and the others quickly eliminated all these demons. Their sword blades danced like the wind, and every accurate thrust was a fatal blow, leaving the demons without even a chance to breathe. The screams of the demons echoed on the battlefield. However, it was only a short moment. The demons fell one after another under the ruthless blows of Chu Yi and the others, leaving no room for resistance.

However, at this critical moment, a figure suddenly emerged from the darkness and appeared behind Chu Yi out of thin air.

This figure is none other than Mo Aotian! He has a strong body and majestic momentum, as if a ferocious Monster is stepping out of the gate of hell. His eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and he attacked Chu Yi without hesitation, with the demon blade in his hand pointed directly at Chu Yi's chest.

The demon war blade was like a bolt of lightning, piercing Chu Yi's chest, and blood spurted out like a fountain. Chu Yi's eyes widened and he murmured in disbelief: "You! It's actually Mo Aotian..."

Everyone witnessed this scene and couldn't help but feel horrified. Everything happened so suddenly that they had no time to react.

"Ayi!" Anna shouted, full of despair and fear.

"Brother Chu!" Fatty shouted sadly.

"Team leader!" Nangong Shirong shouted anxiously.

Anger filled Anna's heart. She clenched her lightsaber tightly, and her body instantly turned into a shining light, "Damn Mo Aotian! How dare you hurt my beloved! I will never let you go!!!" Hers The voice was full of determination and determination.

"Asshole! How dare you touch Brother Chu! Let's see if I don't smash you to pieces!!" The fat man held the golden cudgel tightly, roared loudly with anger on his face, and struck out at Mo Aotian. His voice was deafening, full of anger and majesty.

Nangong Shirong did not show any weakness. She turned into a bolt of lightning and launched a fierce attack on Mo Aotian together with Fatty.

"Hahaha...hahahahaha..." Mo Aotian's wild laughter echoed on the battlefield, and he stared at the three men fiercely, "Chu Yi is already dead, and you ants also want to kill me?? "

"And you, you must have absorbed the dark power of Xia Lu!!!" Mo Aotian's eyes were locked tightly on Anna, his eyes filled with fanatical anger, his voice full of hatred and pain, and he shouted through gritted teeth Said, "Human ants...go to hell!!!"

The battle is about to break out, and Anna, Fatty and Nangong Shirong start a fierce confrontation with Mo Aotian. The violent energy enveloped the entire sky, as if it wanted to swallow everything. The sound of weapons colliding echoed in the air, and the four streams of light continued to collide with each other. The battle scenes are extremely fierce, releasing unparalleled power.

"Mo Aotian, I didn't expect you to be so mean as to sneak attack on me! And your sneak attack skills don't seem to be very good!!" However, at this critical moment, Chu Yi actually let out a burst of ridicule, and then his figure suddenly appeared Disappeared without a trace. It turned out that the person who was attacked by Mo Aotian was just a Primordial Origin clone of Chu Yi.

Mo Aotian shouted in surprise: "How is that possible? Why are you still alive!!!"

Anna and the others saw Chu Yi walking like a tiger with no scars on his body, and their inner worries were slightly relieved, so they stopped fighting.

"Ayi, it's great that you are safe." Anna breathed a sigh of relief, her voice full of joy.

"Well, now let's deal with Mo Aotian first!" Chu Yi responded lightly, then turned his head and stared at Mo Aotian, roaring, "Mo Aotian, prepare to face death!!!"

Mo Aotian gritted his teeth and said: "Chu Yi, although I don't know how you survived, I will definitely kill you today!!"

Chu Yi sneered and said: "Haha, let's get started! Mo Aotian, you shameless trash demon!"

"God-killing Spear Technique——Primordial Origin Wuji Style!!" Chu Yi held the God-killing Spear tightly in his hand and started a thrilling duel with Mo Aotian on the battlefield. Their eyes flashed with ferocious light, as if two ferocious beasts were about to burst out with extreme power.

The God-killing Spear and the Demonic Glaive continuously clashed, making a deafening metallic collision sound. Every collision brings a biting chill, making people feel the fear of death lingering around them.

"Boom, boom, boom..." The sound of collisions between weapons echoed in the air like thunder, and the sound became denser and faster. It was as if time had been frozen by this battle, with only their figures moving rapidly. Every move was filled with violent energy, and the air was filled with the terrifying aftermath of the battle.

Their bodies become agile and graceful in battle, and every attack contains destructive power.

"Mo Aotian, you really exceeded my expectations. You have made amazing progress during this period!" Chu Yi's voice sounded cold and harsh.

Mo Aotian was furious and responded with gritted teeth: "How dare you, a mere human ant, be so presumptuous to me, go to hell! Human ant!!!"

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