Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 110: Interstellar Battleship Group, Destroyed

In an instant, the four people quickly launched an attack and violently charged towards the group of interstellar battleships.

Chu Yi's body swayed, and he instantly transformed into the God-killing Spear, activated the Kunpeng Armor, and entered the Primordial Origin form. He rushed towards the main ship resolutely.

At the same time, Anna, Fatty, and Nangong Shirong also launched a violent storm-like offensive, launching fierce attacks on the surrounding starships.

Not long after, Chu Yi quickly arrived at the main ship. He used the Divine Ability of the Primordial Origin clone to instantly differentiate into ten figures.

This time is different from the past. Chu Yi's Primordial Origin clone has evolved and can actually differentiate into ten figures, which is more powerful than the previous nine clones.

"Primordial Origin - God-killing Arrow!" Chu Yi's voice echoed in the void, as if it could penetrate time and space.

The black Primordial Origin longbows were transformed into the hands of the ten Primordial Origin clones. The bow contained various attributes and powers, making the aliens in the main ship feel an irresistible pressure. The clones held the God-killing Spear tightly to the Primordial Origin bow without hesitation.

Suddenly, the Primordial Origin ability was integrated into the God-killing Spear, causing it to emit the frightening Primordial Origin evil aura. The God-killing Spear seemed to have been injected with new life, filled with strong evil aura and endless killing intent.

"Whoosh whoosh..." The ten god-killing arrows were like arrows, rushing directly towards the main ship.

"Bang, bang, bang..." There were countless loud noises, and the main ship was shot into a sieve and was completely damaged.

"Alien scum! Surrender quickly!!!" Chu Yi shouted aggressively, his voice as harsh as a sharp sword.

However, Chu Yi's call did not receive any response.

"If you don't come out, I will rush in!!!" He shouted again, his voice full of threats.

"Hmph! If that's the case, then don't blame me for being ruthless!" Chu Yi snorted coldly and resolutely stepped into the interior of the main ship. However, the sight in front of him made his hair stand on end.

"This is it!" Chu Yi's eyes suddenly widened. There was a dead silence here, like a cold tomb. Bodies were scattered on the ground, lying in various directions, with mutilated limbs, and blood and pieces of flesh mixed together, creating a horrific scene. The lounge and recreation room were equally desolate, with the stench of carrion and the smell of death filling the air.

"Who is so cruel? He killed these aliens so cruelly and inhumanly." Chu Yi's heart was filled with shock. He felt an unspeakable evil aura that made him shudder.

On the other side, Anna and her teammates also successfully solved problems on other small starships.

Half an hour later, everyone gathered in front of the star battleship group.

Anna was the first to speak. She sighed and said to Chu Yi: "All the aliens on those starships are dead, and their bodies are unrecognizable."

The fat man frowned and asked in confusion: "Brother Chu, what happened?"

Nangong Shirong's eyes were full of confusion and she said, "It's so strange. These aliens were obviously attacked by some evil creature."

Chu Yi shrugged his shoulders and said with a wry smile: "I don't know. Anyway, the alien threat has been solved by us now. Let's go back and discuss it in detail."

After saying that, they flew directly in the direction of Blue Star.

At this moment, in Spark City, the special forces of superpowers established a branch in the core area of ​​the city. The design of the branch is very simple and military style. The walls are pure white, with no extra decorations, only a huge map marking important locations and tasks. The room is neatly arranged with tables, chairs and computer equipment, and every corner reveals a serious and efficient atmosphere. The design and layout of this branch perfectly demonstrates their professionalism and strength as a special forces unit.

"Xiaoxing, what happened?" Feng Qingyan stared at Tang Xiaoxing closely, her eyes full of doubts.

Tang Xiaoxing replied in a serious tone: "The alien interstellar battleship group has been completely destroyed."

Feng Qingyan's brows were furrowed, and there was no doubt in her voice as she said, "It must have been Chu Yi who did it. That's the kind of person he is."

"No! There are other creatures!" Tang Xiaoxing shook his head, with helplessness in his tone, "It was the Kunpeng group who destroyed the starship, but it was a mysterious creature that killed the aliens."

Feng Qingyan asked in surprise: "Can't you even see clearly with your starry sky eyes?"

Tang Xiaoxing smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, the situation is extremely strange. It seems to be a creature we have never seen before."

"Alas..." Feng Qingyan sighed, her face full of anxiety and worry, "It's been such a troubled time. We must do our best to track this mysterious creature and not let it interfere with our Spark Centenary Plan. any negative impact.”

Tang Xiaoxing looked at Feng Qingyan firmly and replied without hesitation: "I understand, team leader! I will do my best to live up to your trust in me!"

On the other side, Chu Yi and others encountered trouble. They were blocked by a strange creature. The creature looks like a giant mantis, shrouded in black, as if one with the universe. However, its chilling features are the pair of sharp black scythes and wings that emit black gas. If you don't observe it carefully, I'm afraid no one in this vast space will notice its existence.

Chu Yi stared at the mantis closely and asked, "What are you?"

However, Mantis remained indifferent and actually attacked Chu Yi directly.

"Attacking directly?" Chu Yi reacted instantly, holding the God-killing Spear tightly in his hand, firmly resisting the ferocious attack of the mantis's sharp scythe, "God-killing Spear Technique——Primordial Origin Promise Style!"

However, Chu Yi did not intend to just defend without attacking. Chu Yi waved the God-killing Spear in his hand and started a fierce battle with Mantis.

But the strange thing is that whenever Chu Yi is about to attack the mantis, it will suddenly disappear, just like Mo Aotian's moves.

"This is actually the power of space!" Chu Yi was shocked. He held the God-killing Spear tightly in his hand, sweat dripping from his forehead, and his eyes shone with perseverance.

"Xiao Na! What are you doing in a daze? Come and help!!" He reminded Anna to come to assist, eagerly looking forward to her help.

"Oh! Here we come!!" Anna nodded blankly, understood instantly, and quickly rushed to Chu Yi's side.

Chu Yi knew that only by relying on Anna's speed could it be possible to attack this monster. At the same time, he turned to Fatty and Nangong Shirong and shouted: "Fatty, Nangong Shirong, you are responsible for the containment, don't let this monster escape!"

"Yes!" Fatty and Nangong Shirong responded immediately and quickly rushed to both sides of the mantis, trying to trap it. Both of them are experienced combatants and are no strangers to such tasks.

Chu Yi activated the Primordial Origin Doppelganger Technique, and ten figures instantly appeared, each of which condensed his powerful strength and skills. They quickly approached the mantis and launched fierce attacks.

Mantis's sickle was constantly hitting the God-killing Spear in Chu Yi's hand, making a metallic sound. Every collision is accompanied by a splash of sparks, making people feel like they are in a fierce battle of life and death.

Chu Yi felt Anna hugging his back tightly, and their speed accelerated rapidly.

"This guy is too good at evading, Anna, use the fastest speed!" Chu Yi reminded loudly.

"Okay..." Anna responded, and in an instant she activated all her strength, allowing their speed to reach the limit, exceeding the speed of light.

Chu Yi held the God-killing Spear tightly and felt Anna's firm speed support behind her. He swung it hard, and the tip of the gun pierced the Shattering Void air, letting out a cold howl.

"Die!! You monster!" Chu Yi roared, constantly launching sharp attacks. His posture is strong and strong, and every move he makes is full of power and accuracy.

Suddenly, Chu Yi felt that the God-killing gun hit its target. The joy of victory surged in his heart, and he continued to attack without hesitation.

Success! Sure enough, the only martial arts in the world that can't be defeated is speed!

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