Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 121 Qiankun Gong, Ancient Martial Artist Cultivating Body Refining Department

Chu Yi faced Li Zhuangyan and said calmly: "If I join the National Security Agency, we will only have four months. After four months, we will leave. Can you accept it? In addition, I must emphasize that I am not a cultivator. .”

"Ahem..." Li Zhuangyan coughed a few times, and was even more confused by these words. Li Zhuangyan didn't believe what Chu Yi said: "I am not a cultivator." "Mr. Chu Yi, of course, I dare to ask why you only have four Months’ time? Have you encountered any difficulties? We can try our best to solve it for you.”

He thought to himself that he had already destroyed a country, how could he not be a cultivator? This was simply nonsense! If Chu Yi is not a cultivator, who are these people? Ants? Immediately afterwards, Chu Yi had a conversation with Li Zhuangyan from the National Security Bureau, and roughly learned about the situation of the cultivation realm in this world.

Chu Yi learned that the realm of cultivators can be divided into nine categories, namely Acquired, Yellow Rank, Profound Rank, Earth Rank, Heavenly Rank, Innate, Xian Rank, Zhi Rank and True Rank. Each realm represents the strength of the cultivator, but Chu Yi still has doubts in his mind: Whether there are other higher realms after these nine realms, this is unknown to Li Zhuangyan.

And the practitioners here are actually called ancient Martial Artists. Qin Haoran once revealed to Chu Yi that before the spiritual energy was revived, there used to be a group of strong men, and they were also respected as ancient Martial Artists! Unexpectedly, in this parallel universe, Chu Yi heard these three words again.

This filled Chu Yi's heart with curiosity. He was shocked that ancient Martial Artists still existed in this world, and was determined to explore the secrets of ancient Martial Artists.

As Chu Yi had an in-depth conversation with Li Zhuangyan and Li Yixin, after some thinking, they decided to join the National Security Bureau for four months. They decided to face this new world with confidence.

Soon after, Li Zhuangyan led Chu Yi and Anna to Kyoto, the capital of the Dragon Kingdom. They came to a quaint and unique courtyard. Sitting in the courtyard was an old man with a kind manner. This man was none other than Mr. Li, a high-ranking figure in the Dragon Kingdom.

Mr. Li looked at Chu Yi and Anna with gentle eyes, and invited cordially: "This is a humble house, please take a seat."

After Chu Yi and Anna sat down, Chu Yi asked curiously: "I wonder who you are?"

Mr. Li replied with a friendly smile: "Just call me Mr. Li. My personal identity is not important. What is important is that I can find you two such powerful men. God bless our Dragon Kingdom! I didn't know you two. Do you have any needs or wishes? I will try my best to satisfy you."

Chu Yi said modestly: "I am just an Independent Cultivator, and my cultivation has always been about self-exploration. I wonder if Senior Li can give me some guidance and suggestions?"

Mr. Li was also a little shocked after hearing this. The Chu Yi in front of him clearly had such powerful strength. What's even more unbelievable is that he didn't receive any systematic study or practice, and he completely relied on his own exploration. This undoubtedly highlights his amazing talent and potential.

Mr. Li smiled and nodded, and said kindly to Chu Yi: "I understand, please wait a moment." Chu Yi nodded silently and waited quietly.

After a while, Mr. Li came over with two books in his hands. He said to Chu Yi: "This is the precious "Complete Collection of Cultivation Basics" of my Li family, and a basic cultivation method - "Qiankun Gong". Other families also have similar exercises, this "Qiankun Gong" It's just one of them. Although it may not be of much use to a strong person like you, it is a valuable training material for your descendants. This is also my gratitude to you two for destroying the Japanese country. I mean." Mr. Li smiled and expressed some of his thoughts.

Chu Yi felt happy, wasn't this exactly what he needed! He eagerly took the two books, "Complete Basics of Cultivation" and "Qiankun Gong", and he was filled with gratitude. He said sincerely: "Thank you very much, Senior Li. I would rather obey my orders than to be respectful."

Finally, he had the opportunity to start cultivating the power of this world, and he was looking forward to it. He knew that through unremitting practice, his strength would improve dramatically. He longed in his heart that these cultivation experiences and techniques could help him open a door to greater power.

Then, Chu Yi and Mr. Li started an in-depth discussion about the National Security Agency, discussing every issue in detail.

During this conversation, Chu Yi gradually gained a more comprehensive understanding of the current situation of the National Security Agency and continued to add his insights.

Although Chu Yi does not know the specific identity of Mr. Li, from Chu Yi's observation, Mr. Li is undoubtedly a high-ranking and important figure.

Mr. Li suddenly proposed an exciting idea. He hoped that Chu Yi and Anna could be responsible for training newcomers to the National Security Agency.

Chu Yi knew very well that it was better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish, and he agreed to this suggestion without hesitation.

After a while, Chu Yi and Anna finally arrived at the residence arranged by Mr. Li, a quaint courtyard house. The architectural style of this courtyard exudes a strong historical atmosphere, as if it carries traces of countless stories and years.

In a room in the courtyard, Chu Yi sat quietly, staring intently at the "Encyclopedia of Cultivation Basics" in his hand, and began to study it. His eyes revealed deep desire and determination, as if he wanted to turn every word in this book into his own power.

The light in the room fell through the window and projected on Chu Yi's face, reflecting his focused expression. His fingers gently turned the pages, and whenever he encountered an important concept or technique, he would stop and contemplate for a moment, as if he was trying to integrate this knowledge into his own thinking.

The cheerful chirping of birds could be heard outside the room, and with the breeze blowing, Chu Yi seemed to be able to feel the power of nature flowing around him. He knows that he needs to continue to learn and practice in order to achieve the state he pursues. He took a deep breath and determined to remember every detail in this "Encyclopedia of Cultivation Basics" and put it into practice.

Methods to cultivate vitality:

Yuan Qi is a cultivation method exclusively used by ancient Martial Artists. It is contained in every corner of the air. If you want to start practicing, you must first master the basic techniques.

The faster you can get started, the better. Only those who can master the cultivation of vitality in a short period of time can be called geniuses.

However, the cultivation of vitality is not limited to geniuses. Anyone can cultivate vitality. The only difference is the talent.

Chu Yi stared at the information on the "Complete Collection of Cultivation Basics" and couldn't help thinking, "Sure enough, everyone in the ancient Martial Artist can practice. Qin Haoran is right."

Then, Chu Yi looked at the introduction to the realm in "The Basics of Cultivation":

1. Acquired: It is the entry-level level of ancient martial arts, which is stronger than ordinary people. Some people who are not practitioners, if their physical fitness is strong enough, they also have the strength equivalent to acquired.

2. Yellow Rank: The second level of ancient martial arts, slightly stronger than acquired skills. Even the special forces with excellent skills, as long as they are not cultivators or people with other powers, are no longer opponents of cultivators of this level.

3. Profound Rank: Only when ancient martial arts practitioners advance to this level can they truly enter the ancient martial arts. Practitioners of this level can activate Houtian, Yellow Rank, and Profound Rank martial arts.

4. Earth Rank: A stronger level than Profound Rank. Practitioners of this level are stronger than Profound Rank and can start to use various Law Weapons freely.

5. Heavenly Rank: Also known as pseudo-Innate, it is a level between Earth Rank and Innate. Some Heavenly Rank masters have deep enough foundations that by chance, they can directly skip this rank and advance directly from Heavenly Rank. The realm of Innate.

6. Innate: A master of this level who has opened up the Ren and Du meridian and formed Qi Sea is considered a true master of ancient martial arts.

7. Sage level: A level that is beyond the level of ordinary ancient martial arts masters and is called a sage by Human Venerable. Masters of this level have the ability to fly in the air.

8. Supreme: Called Supreme by Human Venerable.

If masters of this level practice techniques above Heavenly Rank, they will be able to activate the secrets of techniques that are as powerful as Heavenly Rank martial arts.

In addition, masters who have reached the pinnacle of Dzogchen cannot directly advance to the True Level. They need to compress and refill the True Qi in their bodies nine times to reach the hidden form of the True Level. Only then can they truly advance to the True Level through practice.

This process is called the Nine Transformations.

9. True level: Called Perfected Being by Human Venerable, unknown...

Each realm is divided into five levels: early stage, middle stage, late stage, Dzogchen and its peak.

After a long time, Chu Yi finally read the entire "Encyclopedia of Cultivation Basics". A glimmer of enlightenment finally flashed in his eyes, and he had a clearer understanding of the levels of cultivation in this world.

"It seems that as long as you practice to the highest level, you can compete with Rank Nine superpowers." Chu Yi felt a surge of confidence in his heart.

Chu Yi deeply lamented that the way of cultivation in this world is not a simple matter.

At this moment, Chu Yi felt a gentle touch coming from behind. Her arms tightly wrapped around him, her chest was soft and plump, and she pressed against his back. Every breath made him feel extremely at ease. and comfort, as if they had become one.

"Ayi, have you encountered any trouble?" Anna asked gently, and she took the "Complete Basics of Cultivation" handed over by Chu Yi.

"Let's see, this is the Body Refining system of this world." Chu Yi said, with a hint of exhaustion and confusion in his tone.

Anna flipped through the pages gently, her eyes sparkling with interest and intelligence. She carefully observed the contents of each page, chewing on the mysteries contained in it. Gradually, her brows wrinkled slightly, as if she was thinking about something.

"This Body Refining system seems a little incomplete, missing some important details." Anna said softly, with a hint of determination in her tone.

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